Change and Reform Bloc Says No Legislation Except for Reforming Political System

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The Change and Reform bloc announced after its weekly meeting on Monday afternoon that all legislation amid the presidential vacuum is “illegitimate.”

“Except when it's concerned with reforming the political system, such as voting on an electoral law,” a released statement read by former Labor Minister Salim Jreissati said after the meeting.

"And our priority remains electing a new president and reaching consensus over an electoral law,” he stressed.

"We underscore the importance of consensus and abiding by the National Pact in the coming stage.”

On Tuesday's session dedicated for discussing the new wage scale draft law, the former minister told reporters: “I have already said consensus is next stage's approach, awaiting an accord over this matter.”

"We need to continue communicating to reach an agreement over this issue, and then act accordingly."

Earlier in the day, Free Patriotic Movement chief Michel Aoun slammed the presidential vacuum, saying it damages the legitimacy of other state authorities.

“We tried to avert vacuum... Our principles, which were based on a series of national postulates, were clear,” Aoun said in a press conference in Rabieh.

He pointed out that the introduction of the constitution states that “any authority that violates coexistence has no legitimacy.”

The FPM leader told reporters that “vacancy at the helm of the presidency causes malfunctions at all other state powers unless the matter is linked to the country's higher interest or the re-establishment of an authority.”

“We will only deal with the parliament and cabinet based on these to principles.”

The Christian parties from the March 8 and 14 coalitions plan to boycott legislative sessions comes after parliament failed to elect a new president.

Aoun said that “no one has yet nominated him for the presidency,” adding that “when the real battle kick starts” he might run for the post.

On his rapprochement with al-Mustaqbal Movement, Aoun said that “when I become a president, I will head to Paris and bring (head of al-Mustaqbal movement Saad) Hariri back to Lebanon.

Aoun continuously said that he will not announce his candidacy for the presidency if there was no political consensus on him.

He said last week that he wanted to be part of an "integrated triangle" along with Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal Movement, angering several parties for leaving out key political components out of his proposal.

“We reject to interfere in the local affairs of any state and refuse any intervention in ours,” Aoun stressed.

He also criticized the United Nations “that has no right to meddle in the local affairs of any country.”

The Christian leader described the election of a new head of state as a “necessity.”

“The country cannot go on without a president.”

He pointed out that his party is “seeking to end vacancy,” considering that “a president who is accepted by all sects and rejected by the Maronites cannot be elected.”

“We want a strong and active president to take power even if he had limited jurisdiction.”

Aoun denied that his ties with Speaker Nabih Berri are “tense,” criticizing the reports.

“They are mere rumors,” the FPM chief said.

Asked about attempts to extend ex-President Michel Suleiman's six-year tenure, Aoun said that the matter was suggested to the political arch-foes.

Lebanon has been plunged into a leadership vacuum after Suleiman's mandate ended on Sunday with rival political blocs still divided over a new leader.

Over the past two months the parliament convened five times to try to elect a successor to Suleiman but failed during the last four sessions due to a lack of quorum.

The political paralysis is mainly due to a deep rift between two rival camps over the conflict in Syria, the powerful neighbor that dominated Beirut for almost 30 years until 2005.

Comments 76
Missing lebcan 26 May 2014, 12:53

Part of the problem... AOUN LOOK IN MIRROR... you hypocrite ATTEND Parliament! VOTE! WIN! LOSE!... Be a Man!

Thumb geha 26 May 2014, 15:19

As long as the traitor ex-general is doing what benefits hizbushaitan, we are directly heading to a large scale crisis, which will end up in a crushing civil war.
Aoun has only brought disaster to Lebanon and the Lebanese people.

Missing peace 26 May 2014, 17:41

really sick mind...

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 20:29

Hello Mr Flimflam... what new name is momo/Crusher using, I must have missed when he announced his latest name change. And you should take ghadanfar's invitation you should be right at home in IRNA.

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 20:34

what is there to like? Aoun he is a deserter, cowered, turncoat, thief and lunatic.

Thumb popeye 26 May 2014, 20:49

mowaten always announces the names under which he posts loud and clear. The problem is he forgets some announcements due to the many names he uses. g_p: don't worry, mowaten is here always posting albeit under a different identity.

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 20:59

Southern, as always you spew gibberish. M14 selected a candidate and attended the vote, M8 still has no candidate and obstructed the vote. Maybe you do not understand the process... you have to show up and cast a ballot to get a President, unless you think a stork with a gray beard and a turban delivers them to Baabda

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 21:10

Hello popeye... Aoun is a complete embracement, they don't know what to say anymore.

“when I become a president, I will head to Paris and bring Hariri back to Lebanon" :-)))

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 22:51

Southern go "assimilate" yourself into into the militia's backside, you will fit right in.

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 23:03

"a stork with a gray beard and a turban" did you not like the reference to the Terrorist in Hiding :-)

BTW, when is the master telecaster going to jump out of his hole in the ground and lead his Jihadist in liberating Syria... or does he have a 40 year plan like the Assad's do for liberating the Golan Heights?

