Geagea: A Cabinet that Does Not End Hizbullah's Fighting in Syria is Not Promising
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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea slammed on Thursday a ministerial policy statement that seeks to respect all parties' stances, stating that “the problem lies in Hizbullah's fighting in Syria and that this reality must change.”
“Any talks to overcome the current security situation in the country necessitates a change in the reality of things and this is what's expected from the new cabinet. Any cabinet should adopt new policies,” Geagea said during a press conference held in Maarab.
“And therefore, a ministerial policy statement formula that insists on respecting all parties' stances becomes useless because the problem lies with one of these parties and its decisions,” he added.
Geagea considered that the deteriorating security situation in Lebanon is caused by the fact that the state “does not own the military or the security decisions.”
“But Hizbullah does, and the party is confiscating these decisions and fighting in Syria,” he stressed.
He continued: “Hizbullah is not fighting fundamentalist groups in Syria but the Free Syrian Army and for this reason it is subjecting all the Lebanese to danger. The March 8 camp are reiterating that fundamentalists would have reached Lebanon if Hizbullah did not get involved in the Syrian war and I remind you that the last fundamentalist group to have presence in Lebanon was Fatah al-Islam in 2007, and Hizbullah back then was the only party not to criticize its presence.”
The LF leader assured that if the Baabda Declaration was not implemented, the security situation would remain the same.
“This means that social conditions in Lebanon will continue to deteriorate,” he noted.
“Any cabinet that does not change the reality of Hizbullah's fighting in Syria does not promise much.”
The committee tasked with drafting a ministerial polity statement concluded its sixth meeting on Wednesday without reaching a final accord on its formula with media reports revealing that the Baabda Declaration will not be mentioned per se, but would be replaced instead with “the conclusions of the national dialogue sessions.”
Geagea also lashed out at Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's decision to impose a "dhimma pact" on Christians, hoping that the Syrian opposition would triumph as soon as possible so that ISIL won't be the only image given of the Syrian people's revolution.
"The presence of such a regime in Syria is the reason for ISIL's existence," he said.
"The regime sought to create it in Iraq and therefore both the Damascus rulers and ISIL must be eliminated," Geagea pointed out.
Separately, the Christian leader tackled the 2009 abduction of Middle East Airlines engineer Joseph Sader, expressing that it is “very, very, very shameful that four years have passed since the kidnapping while the former cabinet did not open a probe in this matter.”
27 February 2014, 16:52
Geagea: Reaching a better situation in Lebanon has rules and as long as we are not changing the rules, we will not change.
27 February 2014, 16:51
Geagea: The presence of such a regime in Syria is the reason for ISIL's existence. The regime sought to create it in Iraq and therefore both the Damascus rulers and ISIL must be eliminated.
27 February 2014, 16:50
Geagea: I hope the Syrian opposition would triumph as soon as possible and therefore, I hope other countries would help the opposition so that ISIL won't be marked as the image of the revolution of the Syrian people.
27 February 2014, 16:49
Geagea: I hope the honorable and rightful Syrian opposition would limit the reach of ISIL which was formed by former inmates in Iraqi and Syrian prisons and whose objective is entirely different from that of the opposition.
27 February 2014, 16:48
Geagea: Imposing a "dhimma pact" on Christians by ISIL is entirely rejected.
27 February 2014, 16:48
Geagea: Information revealed by security officials in the meetings of the parliamentary committee on human rights were ignored in drawers and I second Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi and demand the head of the committee MP Michel Moussa to send the meeting's reports to the prosecution to follow-up on this case.
27 February 2014, 16:46
Geagea: It is very, very, very shameful that four years have passed since the kidnapping of Joseph Sader and the former cabinet did not open a probe in this matter.
27 February 2014, 16:45
Geagea on the Israeli raid in the Bekaa: Once again, and because of Hizbullah's involvement in the regional turmoil, it is implicating Lebanon in a conflict that the country has nothing to do with. The solution would be in the party's withdrawal from Syria and the army taking control of the border.
27 February 2014, 16:42
Geagea: If the Baabda Declaration was not implemented, the security situation will remain the same and this means the social situation will continue to deteriorate.
27 February 2014, 16:39
Geagea: The Baabda Declaration is a collection of general principles and it would have been agreed on if read in China. It stipulates Lebanon's positive neutrality.
27 February 2014, 16:38
Geagea: A formula that insists on respecting all parties' stances is useless because our problem is with one of these parties and its decisions.
27 February 2014, 16:37
Geagea: Any talks to overcome this current situation necessitates a change in the reality of things and this is what's expected from the new cabinet. Any cabinet should adopt new policies.
27 February 2014, 16:36
Geagea: Hizbullah is not fighting fundamentalist groups in Syria but the Free Syrian Army and for this reason it is subjecting all the Lebanese to danger.
27 February 2014, 16:35
Geagea: The March 8 camp are reiterating that fundamentalist groups would have reached Lebanon if Hizbullah did not get involved in the Syrian war and I remind you that the last fundamentalist group to have presence in Lebanon was Fatah al-Islam in 2007, and Hizbullah back then was the only party not to criticize its presence. The state fought Fatah al-Islam to end its presence back then.
27 February 2014, 16:34
Lebanese Forces Leader Samir Geagea in a Press Conference: The deteriorating security situation is caused by the fact that the state does not own the military or the security decision but Hizbullah does, and the party is confiscating these decisions and is fighting in Syria.

tell us what Marwan Hmaddeh said to Bassil in the parliamentary session, please.

