Report: Change and Reform MPs to Vote for Aoun on Thursday

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The Change and Reform lawmakers will vote for the head of the bloc, Free Patriotic Movement chief Michel Aoun, in the fifth round of the presidential elections despite an expected final decision by al-Mustaqbal movement not to back his candidacy.

An Nahar newspaper said Monday that the MPs, who have boycotted the previous rounds of the polls, will head to parliament on Thursday and vote for Aoun to avoid the criticism of paralyzing the elections and causing a vacuum at Baabda Palace.

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi has on several occasions called on lawmakers to exercise their right to vote for a head of state by May 25, when President Michel Suleiman's six-year term expires.

The vote for Aoun would be seen as a sign of protest to the candidacy of March 14 alliance's sole nominee Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea.

The MPs of the March 8 alliance, including the Change and Reform bloc, had been so far claiming that their boycott of the elections was the result of lack of an agreement on a consensual president.

Aoun had been repeatedly claiming that he would not announce his candidacy against his rival Geagea if there was no consensus on him.

But al-Mustaqbal movement is on the verge of making its stance official by not approving such a candidacy, highly-informed sources told As Safir newspaper.

This stance would push towards withdrawing Geagea's candidacy to open discussions on another choice to fill the country's top Christian post, they said.

Al-Akhbar newspaper, however, quoted Aoun's visitors as saying that he is in continuous contact with al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri.

Hariri has informed Aoun that he is “exerting efforts to convince Saudi Arabia to elect him as president,” they said.



Comments 29
Missing patriot10 19 May 2014, 08:30

Karim i can see you are as blind and stupid as always. How can you call him a patriot when he run away from the country as a military general ? How can he be defending when he always is abstructing thw democracy? Or were you sarcastic and i just did not get it ?

Default-user-icon Truth_hurts (Guest) 19 May 2014, 08:40

Remember the famous words of GMA : I'm the last one to leave, but I'm not leaving , I want to be buried in my HQ, ....hilarious isn't it after what happened the 13th October 1990....
History will never forget , will never forgive....

Thumb general_puppet 19 May 2014, 08:52

Better late then never... they are doing the right things, selecting a candidate, showing up & casting a ballot.

Thumb ex-fpm 19 May 2014, 09:05

hehehe! But they say he takes orders from KSA so why would he need to convince them:)

Missing forces 19 May 2014, 10:26

An Nahar newspaper said Monday that the MPs, who have boycotted the previous rounds of the polls, will head to parliament on Thursday and vote for Aoun to avoid the criticism of paralyzing the elections and causing a vacuum at Baabda Palace.
So what has changed, they could have done this from the beginning, almost unbelievable that they play these games then end up right where they started.

The vote for Aoun would be seen as a sign of protest to the candidacy of March 14 alliance's sole nominee Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea. Even when they vote their intention isn't to elect a president but out of spite. This BS is childish at best. why not nominsate someone they are serious about then and vote for him instead of using aoun as a side show..+ 1 FPM.

Thumb EagleDawn 19 May 2014, 11:01

@forces, let me acquaint you with @the_roar. He is 5th generation lebanese whose great grandparents discovered australia. He does not read, speak, or understand Arabic. He is here 24/7 on a lebanese political site and knows the names of all MPs, the names of every street and corner in Lebanon, listens to Sami Gemayel deliver his speeches in "English". The bottom line he is a hypocrite ashamed of who he is.

Thumb EagleDawn 19 May 2014, 11:20

you are pretty it only took you less than 1 minute to switch accounts and comment:)

Missing forces 19 May 2014, 11:22

Ok roar I'll entertain your logic for a second. So M14 place their candidate forward but aren't serious after 4 parliamentary sessions. He has the full backing of his whole alliance even though there are many alternatives they still stand by Geagea. M8 can at anytime present a credible alternative and seek Walid's vote and they would have a president. Yet because Geagea is a candidate M8 find it justifiable to obstruct and cause vacuum. In you view is this a credible path any well paid politican entrusted with his nation should act. No doubt M8 candidate would not be to M14's liking but you haven't heard them say Geagea or nobody. I'll let you decide if this is logical.

Thumb thepatriot 19 May 2014, 11:54

I think that Lebanon deserves nothing better than Aoun. Let him be president, and let history remember the disaster he will bring upon us...

