Akkar Man Qutaiba al-Satem is Haret Hreik Suicide Bomber, DNA Tests Reveal
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةDNA testing on Friday confirmed that a deadly bombing in Beirut's southern suburbs was carried out by an anti-Assad suicide bomber who hailed from the northern district of Akkar.
Wadi Khaled resident Qutaiba Mohammed al-Satem has been confirmed to be the suicide bomber who blew himself up in Haret Hreik, according to DNA testing, state-run National News Agency reported.
Earlier, reports said the identity paper of a 20-year-old Lebanese University student named Qutaiba al-Satem was found near the bombing site in Haret Hreik district.
LBCI TV said al-Satem, who hails from the border area of Wadi Khaled and is a student at the LU's Tripoli campus, left his parents' house along with his cousin on December 30.
His father, the Imam of a mosque in Wadi Khaled, reported them missing the next day, it said.
Speaking to reporters in Haret Hreik, caretaker Interior Minister Marwan Charbel said Satem's father had informed the security services that his son had gone missing on December 30.
According to Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3), al-Satem was previously fighting in Syria alongside rebels seeking to topple President Bashar Assad.
The Lebanese army, which is questioning his father, did not confirm the reports.
"The father of young Qutaiba al-Satem has been called in by the army intelligence branch in the area, because his 20-year-old son is believed to have detonated himself yesterday in southern Beirut," Noureddine al-Ahmed, mayor of the northern area of Wadi Khaled, told Agence France Presse.
Mayor Ahmed said the suspicions over Satem's alleged role were based on the finding of a personal identification document at the scene of the blast, in the busy Al-Arid Street in Haret Hreik.
Qutaiba's father was interrogated at the army's intelligence branch in Tripoli before he was transferred to Beirut for DNA testing.
According to LBCI, the father told interrogators that his son has recently endorsed "extremist views."
Acting General Prosecutor Samir Hammoud, who inspected the site of the blast along with State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr, told reporters that the attack was most probably carried out by a suicide bomber.
On Friday evening, Hizbullah's al-Manar television broadcast a video showing how the booby-trapped Grand Cherokee exploded Thursday in the middle of a street in Haret Hreik.
As the metal barriers prevented the driver from parking the SUV on the side of the road, according to the TV network, the car suddenly exploded in a ball of fire, creating a big plume of smoke that quickly dissipated due to the bomb's relatively small weight.
A number of citizens fleeing the blast scene also appear in the footage, which shows a school bus moving directly behind the explosives-rigged car.
As the Hizbullah-affiliated television did not confirm the suicide bomber hypothesis, it noted that this is the most likely scenario.
The army said on Thursday that 20 kilograms of explosives were placed in a dark green Grand Cherokee, which was reportedly driven by the young suicide bomber.
The explosion came a week after a car bombing in downtown Beirut killed Mohammed Shatah, former finance minister and top aide to ex-Prime Minister Saad Hariri.
In November, suicide bombers targeted the Iranian Embassy in Beirut's southern suburbs.
Al-Satem family condemned the Haret Hreik bombing after news broke Friday that the explosion could have been carried out by Qutaiba.
It called for a transparent investigation and said it rejected any assault on any Lebanese citizen.
"My polite, reasonable son would not do that! That's impossible!" his mother cried.
Satem's family and other Wadi Khaled tribes published a statement saying: "The culture of Wadi Khaled is not blood-thirsty. It is a culture of moderation, forgiveness and peaceful co-existence."
The families also said Satem "does not belong to any political or religious party, and he was preparing to travel to France in order to continue his studies."
They called on the security services to conduct a "fair and transparent" investigation.
Wadi Khaled tribes said Qutaiba is “an engineering student and he intended to travel to France.”
“He listens to music and does not know how to drive a car,” they said.
Meanwhile, the army intelligence directorate freed Arsal residents Sami al-Hujairi and Mohammed Ezzedine, who had owned the Grand Cherokee in the past, after it turned out that they have nothing to do with the bomb attack.
Both men turned themselves in to the army on Thursday in the wake of the blast after their names were mentioned in media reports. Hujairi submitted documents that confirm that he had sold the vehicle months ago.

He was on a suicide mission carrying his Lebanese ID with him! Cool.....

for once you make sense, +1 from me.
i agree, unless there is DNA confirmation, this could very well be a diversion.

(ice-man thanks _mowaten_ for his kindness and support and believes that _mowaten_ in 2014 has grown up and matured)

I look forward to the day, we catch enough takfiris and links them to the Saudi regime, first then we can cut all relations with them.

Now it has been proven. It was indeed a takfiri, and now is the time to purge Lebanon from those people, that can't be fast enough. Time for the army to take action.

>>> believes that _mowaten_ in 2014 has grown up and matured... lolololololol.....LMAO! I'll believe that when hell freezes over or when Motormouth himself blows himself up on a suicide mission in the name of HA!

This is absolutely crazy! HA probably killed him earlier and placed his remains/papers at the blast scene. It just does not make any sense.

Hence, it seems that Nasrallah was unwise when he accused the Takfiris and Saudi Arabia in his speech of the Dahiyeh blast.

