March 14 Delegation Meets Geagea: Post-Shatah Period Won't Be Like Previous Period
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A delegation from the March 14 coalition on Friday announced that the period after the assassination of former minister Mohammed Shatah will be nothing like the period that preceded the operation.
The announcement came after the delegation met with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea at his headquarters in Maarab.
During the two-hour meeting, the conferees discussed “the situations in the country after the assassination of ex-minister Mohammed Shatah and the Haret Hreik blast in Dahieh,” according to a statement issued by the LF.
The delegation comprised al-Mustaqbal bloc MPs Nohad al-Mashnouq, Jean Oghassabian and Hadi Hbeish and March 14 General-Secretariat Coordinator Fares Soaid.
Geagea and the March 14 figures also discussed “the broad lines of March 14's strategy for the coming phase, which will be under the slogan 'Post-Shatah Period Won't Be Like Previous Period',” according to the statement.
Last week, Shatah, his bodyguard Tareq Bader and six other people were killed in a powerful car bombing in the Starco area in downtown Beirut.
The March 14 camp blamed the attack on Hizbullah and the Syrian regime. Both parties have dismissed the allegations as politically motivated.
And on Thursday, four people were killed and 77 others wounded in a bombing that rocked the Beirut southern suburb of Haret Hreik, a Hizbullah bastion.

We have alreaddy paid a lot and what ever we say that is not to the will of hezbollah they woll treat us as imperialists, zionists, takfiri, saoudi... So please don't give up, don't fall in their trap, don't let them take control of lebanon, for those who has fallen for us, for the future of out childreen...
Get some balls...(and by this not meanning to get armed and go to civil war bc we would be like them but use every democratic means and donnot provide them political cover or u will be as guilty as them....

Well i hope it wont just be words... Donnot fall in the trap we are alreaddy too down, meet with progressist, patriotic shia and there is a lot (like there is non patriotic sunis christian druze and secular people), act to make a change, don't agree with same blackmail that assad has put on his people: me or takfiris...
Act for a change, we alreaddy have paid a huge price, 13 political assassination, assassination tentatives, 2006 war (lawou kointou a3lam), black shirts, 7ayyar, intimidations, free patriotic lebanese assassinated in front of iranian embassy (in front of cameras but no one knows who it is), tripoli bombing (btw ali eid is still sick so he cannot present to justice) smaha/mamlouk (now that we have his mother name can we send him and invitation for hearing with gen abbas when he sees him)...

No, its about the Wattan you zaki. Not religion and Iranian or Saudi regional interests.

Why are these guys having a bellicose attitude? Don't they know that we need conciliatory tones and understanding among all our lousy politicians.
I wish these guys realize the mess we're in and concentrate on pulling us out of the abyss

I wish people quit this business of mutual accusations. M8 is this and that then M14 is this and that
Can't we Lebanese think Lebanon for a change? we need to sidestep these 2 political groups as we are inching closer towards destruction. we need to pull together

Yes agree 100 percent but can we start by all being under the same law? Can't there be only arms with LAF, can we all be equal in front of justice? Not a fan of geagea ir any other march 14 folks, and once all having equal rights anyone can think what he wants and promote what he wants and i will be most probably backing none of those...
But for know can we still live in a country like this? Is it still a country?
Coolnec what do u think?

well I think the Lebanese need have a unified stand put pressure on these idiots make them aware that the citizens are tired of the current situation and a solution must be found. We are falling in their trap if we remain polarized and supporting either group. we need to go down on the street and tell all of them enough is enough!!
unfortunately Lebanese will not do that!! too bad
as long as the people remain silent these politicians will play their agenda
by the way imagine minus 1 for you due to

Coolmec ur posts are very descent and logic, like usual, but do remember not long ago, hachem salman was killed in front of iran embassi, pictures posted on tv and social networks and still nothing happened, boutross harb assassination temptative, the guy is still in liberty, tripoli bombing ali eid wont go to justice bc he is sick... Do u really think that people would take the street in this conditions? Do u think that people will take the streets with political cover (even with political cover?)...
I really wish it was not like this and i'm a secular person did a civil wedding, so don't hv any hard feeling against chia, sunni., christians... But i only see my country falling in hezbollah (not shia; hezbollah) hands....
Please comment, it changes from FT and co, this is productive argumention..
PS: still making effort on my writting...