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 23:04

Southern & Flimflam, I am sure that is how it works in Iran were the Ayatollah decides who the candidates are. The decision is made at the ballot box and for it to work, you need to have a candidate, show up and vote... do you understand this basic concept?

Missing forces 26 May 2014, 23:54

Flame the politics in lebanon is never purely about numbers. In this car aoun's strategy is clear and simple yet once again he succeeds in dividing the Christians to safe face. Aoun has realised that by allying himself with HA he can never truly be the president he wants to be. His MOU is useless and I note recently some mps saying that his agenda has not change since 2005. Meaning HA would never truly accept him as president because he would threaten them as much as Geagea would. What to do? He cannot go to Geagea and ask for an alliance he is too big a man for this. He instead supports the position of vacuum which is in ha favor to only now speak out against vacuum in an attempt to distance himself from HA. Hence of Hariri dance. by bringing the country to its knees he hopes to push for changes to the laws under this guide instead of through democratic and usual means.

Missing forces 26 May 2014, 23:59

The issue with aoun is he can come back and unite with the Christians no one is stopping him from doing this except his pride. For we as Christians are a forgiving people and prefer unity over division. He commanded a large Christian representation and instead of staying the course on his return he allied with HA meaning his followers where not going to a place he had been speaking of for years from france but rather they were going to a place where he wanted them to go. This is the danger with aoun for any true leader would have changed his course to suite his people not change the people to suit his agenda.

Missing forces 27 May 2014, 00:06

So as a aoun supporter the choice is yours and nobody else's. Take away the rhetoric and propaganda and answer me this. Is the path you chose in 2005 before allying with HA the same as the path today in 2014 whilst allied with HA? If so then I wish you the best.

Thumb ex-fpm 26 May 2014, 12:57

Aoun: We reject to involve in the affairs of any country and refuse meddling by foreign countries in our affairs.

Then why are you supporting and covering up for the iranian militia and its involvement in the war in Syria... Hypocrite

Default-user-icon Caligary (Guest) 26 May 2014, 12:57

Let me rephrase The Presidency is Serious indeed, But! is this guy SERIOUS?, enough from him and all the people that take him serious, a good listen to all...

Thumb popeye 26 May 2014, 12:58

Not enough words in any language can describe this man.... Lunatic on the loose!

Thumb kris 26 May 2014, 14:30


Thumb Machia 26 May 2014, 15:07


Thumb EagleDawn 26 May 2014, 13:12

A bitter selfish loser full of hate who has damaged the Christians and their rights more than anybody can imagine. Not fit to be a leader, an MP, a human.

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 20:45

Flimflam, stop complaining about Naharnet, mods, votes & deleted comments... no-one is forcing you to be here... old Hag.

Thumb liberty 27 May 2014, 07:18

flamethrower why is it since eagle dawn exposed you and your friend mowaten and caught you red handed with multiple accounts your venom against him has peaked?

Thumb Machia 26 May 2014, 13:38

Aoun should give up and retire somewhere in Qom where he is much appreciated.

Thumb Machia 26 May 2014, 13:41

Aoun said that “when I become a president, I will head to Paris and bring (head of al-Mustaqbal movement Saad) Hariri back to Lebanon."

So what happened to the one-way ticket???
Doesn't he remind you of Gollum: "must have it...Precious..."? just take a look:

Thumb Machia 26 May 2014, 14:28

You mean "beoble" right?

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 20:43

No our argument is that you are a propagandist.

Aounie fliflops on everything... one day Hariri is a criminal then he is a pillar.... Assad is a butchering murderer then he is a brotherly protecter... Nasralla is a terrorist then he is a Resistance.

Thumb popeye 26 May 2014, 20:53

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, flamethrower-- , but alas!

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 21:03

Yes Flimflam in Aoun's case the situation always changes when it suits him. Put it on fast spin Boy, earn your money :-)

Missing peace 26 May 2014, 13:42

hypocrisy at its best as usual with idiot M8ers.....they block the country and blame it on others. incapable of assuming their resposabilities like true sissy cowards they are...

Missing forces 26 May 2014, 14:45

“We reject to interfere in the local affairs of any state and refuse any intervention in ours,” Aoun stressed.
He also criticized the United Nations “that has no right to meddle in the local affairs of any country.” Are you referring to ha again here? must be, surely you are not a hypocrite..
wlek go lie to your own kind you filthy excuse for a human being. you will die a sad and bitter old man all alone in your cold bed. 3yab 3ala hayk ness..

Missing abou.omar 26 May 2014, 15:04

DINAMO ya3ni byemshe 3ala barmit l douleb. Shi bi jannen Aoun beddo raiss byemshe 3ala barmit douleb ya3ni metel ma bi mashou byemshe ya3ni in other words a sheep like him

Thumb FlameCatcher 26 May 2014, 15:11

Aoun : You know what's harmful to State "Power" SHaring ?