The march 8 guys are probably right, hezbollah is a caritative organisation (just lik caritas) he has no regional, international nor religious involvement what so ever..
Only the issue of stability and war is not in his hand (aka walid jumblat stand yesterday) but who cares if some other regional power is behind hezbos war and only this regional power can decide to end it, hezbollah is such a good element in the modernism and secularism of our country future...
So please march 14 guys stop ur none sence, all 13 political assassinations were done by israely/takfiri/ksa/imperialist.. Boutros harb assassination attempt was only a hezbollah guy coming to fix the elevator.. Salman assassination in front of the iranian embassi in daylight was only a spontenous act,

junkie, war criminal, ex-convict... this is the idol they cherish.. says it all. lol

Hezbollah FAILED to prevent fundamentalist groups to invade Lebanon despite all their excuses.
Hezbollah BACKED fath el islam.
Hezbollah partners are responsible for the Tripoli bombings and smuggling bombs into lebanon (Samaha).
Hassan Nasrallah is a lying manipulating terrorist and should be TERMINATED ! He calls him self a Cheikh / Sayyed ? Murdering terrorists and the divine don't mix ! Divine and Victory cannot be put in the same sentence ! Calling his ASSASSINS "Saints" is a blasphemy.
And all Hezbollah followers should be given a slap in the face to wake up from the illusion set forth by Hassan KEZBallah !

Did HA kill your family or something? Or are you always this emotional?

Oh my Kalashnikov (Oh my God in Farsi).
Hezbollah is here to protect Syrian and Iranian interests. They care not for the palestinians. They care only to make sure the master plan of Ayatootoo kharameini is undisturbed.
Fath el Islam is unrelated to Assi which is the main reason you blind fool cannot comprehend what's going on around you.
You live in a world where drugs seem to be your only fuel and you believe everyone else is just like you high on drugs.
We, "enlightened", "free" and "patriotic" LEBANESE see through the illusion you live in !

Fath el Islam was established in Nahr el Bared by Bashar ! ARMED by Bashar and ORDERED by Bashar !
This is why Hezbollah placed a red line.
Those are the original MURDERERS of our soldiers.
Hassan Nasrallah is just like Al Assir ... a terrorist rat !
You say they "shut the hell up" after placing a red line ? Of course, because they are guilty of backing a terrorist regime and terrorist parties ! but they never provided support to the lebanese army ! This is all a lie for gullible people like you !

Lol. Are you always this emotional? Would love to see you roaming the streets possessed by this lunacy you display. Would probably give you 2000Ll

Roar : You want to give credit to HA for ending fath el islam ? Go puke your lies elsewhere kid ... The army defeated them on their own because they were able to modify their helicopters to drop bombs on them... Hezbollah has no credit whatsoever and the fact they objected to the army intervention in the first place is proof enough.
FT : I shoved links in your face so many times about this very topic ... you choosing to ignore them is not my problem.

Thank you for showing your true face : You said "YOUR LAF" meaning your not Lebanese. This says it all ... over and out you traitor !
HA has no credit whatsoever in helping the Lebanese army. In fact, they do everything to make sure the army is weak. A weak army is the only excuse they have to hold onto their weapons. So shut up already you foreign rat and leave MY LEBANESE ARMY alone ...

To prove my point : I dare you FT & Roar to take a Lebanese Flag and go for a stroll in Dahyé ! You won't last 5 min !
Simple ... just get a flag, pass the illegal hezbollah roadblocks and park your car. Walkout, walk around the block with Lebanon's flag proudly held high above your heads.
Send me pictures !

You're right ... Hassan Nasrallah should not be allowed to make speeches !
Point proven !

Here Abu sheisse, just need to read wikipedia to know about Bashar and Fatah al Islam links.
But it doesn't suit ur iranian agenda so u wont admit...

This guy does not even know what the heck is going on with himself. Yet he claims to know every detail about what is going on with others! mkhashkhash

Everything that Geagea is saying is true. Unfortunately saying it over and over again will not make it disappear, and geagea's attitude to keep on boycotting is useless and will not build a country.
Unfortunately our country is in the throes of HA, and only a defeat of assad in syria will weaken the grip of HA. Now get over it and let us see what we can do with the cards in our hands.

