Three Killed in Akkar Individual Dispute

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Three people were killed on Tuesday in an individual dispute in the town of Hrar in the northern region of Akkar.

"Three people died of their wounds in an individual dispute that erupted in Hrar,” the state-run National News Agency reported.

The NNA identified the three men as brothers Ahed and Hadi Rajabieh from Hrar, and Khaled Bakr who hails from the northern town of Fneideq.

Earlier reports had said that only Hadi Rajabieh was killed in the dispute that erupted into a gunfire exchange.

"Army first sergeant Hadi Rajabieh was killed in an individual dispute in Akkar,” Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) reported.

Al-Jadeed television said Rajabieh's brother was also shot at.

"Hadi Rajaieh's body was transferred to Rahal Hospital (in the northern district) while his injured brother was being treated in El Youssef Hospital,” the same source added.

Meanwhile, OTV said two men were killed in the incident, and that they were both shot by Khaled Bakr.



Comments 2
Thumb EagleDawn 29 April 2014, 17:46

full sectarian, tell me did this incident/crime involve mortars and RPGs?

Default-user-icon Mich (Guest) 30 April 2014, 02:08

The roar, shia areas have a law and state of their own. How is that respecting the lebanese law?