Syria Rebels Retake Strategic Base in North

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syrian rebels retook a strategic base in the northern Aleppo province on Saturday, as shelling killed at least 11 people in nearby Aleppo city, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

The group said rebels, including jihadists from two al-Qaida affiliates, launched a nighttime counterattack against regime forces, after they captured parts of the base on Friday.

Using Grad rockets against army tanks, they were able to regain control of the parts of the strategic Base 80 that they had lost during Friday fighting, Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said.

The clashes killed at least 53 people -- 33 rebels and 20 loyalists.

The rebels seized Base 80, which provided the garrison for both Aleppo international airport and the adjacent Nayrab military airfield, in February.

They failed to capture either airport, though they have seized the Minnigh and Jarrah military airports in the area.

Civilian flights from Aleppo International Airport have been suspended since the start of the year because of rebel fire.

The army has made several advances east of Aleppo in recent days, including the recapture of Sfeira, a town that had been under rebel control for a year.

In Aleppo city, meanwhile, the Observatory said shelling killed at least 11 people, including four children.

In the north-western Ashrafiyeh district, which is largely under regime control, five people, two of them children, were killed by mortar fire, the Observatory said.

State television also reported deaths in the area, saying six children had been killed and blaming "terrorists," its terms for opposition fighters.

In the northeast of the city, six civilians died, the Observatory said, including a woman, a six-month-old baby and a three-year-old.

More than 120,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict erupted in March 2011, according to the Observatory.

Millions more have been displaced inside Syria or have fled abroad.

Comments 6
Thumb jabal10452 09 November 2013, 14:14

Eeeh... that's one steady dude there. Not exactly built for agility. His place should be on top of a pickup shooting a dushka and not on the the ground where He's an easy pick for a sniper. Nice that the photographer caught the shell ejecting out of the kalash, though.

Thumb cedre 09 November 2013, 17:01

they never lost the base 80, just part of it at the begining of the attack, cant wait for the funerals in next days in Bekaa, Dahieh and the south. Rot in hell scumbags...

Thumb benzona 09 November 2013, 19:14

God bless the free Syrian army, God curse Bachar, his chabiha and the salafists he hired to spread fear in syria and the middle east.

Thumb cedre 09 November 2013, 20:34

not salafi(st)s bro, takfiris/khawarijs...

Missing voiceofreason 10 November 2013, 07:35

Good correction. There's a big difference.

Thumb benzona 09 November 2013, 19:16

the bird hunter you are referring to Are brainless human beings, not any better then the Syrian terrorist Known hired by Bachar's regime.