Missing peace 19 May 2014, 12:03

agreed! an arrogant frustrated ex general, yes-man to bashar as "president" will be an entertaining show... unfortunately bad for the country but so far who is caring for the country? it can't get any worse...

Thumb -phoenix1 19 May 2014, 13:37

Aoun will sell everything that is left of Lebanon to the Syrians and Iranians, but before that he will sell every single inch of Christian land, except if we want to continue being blind to this man's madness. Go to Jbeil, to Aamchit, to any area, his agents are selling to the Shiite and you still want this traitor as president?

Thumb beiruti 19 May 2014, 19:51

There would be no Lebanese around to read it.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (Guest) 19 May 2014, 12:03

history is and will be the best judge
and mabrouk for all true Lebanese
god bless democracy

Missing peace 19 May 2014, 14:16

just post sensible posts... and spread your lies elsewhere ... that's all poor frustrated virgin girl.....

it is a good newswebsite and if it does not suit your poor idiotic views then no one prevents from getting your stupidity elsewhere....

Thumb -phoenix1 19 May 2014, 14:30

You Alfinik, the character created by Ibinbatrakrahi, every time I write, I know one of you puppets will barge in. It's either you, or then later Wolf Rear, or Profile, wlak anyone of you. ma3leysh ya Bani Maarouf or Ibin, people like me are focusing on real issues, and you jesters are focusing on those you hate. Anyway, all the same, it won't change a thing, try as you may, thumb as much as you wish, this year, next year, the year after, people like me will stay Inshallah. And also, we all know your tricks, cheap and totally lacking in dignity, so we shall keep it cheerful ma heyk? Yalla, Pif Paf 3aleykoun.

Thumb popeye 19 May 2014, 14:51

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, flamethrower-- , but alas!

Thumb -phoenix1 19 May 2014, 14:53

Roar brother, post whatever you want, it's your right to speak up your mind, even if people like me disagree with your views several times, but every single person is entitled to his views. But if you allow me bro, an advice to both you and FT, post, but don't be swayed by their idiocy, the trolls are here to derail people they disagree with, hoping to make you use derogative or swear words, avoid them at all cost, just keep cool, view them as no more than Mozy-Wozies, just do as I do, Piff Paff them and let's move along.

Thumb thepatriot 19 May 2014, 16:01

Maybe our children will do a better job... let them learn from what the lunatic will bring upon us...he will put the last nail in the coffin...

Missing coolmec 19 May 2014, 16:04

the patriot
You and I or any one for that matter can do a better job than these corrupt politicians we have. it is so sad that you and I and all other decent citizens are witnessing the fall of the republic yet nothing we can do
it is so sad
Pity the nation

Thumb Chupachups 19 May 2014, 16:08

There's nothing to fear! Chupachups is here !

Thumb thepatriot 19 May 2014, 16:56

Alas... the people who tried to do something in this country have always been eliminated...
Plus, the people with competence have very few reasons to stay in this country. When you have received a good education, why would you stay in a country rotten by corruption, get low wage, no civil rights, no future, the leave!
We have to start from scratch in this country: A NEW CONSTITUTION!

Thumb Abubakr 19 May 2014, 16:16

One hint, learn about espahan or esfahan wtvr they call it. And why jews consider it holier than israel ;)

Thumb Chupachups 19 May 2014, 16:48

Tell me tell me

Thumb Abubakr 19 May 2014, 19:19

Trust me it's better to have a chupachup

Thumb Chupachups 19 May 2014, 16:25

Is it that time of day? The FT and roar comedy fest :)

Thumb Chupachups 19 May 2014, 16:48

I'm interested , release this info

Thumb thepatriot 19 May 2014, 16:57

Aoun has no principles!

Thumb -phoenix1 19 May 2014, 19:18

Binit, Ibin, Sit, make up your mind, which gender do you want to postulate in? Piff Paff, ZZZZzzzzzzzz, BOOOooommm....

Thumb beiruti 19 May 2014, 19:49

Hariri has informed Aoun that he is “exerting efforts to convince Saudi Arabia to elect him as president,” they said.

Aoun, still waiting for the telephone to ring, waiting for the call to become President. He's been doing this since 1990. Old habits are hard to break.