Amazing..... 12 hours later and the identity of the culprit has been revealed by our super heroes security agencies.!!!! Yet, nothing about Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Wisam Hasan, etc etc.

there are a few differences
in this case the attack was carried out by amateurs, takfiri gangs who dont bother covering up their tracks.
the others (in my opinion) were conducted by mossad, world leading experts in all things related to assassinations and cover-ups.
also, in one case we have people working round the clock to identify the guilty, whereas in the other case we have people working round the clock to cover-up for them. (isn't it funny how the STL ignored many elements that didnt suit their official "line" and spent hundreds of millions over nearly a decade to end up with nothing else than tons of paper and worthless testimonies?")

and once again 007 mooowaten solved all the cases! what an expert!

Yes it is amazing mowaten since you know exactly what the STL has as evidence huh.

taking it from the horse's mouth. the STL prosecution already said themselves what they have, and it's all circumstantial. the only thing crushing about it is the weight of the paper it's printed on.
but then again, why would they bother coming up with evidence, when the STL's RPE allows them to condemn without proof?

all they need is enough literature to make sure nobody will be able to read it all and it will impress the little drones that you are.

but mowatan you've been saying its the same group causing strife between lebanese... oh but now your saying it was amateur terrorists not professional terrorists like hezbollah

Yep..... that makes sense Flamethrower! I forgot the Ashraf Riffi factor in this equation. Good point.... Allah Yihmeek Ya Rabbb! Always on point, always ready with facts and logic.

wait until our lebanese intelligence backed by HA handle that case.

No body is generalizing. Your comments already generalized the exact same thing you are warning against.

Amazing thing is he got ripped apart but the majority of his ID is intact just like the sept 11 terrorist they got vaporised but their passports were intact smells like zionist handy work

anything is possible.
he might have done this and that would be in direct connection to what hizbushaitan is doing in Syria. while nasrallah said let us go and fight in Syria this extremist might have decided to fight in dahieh (his choice after all).
on the other hand, it might all be a hoax.

Hahaha... Wowww!!! it shows the high quality paper used by our government for ID printing ;)

hello friend.... you think mowaten and flamethrower will take offense to your screen name?

@game, you seem like a nice guy deep inside. Why you so angry? Go play with @wolf or better still @the_roar.

We will know much more when the vehicle is traced. A lad of 19 would hardly be able to pull this off by himself if he was indeed the suicide bomber.

Funny you get thumbs down even you you happen to say some common sense. wonder why.

I have many theories such as israel killed the m14 politicians including rafik hariri with the help of the syrian mukhabaret and the lebanese mukhabaret (who at that time was the same as the syrian). And for these random attacks on dahiyeh, israel are behind it in cooperation with saudi elements using indoctrinated salafi-ish youth. Salafi-ish is diffirent from salafi as these are the ones that foreign mukhabaret agencies are behind. As for the tripoli mosque bombings, i believe the syrian mukhabaret were behind it with the help of their agents in lebanon.

You might call me crazy and illogical but the point is, those who think israel isen't capable of destabilizing in such ways are very misstaken. And those who think that the baathi syria isen't capable of doing this are misstaken and those who think that saudi arabia isen't capable are misstaken. And those who think Iran isen't capable are misstaken. And those think HA is innocent are misstaken. And those who think mustaqbal are innocent are misstaken. Point is, every side involved are doing dirty things one way or the other and israel can NEVER be trusted, mark my words, NEVER. They have been found to be involved even in filthy deadly activities in south america and africa and yes even in the US. Never assume that them being quite means they do nothing.

Dogkiller, iran has been allied to israel when it suits them before so why wouldn't they be today as well? Khomayni got weapons by them in the past didn't he? Trusting iran is like trusting israel. Israel has no problem dicipling their allies when it needs to (like in 2006) but aside from that, as long as they have mutual interests then they protect eachother. HA is an extension of iran. If israel wanted to kill him then they would have, who would stop them? The US? The UN? The arabs? Iran? Their fear of the international community? as if they care about morals, laws or peoples opinion in such situations!

Really it's funny, why there are many evidences and almost everything is known in all the explosions at Hezbollah's area, while in the other side from 2004 till now, nothing is clear

After a 20kg of explosives his ID remained in good condition after the only way to identify the body is through DNA. nice

very strange. The way that document is damaged and the fact that someone gave this picture to the press . why i can't trust anybody anymore??

just an inside job to force the hand of suleiman... little bomb to limit casualties, an ID conveniently found on the site... one that can enter 20kg of explosives might as well bring more if he really wanted to kill a lot of people...
only to say that hezbis are also targeted and deflect the responsibilites of the assassination of chatah.... very convenient when one knows the the army's SR are pro hezbis...

All these events happening in Lebanon is because Syria is to be split up into smaller states. Akkar and tripoli will be assigned to the new allawite state that stretches to tartous and ladikia.
Both mustakbal and the Syrian regime are behind this plan.
The Sunnis and the Shia are being played.

this guy must be a (mule) in terrorist terms ie he drives the car without knowing that it will explode , that is why the not rigged heavily

Michel_saba, this story of Isreal killing m14 politicians is getting old. Can you explain why Israel stopped killing after Doha agreement?