Yawn, who care about him anymore? I mean really, lol. Just a broken down replay machine.

Christians have always been a source of stability, nationalism and prosperity to Lebanon, at least in times of peace. And what do you mean a quarter of the population? 40% of Lebanon is Christian, and the overwhelming majority of the Lebanese abroad are Christian. I don't like speaking in sectarian terms, but this had to be addressed.

You are absolutely correct based on factual background. The Muslims (or call them sun worshipers) simply have a lot of baggage to live together in peace. There is a very interesting documentary that traces and explains the history of Lebanon all the way back to the Phoenicians by studying the coins minted in Lebanon during these times.

I disagree. I think that most people in Lebanon, Christian and Muslim, are able to live together in peace, and this is exactly the kind of thinking that is the problem in our country. I'm not sure what you mean by sun worshippers..
I have read a lot about the Phoenicians, and it is true that a major part of our blood (and race) comes from them. However, we cannot deny the fact that culturally and linguistically, we are for all intents and purposes Arab. This is not something to be ashamed of, but rather to be proud of.
Li byenkor aslo bi koun bala asel.

In this context, "Sun worshiper" meaning, it doesn't matter what the religion is or who/what is being worshiped. Let's call it Zeus vs. Jupiter (which are the same god). Historically, Lebanon has always looked towards the West which has lead to prosperity and success far beyond the Middle Eastern region. Research shows that on two occasions Lebanon was forced to look the other direction (East), and on both occasions Lebanon's internal stability was compromised and its economic ties/influence throughout the world shrunk to regional levels.

Regarding the Phoenicians, I am not making any judgment or findings about the race or any other race. Simply, the documentary that I mentioned takes its finding all the way from the early Phoenicians coupled with the Romans. I take it, during Roman rule, there were Romans living in present day Lebanon, and most likely other cultures. But that is not my point, and I don't think anybody should be ashamed of their race.

isn't it funny how M8ers memory is short.... everyone knows that the assad regime hosted, financed , manipulated and used different islamist groups Under different names to carry out their dirty work... and all of a sudden there are no more such thing as assad having islamists in his pocket! they an't even think for one second where have all these groups gone now? LOL
waw! really short sighted and narrow minded these poor brainwashed people are....

Can someone please stand up and talk about peoples' issues??? Is Hizbullah the only issue in Lebanon????? Wow, people are starving, we have over 1 million refugees, we don't even have basic electricity, there is no jobs, COME ON!!!!!!! So disgusting to see politicians talk!

in nahr el bared, hizbushaitan was arming them :) and whoever want to disagree, go ask any army officer.
second hizbushaitan also blocked the army from acting against armed Palestinians outside the officially recognized camps armed by the Syrian regime and iran.

"Lebanon should not become part of the American war against al-Qaeda.
The Nahr el-Bared camp and Palestinian civilians are a red line," Sheikh Nasrallah said. We will not accept or provide cover or be partners in this. The Lebanese should not allow themselves to become entangled with al-Qaeda on behalf of the US." Hassan Nasrallah 26 May 2007
Earlier, several transport planes carrying military aid for the Lebanese army from the US and its Arab allies arrived at Beirut airport, following a request by the Lebanese government. The military supplies are believed to include ammunition for automatic rifles and heavy weapons, spare parts for military helicopters and night-vision equipment.

If he poses as a christian is not a salafi anymore ya jaheel, no taqiya in islam...

I should've known it was you Benzona, disgusting person such as yourself cursing peoples families whenever they say you are wrong.
Just like you did to FT a few months back. So how come you waited to jump out of the closet until now?

Benzona you should make an example of you avatar upon yourself, and do the rest of the world a favor.

The Lebanese System needs a Samir Geagea. If there was not one, they would need to find one. He is the one in the crowd who notices and says about the Emperor's New Suit that "the Emperor is wearing no clothes". Someone must be honest to say this.
The task of the Ministers in drafting the Ministerial Policy Statement is to provide a cloak, a veil and a cover over the reality of the situation as Geagea has said it.

Hezbollah has arrogated to itself the powers of the State by taking the unilateral decision with Iran to engage militarily in the Syrian War in contradiction to the Baabda Declaration and against the Lebanese Consensus.
Hezbollah is now in the new government and will not desist from its illegal conduct, so the Ministers are trying to say that the policy has not changed while allowing Hezbollah to continue with its intervention.
It is a difficult mission and one which will not hide the hairy legs of Hezbollah's actions.
Geagea speaks truth to power. No one else in Lebanon does. If only he and the Lebanese had the power to enforce the will of the Lebanese on Hezbollah....

Look how Sami and Hakeem are imposing their conditions to be part of the government, while jeddo is ready to accept anything to be Baabda...