ISF Seizes Drugs Stashed in Sweet Boxes, Arrests Smuggler

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Internal Security Forces have seized boxes of sweets containing drugs ready to be smuggled abroad, the ISF general command said Tuesday.

The communique said that judicial police raided on Monday a house in the area of Minieh in the North after receiving information about a drug smuggling operation.

The ISF identified the 31-year-old owner of the house with his initials as M.M., saying he was seeking to smuggle cocaine and ephedrine in six boxes of sweets.

The police unit arrested him after he tried to escape, the communique said.

The ISF added that policemen seized during the raid a certain amount of ephedrine crushed and filled in medication bottles.



Comments 2
Thumb FlameCatcher 29 April 2014, 14:03

Probably Hezbollah packing goods for Eid ! He must be homesick !

Thumb cedre 29 April 2014, 17:24