Salam: Presidential Vacuum Unwanted Bitter Cup

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister Tammam Salam highlighted on Tuesday the need to hold the presidential elections on time stressing that a vacuum in that post is a hateful option.

“Talks that the Premiership will run the state's affairs in case of a presidential vacuum, is a bitter cup that we don't wish for,” stated Salam.

His comments came in a meeting with a delegation from the governing body of the Press Club.

“We reiterate the necessity to hold the presidential elections on the constitutional time set. We also hope that the positive atmospheres during the formation of the cabinet reflect on the presidential

elections,” added the premier.

Salam concluded saying that he plans to tour some Arab countries in a bid to gain more support for Lebanon and to promote brethren Arabs to visit the nation.

Last Wednesday, lawmakers failed to elect a president after no candidate was able to garner the needed two-thirds of votes.

March 8 MPs withdrew from the parliament after voting, resulting in a lack of a two-thirds quorum of the 128-member legislature.

Another session will be held Wednesday.



Comments 5
Thumb cedre 29 April 2014, 15:07

vacuum unwanted ? some want it and wouldnt mind use this vacuum to rediscuss Taef...

Thumb sevilla 29 April 2014, 15:46

Did the Sunnis choose Omar Karami, Najib Miqati, or Salim Hoss, I guess not. It is about HA choosing our prime minister, President, Army commander etc etc.

Thumb beiruti 29 April 2014, 15:52

The main problem of a vacuum in the Office of the Presidency of the Republic is that it will become very transparent to all that the country will continue on and not much difference will be noted. The President does not play that large a role in the governance of the country and if this becomes evident then people will start to wonder why have a President, or is it purely ceremonial to placate the Christians with their Maronite Presidency. A vacuum is destructive of the office and of Christian political power.

Thumb beiruti 29 April 2014, 15:55

But the Lebanese Christian political class have made this all possible by not being united between and among themselves so as to lose this power, not because the Moslems took it from them, but because they threw it away due to their unwillingness to compromise among themselves and present a candidate who is a consensus Christian Candidate.
This cannot happen as long as Aoun and Geagea hold Presidential ambitions. One will never have the consent of the other nor will their followers. The whole Christian political scene has to be cleansed of the ancient Aoun/Geagea Feud by retiring both men from the scene and allowing new leadership to emerge that can win the necessary consensus so as to have a Lebanese president made in Lebanon.

Thumb cedre 29 April 2014, 17:44

emile rahmeh young ?