Vatican Proposes Initiative Concerning Upcoming Presidential Elections

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The Vatican tasked Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi with discussing with rival Lebanese parties a new initiative concerning the upcoming Presidential elections, al-Joumhouria newspaper reported on Wednesday.

According to the daily, al-Rahi's task is to convince the 64 Christian MPs with the importance of guaranteeing the necessary quorum to elect a new President.

President Michel Suleiman's tenure ends in May, 2014.

In September, Suleiman said that he would challenge the extension of his mandate if the parliament took such a move amid soaring political tensions and the failure to form a new government.

The constitutional period to elect a new head of state begins on March 25, two months prior to the expiration of Suleiman’s mandate.

Al-Joumhouria reported that al-Rahi began discussing the Vatican's initiative directly after his return from Rome.

A source at Bkirki described the meetings with Christian MPs as “positive,” pointing out that the Vatican and al-Rahi expressed relief that the lawmakers will agree on their initiative.

Comments 13
Thumb mckinl 11 December 2013, 09:26

With "Christians" like Samir Geagea all this is just talk. This initiative will be sabotaged for "30 pieces of silver".

Thumb geha 11 December 2013, 09:55

the problem is that m14 would win presidential elections if they are held, and it is m8 who does not like that.
thus this time round: aoun and his block would boycott the election. :)

Thumb mckinl 11 December 2013, 09:58

Where you get your idea that M14 would win the presidency I do not know. The fact of the matter is that M8 controls more than a majority of the Christian vote ... It is M14 that once again obstructs governance in support of KSA Wahhabi policy.

Thumb geha 11 December 2013, 10:31

if your comment is true (majority of the vote) then why can't you have your cabinet? :)
go play in your corner with your illusions.

Thumb mckinl 11 December 2013, 10:49

@ geha

There will be no new cabinet because M14 boycotts parliament dear geha. Mikati has lost confidence because he continues to abstain from making tough decisions quickly, such as in Tripoli.

Thumb ado.australia 11 December 2013, 16:11

Geha, there is no m14 or m8 anymore and thank God. March 14 2005 protest alliance is now missing the fpm, kataeb and psp. These political parties have left the "m14" political alliance. If there was a presidential election (which is voted by the parliament members and not the public), what's left of the m14 Alliance would to win.

The problem is that psp, mustaqbul, the LF, amal, Hezbollah and other "independent" Christian MPs have refused to allow palimentary elections that should of happened 6 months ago. They all conspire against a cabinet. They are war lord, Syrian occupation era parties that refuse to allow progress away from the status quo!

Aoun and his bloc will not block or boycott elections, this is what they want. Free from foriegn power deals. The next president must be a strong independent leader! Not some weak, unpopular, mustaqbul and amal/hezbollah consensus president.

Missing watan-libnan 11 December 2013, 09:57

This is the biggest problem in lebanon , keep religion out of politics make lebanon secular separate church and state lebanon is for lebanese regardless of their personal religion.

Thumb cedars2 11 December 2013, 10:31

M8'rs whats your "stance" on this? I guess these are the reforms you stand for huh?

Thumb mckinl 11 December 2013, 10:54

@ cedars2

I would say that there are atrocities on both sides and that reports by either side are suspicious at best ...

My position has always been for the people of Syria not either side. But it has become obvious that outside Takfiri forces have emerged.

For this reason I would support the continuance of the Assad regime over an assuredly Islamist state should the terrorists prevail.

Thumb geha 11 December 2013, 11:14

why don't you realize that the assad regime is behind these takfiris and iran bis beind alqaeda?
you want to be blind....

Thumb mckinl 11 December 2013, 11:18


Yes Assad is arming his enemies and Iran supports the Takfiri Qaeda !!!

Poor geha is now delusional over his defeats ...

Thumb cedre 11 December 2013, 14:44

he does, but like israelis, he'll protect his side at any cost, coz it's in their sectarian values...

Default-user-icon Madhouse (Guest) 12 December 2013, 03:02

The vatican is reaching out to its religious Lebanese lackies now! It sounds like Al-rahi or Al bundy will be playing Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible. Did the message from the Vatican self destruct? Is the vatican pumping money to help out the economy and help out with syrian refugees?