Hariri 'Accepts' 8-8-8 Cabinet as Suleiman Says to Form Govt. in 10 Days if No Consensus Reached

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri reportedly gave on Friday his approval on a cabinet based on the 8-8-8 lineup, as President Michel Suleiman stated he will form a government if no consensus was reached between the political foes.

"A meeting held between (caretaker Social Affairs Minister) Wael Abu Faour and (head of Hariri's office) Nader Hariri has ended a while ago and the former PM accepted the 8-8-8 cabinet formula,” LBCI television reported on Friday evening.

LBCI then said ex-PM Fouad Saniora will inform President Michel Suleiman on Saturday al-Mustaqbal Party's official approval and that the discussion kicked off on Friday evening on the details of the government's composition.

The television channel noted that Hariri has agreed on the 8-8-8 formula after he was assured that there would be no so-called "guarantee" or "king minister” in the new cabinet.

"He was also promised that the army-people-resistance equation will not be mentioned in the Policy Statement,” LBCI added.

Earlier in the day, Suleiman announced that he received positive signs from Hariri on the formation of an all-inclusive cabinet based on the 8-8-8 lineup.

Suleiman stated, however, that if no consensus was reached over an all-embracing cabinet within the coming 10 days, a new council of ministers will be formed.

“Regarding March 14 camp's queries on the cabinet's formation, PM-designate Tammam Salam is the one to answer them,” he told LBCI.

“Meetings will be held Friday and Saturday between Saniora and Suleiman at the Baabda Palace,” LBCI said.

It said Hizbullah and AMAL Movement have agreed on the 8-8-8 cabinet formula on condition that it is "political."

Meanwhile, the same source remarked that there is an “acute disagreement” in the March 14 camp, as Hariri is leaning to accept the 8-8-8 cabinet formula while Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea has informed his allies that he rejects to join what he called the "cabinet of nothing."

Abu Faour told al-Manar television that efforts are currently focused on holding a meeting between Berri and Saniora.

“My latest visit to Berri was on Wednesday night and I then continued my consultations with Nader Hariri and Saniora,' he said.

Efforts to end the nine-month government deadlock have intensified in the past few days through a series of meetings held by different officials to avert the formation of a non partisan cabinet.

Saniora could soon hold separate talks with Suleiman and Speaker Nabih Berri over the matter, An Nahar daily reported on Friday.

LBCI revealed that Saniora will inform Berri about March 14's stance on the 8-8-8 government lineup.

Reports said that Suleiman and Berri could also meet before Monday and mentioned possible talks between Salam and Hariri in Europe.

The flurry of political activity comes amid optimism that the rival parties could agree on the formation of a cabinet in which the March 8 and 14 alliances and centrists would get 8 ministers each.

The rivals are hoping to clinch a deal on the all-embracing cabinet by the end of the month to avoid the formation of a neutral government.

Suleiman and Salam have been clinging into the option of a non partisan cabinet to avoid a bigger vacuum ahead of the presidential elections.

The president's adviser, former Minister Khalil Hrawi, visited Saniora, Salam and Berri's adviser Caretaker Minister Ali Hassan Khalil on Thursday.

Abou Faour, who is Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat's envoy, also held talks with Suleiman and Salam.

Jumblat, a centrist, is playing a major mediating role to reach an agreement on a new cabinet nine months after Salam's appointment.

He told As Safir daily that he was exerting all efforts to bring the viewpoints of political parties closer.

Comments 24
Thumb primesuspect 10 January 2014, 21:24

Hariri should stick w/ jumblatt and reject this charade. No terroristas in the government full stop. No 2 hizballa.

Thumb beiruti 10 January 2014, 21:25

Texas, you are right. A bad call made where there are only very bad options. Hezbollah has so entrenched itself into the institutions of the Lebanese government that bad options are the only ones that we have.
But this was not accomplished by Hezbollah over night and it will not be undone overnight. It will take a slow unwinding of Hezbollah influence until the Lebanese are able to throw off this yoke of oppression.