Because they thought it was a suitable time to take a break? Ask them. Whats getting old is the illusion that israel is sitting quietly content with what they already have stolen of land, property and lives and does not need to do anything else to remain on top. They are just a bunch of innocent peaceful humans who only want to eat their "israeli" falafel, hummos and shawirma in peace, why are we bothering them?

so what if they split syria? As long as these people live in peace who cares where the borders are?
Yesterday, pictures of what was left of a torso, arms torn away and a head that was not so intact, wrapped around it were twisted metal plates. The pictures are truly gruesome but many were posted on social media and the internet too. Such do however suggest that this terror attack was committed by a suicide bomber, but as I keep saying, and the same thing is being by most people, speculation is now truly our number one enemy, till the state does its job as quickly and as impartially as possible. The first impact will be to dispel all this mad speculation, accusations and counter accusations and worse of all, this unbearable culture of mutual suspicions. Once our authorities cut it out straight and firm, the fiery sentiments will subside.

Surely it should take more than the fragment of an ID card and some DNA from burned flesh to establish opportunity, motive, means and intent to commit this crime.

both this and shatah bombs wer hezbollah. this is a cover by hezbollah. and i find it so funny that they already linked it with syrian rebels within hours. the Shatah killing was a big mistake by hezbollah and now they realize it was obvious plus everyone hates them and are losing support by the minute. also not 1 of the paid propaganda on this site has accused m14, that is what they were ordered to not do. they want everyone to believe this was "terorist" group trying to start beef between 14 & 8. the only terrorist is hez and you are on the list and always will be until we erase you.

@Dog - I strongly suggest you learn proper grammar before posting.

Iran is not in the middle east its not an arab nation they don't speak arabic they are persian Iran is not a real power they are a paper tiger only built up by the zionist media to threaten arabs can anyone tell me when did iran ever get attacked by US or izrael never because they are a secret ally of zionist where do you think khomanei came from to run iran he came from zionist france because he is coruptable they want coruptable figures to mislead islam but eventually all these traitors of islam will receive they're justice as deserved.

Zionists want a new religion in the world one where people don't believe in god because then they will be easy to organise and manage islam followed correctly is a non negotiable religion because its not a corrupted religion " bad for zionist business" like the saying goes divide and conquer and thats what is happening to muslims don't get me wrong there will always be traitors because every man has his price but evil suceeds when the good do nothing.

It is beyond the realms of irony and symbolism that a Saudi-backed takfiri suicide-bomber-- targeted Ahmad Kassir Street in Dahyeh yesterday, a street dedicated to the resistance fighter, Ahmad Kassir who carried out the first martyrdom operation against Israeli soldiers in South Lebanon in November 1982. Nor is it a coincidence that the bomb was detonated in front of the Kazma building, the first building Hezbs reconstruction company, Waad, rebuilt after the Zionists flattened Dahyeh in 2006.

People like nasrollah, hariri,miqati,berri,jumblatt,aoun,assad, are all hand picked by the zionist and as long as they keep to the program they stay alive when they don't a switch is flicked and the next guy takes over everybody just think we all pretty much value and cherish life but these guys like the ones listed don't and thats the reason our dear country will always be in turmoil we have to rid ourselves of all that is corrupted and only then will we enjoy peace and stability.

Nasrollah educated by khomanei Zionist Iran , hariri educated by Zionist USA , Assad educated by zionist UK , Aoun hid in Zionist France , Miqati , Berri, Jumblatt frequently travel to USA , UK, France do you think these countries would accept them if they were not getting with the program ?

Some people don't like my comments because the truth hurts if you don't agree prove to me otherwise

I think the reason lebanon is being kept in turmoil is because of the palestinian situation izrael will never accept the palestinian right to return and they want lebanon to make them lebanese citizens and the lebanese christians won't accept that and shiites won't because the majority of the palestinians are sunnis so we are stuck between a rock and a hard place .

now we know the lebanese ekhraj el qayd is made of shatter proof paper

Qatiba family exist in lebanon ya chater. They are lebanese. If everyone with an arabic last name isen't lebanese then we won't have any more lebanese.

Why do some people find it strange that the suicide bomber was carrying his ID? Can we please refrain from amateurish detectivism? Everyone is supposed to be carrying his ID at all times, especially when driving.

One thing for sure all our politicians are corrupt. Not sure why most Lebanese fall in either the M8 trap or the M14 trap They are pretty much at the same level of corruption not counting their position is hereditary

May God bless their souls. All victims deserve our deep prayers. All are our people all our blood from whatever sect or background.

As for this guy if he did it My God give him what he deserve ... it is the lowest a person can get - first - God did not tell us to kill our selves nor to kill other innocent people for any sake.

No different than Persian supported terrorists who've killed Lebanese politicians.

Why is it that two days after a bombing that hits the M8 camp we see results of investigation. When it hits M14 it is years if ever