Hizbullah to Confront STL with Defiance and Perseverance
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah will seek to adopt an attitude of defiance against the second phase of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s indictment, reported the daily An Nahar on Monday.
Informed sources said that the party “will not back down an inch from its convictions to avoid appearing that the indictment had affected its resolve.”
“It is aware that the battle with the STL will be long and it will require patience and it has prepared itself for it,” they noted.
They said that the Hizbullah circles dedicated on following up on the indictment will adopt a similar approach that accompanied the release of the first phase of the indictment.
This approach calls for adopting media leaks, as well as “increasing the politicization of the tribunal” seeing as the second phase of the indictment will be accompanied by arrest warrants against 14 political figures that are part of the party and the Lebanese scene, the sources added.
Furthermore, the party is predicting that the indictment will be released after a major political development in Lebanon, similar to what happened with the announcement of the first phase which took place shortly after the formation of the new government, continued the sources.
The first indictment was accompanied by arrest warrants against four Hizbullah members, while the second phase is expected to include warrants against party members and other Lebanese politicians.
The STL’s second indictment will reportedly be released at the end of the month.

You can bark as much as you want you filthy assasins...
You are the plague of this country!
Sooner or later you are going down!

Hezbolashaitan is nothing but terrorist organization and radical musloms who hate other musloms from the Sunis religion, history has proved why they hate for the power and not for the real Islamic religion. Hezbollah must be stoped by all means, the Islamic world should step up and fight this redical organization who is responsible for the Musloms death andthge distruction of the peacefull Islam.

zionist detected!!!
where are you little zionists friends? gone on holidays? feeling little lonely in zionist information war department?

regardless of what one thinks of hizbala, iran, hariri, and all the garbage around everyone.. the way this stl has been operating is disgusting!!!
The only legitimate alternative is a GRAND LEBANESE court that will judge everyone for crimes commited 1975- till today. Conviction, and execution. after the last execution we abolish the death penalty.
Running after harriris murderers while failing to convict those who murdered and maimed close to 200.000 inocent lebanese, and ruined a whole country, and the future of 2 generations of lebanese. resulting in the uprooting and immigration of millions.. is inappropriate. Harriri is no better person than the 200.000.

These are the allies of Aoun...the one who allegedly wants to clean our country...
Start with your allies ya GMA.. don do the same mistakes you did in the 80s.

أسعد أبو خليل
أحاطت بهيّة الحريري نفسها، وأحاطتها حاشية الحريري، بهالة من القدسيّة؛ لكونها شقيقة مَن تحوّل بفعل المال الوافر والخطة السعوديّة مِن سياسي طموح إلى شبه نبيّ. والقدسيّة تلك حوّلت العائلة إلى العائلة القدوة ــــ بالنسبة إليها: أي هي مثل آل سعود. والفرع يلحق الأصل، ويقتفي خطاه ويتلقّى تعليماته. وبناءً عليه، فإنّ رفيق الحريري هو المؤسِّس، على طريقة الملك عبد العزيز الذي كان يزهو بقطعه للرؤوس أمام ضيوف مائدته، كما روى أمين الريحاني في «ملوك العرب». والعائلة الحريريّة تزخر بعطاياها السياسيّة: فابنا بهيّة الحريري جزء أساسي من بنية الحزب الحريري (ويجب أن لا ننسى أنّ نادر الحريري كان صلة الوصل الرسميّة بين الحكومة السوريّة والفريق الذي كان يصمّ آذاننا بضرورة وضع سكّة العلاقة على أسس رسميّة بين دولة وأخرى). لكن عبادة الشخصيّة بلغت حدّاً بثّت معه محطة «المستقبل» مقابلات مع ابن عم الفقيد، وحارس الفقيد وحلّاق الفقيد ونديم الفقيد، إلخ. وتحتل الشقيقة في التراتبيّة مرتبة رفيعة، يجوز فيها أمامها الخشوع في مجدليون.

I have yet to read some objective rebuttal to the STL by Hizb.... and its worshipers here and elsewhere except it is politicized, an american-israeli plot against the sacred resistance, and the usual revolutionary anti imperialistic verbal diarrhea. I am also amazed by how much the followers of this divine party hate Mr. Harriri, which if anything shows their deep routed religious hatred and nothing else.
The facts in the matter are not yet made public by the STL, yet the hizb.... and its followers have already jumped the gun and discredited it. Simply coz there were some media leaks does not at all mean the evidence is suspect. There are hundreds of people involved in this investigation from secretaries to drivers to judges. Anyone can leak some information. The evidence remains regardless. Hiz must learn it is not above the law and contrary to its belief it is not the center of the world. Wake up and smell the coffee ya Ashraf Al Nass.....!

poor jabel amel! he must be very worried as there are more than half of the lebanese population against his iranian party thus all sionists!!
you must suffer poor little thing....

in this forum...I sense as if some people has got an inferiority complex about Hariri...

@ mirvete 11: The man (God Rest His Soul) scares them while in his grave!

More conduct from Hezbollah that more and more looks like the actions of guilty parties. It is always the case when a person accused does not have the law on his side and does not have the facts available to acquit, then the next tactic is to attack the court who has charged him with a crime. All of these attacks launched by Hezbollah and that will be launched by them tell the world that they already know that the law and the facts convict them of their guilt. Otherwise they would defend themselves on the law and on the facts.
The only other explanation for their conduct is Nasrallah's belief that Hezbollah is above the law, that it does not have to respond to a higher authority than itself because it, Hezbollah, is the highest authority with regard to its actions.
If this is the rationale, then the world has a bigger problem than just a bunch of fugitives from the law. But an armed force that does not recognize any authority but God, and its internal leader is God's messenger.

The 4 wanted Mossad agents are now hiding in Israel by order of the leader of Lebanese Mossad branch whom will not give them up even if Lebanon burns 300 times.

Yes what is with the stupid picture?
Are they suppose to be Israeli troops trampling the south while they look for Hassouni cowering like a woman underground?