As a place to start, the 75000 member Lebanese Army has maybe 50,000 Hezbollah loyalists. The LAF must get back to being 100% loyal and responsive to the civilian political leadership. Whether its by higher pay, or conscripting more non-Shiites into the Army, this must be done so that if it comes to force of arms, the President will not stand naked before Hezbollah.

Missing aounophobia 10 January 2014, 21:31

Again and again Lebanon is at the mercy of foreign will: the iranians and the saudi give green light and the locals execute: the first conceded from 9 9 6 to 8 8 8 and removal the mention of resistance in the declaration, and the second to sit in government with an accused militia.

it's about time they let us live our live and what is left of our dreams

Thumb lebanon_first 10 January 2014, 22:00

Naharnet. What kind of a title is that. They should say that Hariri accepted govt and Geagea still refuses it. Suleiman's threat is moot at this point.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11 January 2014, 04:20

Gasthejews - your screen name show us your lack of morals. You are a monster who supports monsters.

Missing ayoub 10 January 2014, 22:14

yeah it's all about the oversea master southern look at this stooge he's pathetic. The 888 formula was unacceptable and this stooge was doing us a favor with 996. I wonder if the overseas orders come down in Arabic or in Persian, what do you think southern.. sorry I forgot you guys don't think it's against the faith.

look at the stooge

Thumb lebanon_first 10 January 2014, 22:28

Southern. listen to the video below. Especially min 2.15 and after. You will understand why Syria is the worst ennemy of Lebanon. Maher el assad says "our objective is to point fingers to qaeda" This is the gift of the assadists.


Thumb smarty 10 January 2014, 23:05

We don't want a governement with Hizbullah. Anybody by them. They are murderers, thieves, assassins, terrorists.

M14 don't give in, don't fail the people of Lebanon!!! We want justice, not a governement.

Thumb cedre 10 January 2014, 23:52

defo texas, but dont worry, if hariri gave up, its probably for the good of lebanon...

Default-user-icon muhami (Guest) 11 January 2014, 01:08

the name gasthejews is in bad taste. Please change it. Hard to believe Naharnet allows someone to post under such a name. It is ignorant. Please think it through and change it.

Thumb Mystic 11 January 2014, 02:32

Mr.Hariri is accepting it, so why can't you poor souls do the same?

Thumb cedre 11 January 2014, 03:01

did u know that mughnieh was killed by bashar or with its complicity ?

Thumb Mystic 11 January 2014, 04:01

did you know thats bs?

Thumb freedomarch 11 January 2014, 03:20

March 8 Israeli Spys are Legitemate and should be included -
Spys Jaish Sha3b w mo Qawamah in the decleration :)

Thumb freedomarch 11 January 2014, 03:21

sorry I meeant March 14 Spys, Jaysh sha3b w mo Qawamah should be included in the next declaration :)

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11 January 2014, 03:24

Eagerbeaver - please spare us your curses. I doubt that God has the time to listen to you and the likes of you.

Thumb freedomarch 11 January 2014, 03:26

you are really BAD.

Thumb freedomarch 11 January 2014, 03:41

The truth is coming! God curse Ghiz-Ebola.

Missing lebaust 11 January 2014, 06:25

Gas the Jews- on behalf of all the Druze that don't support Jumblatt I say stuff you for generalizing your comment towards all Druze. You've successfully come off sounding like an ignorant racist

Missing lebaust 11 January 2014, 06:27

Just for the record I think both M8 and M14 aren't fit to run the country because they all answer to foreign countries and don't have lebanons best interest at heart

Thumb general_puppet 11 January 2014, 08:27

Southern… go back to school, you are an embarrassment.

Thumb general_puppet 11 January 2014, 08:30

zakblat, din't the Iranian say 9-9-6 take it to leave it?

Default-user-icon last stand (Guest) 11 January 2014, 10:36

Shame on 14th of March if they agree to sit down with killers who have no loyalty to Lebanon and have already reneged on a number of agreement .
you are letting your people down - no honour no pride no BACK BONE

Missing peace 11 January 2014, 16:48

a "consensual" gvt, or "national unity" (LOL) gvt will never work, as usual... each side will use his veto if not satisfied or will resign...

lebanon has long ceased to exist with all those crooks.....