Jumblat Urges 'Lebanese Brain' to Act before Lebanon Drowns in 'Chaos Vortex'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Monday warned that Lebanon will further “drown” in terrorist bombings unless the “Lebanese brain” acts and innovates solutions.

Jumblat lauded “the rational call voiced by Ms. Rabab al-Sadr, the sister of missing imam Sayyed Moussa al-Sadr, in which she expressed a responsible stance, reminding of landmark remarks that were launched by the imam in 1976, through which he addressed the Lebanese brain.”

“Unless this brain acts before it's too late, Lebanon will further drown in the vortex of chaos, which is represented by the terrorist bombings that are moving from one region into another and which are not discriminating between one religion and another or one sect and another,” Jumblat added in his weekly editorial in al-Anbaa newspaper.

In an op-ed titled “A Call to the Lebanese Brain” that she published in An Nahar newspaper on Friday, Rabab al-Sadr lamented the bloody incidents that Lebanon is witnessing and the “flames that are about to burn the entire region,” urging the Lebanese to shoulder their “responsibilities.”

Since July 2013, ten bomb blasts have rocked Lebanon, six of them involving suicide bombers.

The attacks have been claimed by various jihadist groups, some of them linked to organizations fighting across the border in Syria, including al-Nusra Front in Lebanon, the Abdullah Azzam Brigades and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

The groups say they are targeting Hizbullah for fighting in Syria alongside the regime.

The heart of Beirut was rocked by a car bombing that killed former minister Mohammed Shatah and seven other people on December 27.

And while most of the bomb attacks targeted areas considered sympathetic to Hizbullah in the Bekaa and Beirut's southern suburbs, the northern city of Tripoli was also hit by deadly bombings in August 2013.

Comments 6
Thumb geha 10 February 2014, 17:20

unfortunately we need to wait till after the new round of Iranian talks to know if the terrorists Iranian militia will be ready to move forward or not.

with the help of the fpm they are holding the whole country hostages of their evil acts.

Thumb FlameCatcher 10 February 2014, 17:46

Dear Jumblat, "Lebanese Brain" is not here at the moment... he's away on indefinite travel leave. In the meantime, please direct the message to "Lebanese Brainless" aka. "GHANAM" who are still here to support M8 / M14 deathmatch !

Default-user-icon Ahmed (Guest) 10 February 2014, 18:31

Sunnis against Shias. This is the future of Lebanon and indeed the whole middle east.

Missing samy2 10 February 2014, 18:34

Have to agree with you on this one, fact. If they had an ounce of brains, they would have learned something by now, from 40 years of self inflicted wounds

Thumb beiruti 10 February 2014, 22:08

Jumblatt is a great tactician, but not much on strategy. If you could trace the current state of affairs back to a decision from which all other decisions have emanated, go back to January 2011 when Jumblatt removed his support from the Hariri Government and allowed it to fall. Sure, it was necessary at the time to keep peace with Hezbollah, but look at what this tactical decision has spawned in Lebanon.
When faced with a hungry tiger in the jungle, the last thing you want to do is feed it. This makes the tiger stronger and you looking for its next meal so as to avoid becoming its next meal.
Appease an aggressor and you get only more aggression.

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 11 February 2014, 04:43

All the Lebanese brains are lodged outside Lebanon. Only the brainless, like Aoun and Jumblat are still in Lebanon. What could you then expect? A big disaster!!!