All I can say is this
if the Tunisians were able to go on the streets and dump their dictators and if the lazy Egyptians got rid of Moubarak, why can't we Lebanese supposedly smarter and more progressive than them remain idle? Supposedly we have democracy in Lebanon let's use it. We performed well after Hariri's assassination and forced the Syrians out of Lebanon without a single shot being fired. This was due to a united Lebanese on the street...

Coolmec i really wish it was the case (i still wish we avoid war) tunis was a "secular" contry for a long time they still have something of that, in egypt the army played it's role with sissi here well we see how things goes... FT the ROAR are a few exemple, and yet go on march 8 blog and see some hardcore assad/iranian ideologies and they have guns, telecom network and donnot recognise justice (exept their own...)..
So what do u really think? Go till the end of ur logic... Is there any sence in this post?

NO one is stronger than the will of a unified people. I happen to think that these extreme ideologies represent a very small segment of our multi cultural and multi confessional society. No force on earth can overcome the will of a unified people. We Lebanese simply worry more about what we wear and our looks etc.. in one word we are a plastic society unfortunately. I know that most Lebanese feel like you and I I also know that a very small portion of our society carry extremist ideologies but we can overcome that with our unified stand despite their guns or any array of hi tech gear. We need the will to do that and unfortunately we do not have such will and it is being very well exploited by the enemies of Lebanon while we sit back and bitch on Naharnet and the country is going down. I also happen to be Lebanese with no religious affiliation as I strongly believe that my religion is between myself and my god while I respect all religions

Well i hope there was more politician like u, in fact there was... (Some got assassinated lately..)
I wish i could share ur positivity... But as i see things going... I still found it hard to have a talk with a party that can take beirut jabal streets by force etc etc....
Anyway this is our country, we'll hv to live with it...

I have to go so we talk later
as usual it was a pleasure chatting with you
Good night

This sicko actually thinks he will be the next President of Lebanon?

Gotta give them credit, they figured this out all on their own, in just two hours.

As far as I am concerned I blame both groups for our problems. they are the same politicians who have been governing the country for years from generation to generation but under different grouping

Thanks roar I don't need a shrink I am perfectly aware what I said and I stand by my comment. You're welcome to disagree and keep supporting either group

yes the roar: tell us who is to be blamed please. is it the KSA? it might be.
but who has been behind all the terrorist attacks since the 80s?
you want to reach a minimum understanding? then let us admit some basic things as a given: all of them are worse than the other.

Assad has effectively lost control of about half of Syria and does not have the manpower nor the equipment to reclaim all that territory. He may not have fallen as we predicted, but he is certainly not in the position of power he started off with. Sorry to crush your dreams baby boy but Soorya al Assad is a thing of the past, never will return to that same position again.

I do not support neither one and blame both for the impasse. In any democracy opposing groups rally when the nation is in danger. In Lebanon we maintain uncompromising stand while we ALL are realizing the country is going down.
Sad indeed

we keep blaming each other and the country is further slipping in the chaos.

idiot roar lies about something, gets embarrassed and resorts to name-calling...

Your logic is way off
again why should I expect a better answer?
I wish you the best dude and keep this mutual blame if it works for you

you know, if we start looking at things the way they are instead of ridiculing the others, then maybe we would start a decent conversation all of us?
if I say I am against hizbushaitan, it does not mean each and every decent shia should be offended!
why are identifying ourselves by our sets?

the roar
I won't even dignify you with an answer
Good luck to you dude

Sagh go cut your long baathi pinky finger nail. Your disgusting.

michel in fact when i lived in a SSNP part of beirut (moved after one month because of how filthy these people are) i realized that a lot of them keep their pinky nail extremely long, and it usually a shade of yellow. what is up with that? dont they understand basic hygiene?

the roar you and all the other assadists deserve scorn and only scorn. you are not worthy of our respect when you cheer on filthy sectarian garbage like sagh who are obviously not lebanese...

the roar bragging about having a lot of money over the he's going to tell us that his biceps are huge and he has three girlfriends.

Wake up. Lebanon is being usurped by Iranian/Saudi regional interests. What do you want, the Wattan or religion? If you want your Wattan to prosper give give the government and army to those who are not intimately connected with the religious and regional mongers.