- Hezbollah's monopoly of weapons
- Hezbollah being an ISLAMIC Resistance movement
- Why can Christian have a resistance movement against extemist Islamist like Hezbollah ?
- Hezbollah pissing on our constitution
- Hezbollah blocking our political process

Yesterday, Hassan Nasrallah insulted the Lebanese people, their pride, their sovereignty

It's time to clean up Hezbolistan "au Karsher" and show the real power of Vacuum !

Thumb -phoenix1 26 May 2014, 15:24

Sayed Hassan bombards us with his dying rhetoric on Sunday and today his rubber-stamper lackey Aoun takes the relay on Monday. Fine ya general, we have no more president wou min warak ya majnoun, we have a vacuum, the economy is dying, we are submerged with refugees, the crime rate is going up, migration of the Lebanese up, migration of our refugees up, and your silly rants together with Sayed Hassan's up. Both of you live pampered like newborns, the people are truly lost but you ya general, you will not desist till you burn this country again. But in 2014 things have changed, and surprises may well come your way and Sayed Hassan, surprises that will bode terribly bad for you guys, we're not so far now, but your tea and your soup will not be sweet. Till then.

Thumb Chupachups 26 May 2014, 15:42

Do u think anything will
Happen?'s about time.

Thumb Chupachups 26 May 2014, 15:45


Ur a gifted storyteller

Thumb Chupachups 26 May 2014, 15:50

Lol man, didn't realise u were a sheep in lions skin

Thumb Chupachups 26 May 2014, 15:54

Parra eels, will
U be supporting the resistance in Wednesdays nights state or Hezbollah clash ?

Thumb cedar 26 May 2014, 15:59

I agree with General Aoun. Although he is crazy, he still acts like a General and plans things strategically.

From a trategic viewpoint - he is trying to maintain christian power so that the muslims dont take over.

As christians all we have is the President (which the muslims have taken so much power away from anyways, when the country was first established the president had so many more powers), and the Army General who has to be christian... we have nothing else, and by having no president, then the muslims are forced to stop taking power.

Its a rational approach to block any president from coming to power and in turn stop the government from working at all, IF the muslims plan is to continue to take control.

Thumb cedar 26 May 2014, 16:17

I agree Chups but the problem is, Lebanon was created not as a democratic country - it was never meant to be 51% wins. it was created as a political compromise between christian and muslims, so people need to stop thinking 51% in parliament wins, because parliament itself is not a democratic entity like other countries are, its a System, and when the players are not in the system (such as no president) then it stops working.

Missing lebcan 26 May 2014, 16:24

Ceder... Oh My God... Thats what the General DID... To make a president is in the Hand of the Hizbshytan!!! not the Muslims not the Druze Not the Christians!!!
All thanks to AOUN the Traitor who betrayed the Lebanese Christian...
You Cedar have it all Backwards.

Thumb cedar 26 May 2014, 16:36

lebcan, My family was instrumental in the creation of the Lebanon in 1941. What i speak is the absolute truth. Lebanon is not democratic after 1991 when the TAEF agreement was signed by the christians who gave up their power and country, thats when the war was lost!.

The TAEF agreement needs to be destroyed in order for Christians to get their powers back and for Aoun to shut up. Stop blaming Aoun, its the TAEF agreement that you should be blaming.

Default-user-icon Faraday (Guest) 26 May 2014, 17:06

Scraping Taef will give the Christians a worst deal than Taef. Remember that Hezbollah in 1990 insisted that Taef still gave too many powers to the Maronites.

Default-user-icon Faraday (Guest) 26 May 2014, 17:28

Even the few tweaks to Taef that President Sleiman proposed in his goodbye speech were met with those changes will need more than four national convention meetings from Nabih Berri.

Thumb FlameCatcher 26 May 2014, 16:36

@Cedar : Aya plan ?

Let him give us his program for his "presidency" ? Hate him or not, at least Geagea had the decency to present his "plan".

Aya maintain christian power ? With Hezbollah, the Iranian Islamic Resistance Army ? There is no christian power with an out of control terrorist gang ! How do you enforce power and equality with these animals ? They are even imposing our next president on us.

Thumb cedar 26 May 2014, 16:46


Understand that "a plan" is irrelevant. Like i said in my previous post, its not about 51% in lebanon. Lebanon is not like the USA it is not democratic, it was created as a compromise. The TAEF agreement makes Hezbollah and the Sunnis strong.

The TAEF agreement needs to be abolished and only then can the lebanese christians make a legitimate "presidential plan". Any president in Lebanon will be a puppet under TAEF agreement. Now im sure you dont want Geagea to be a puppet right?

Geagea should be asking for the destruction of the TAEF accord, so that his "PLAN" can actually be ALLOWED to work.

Thumb FlameCatcher 26 May 2014, 17:03

Well, I don't want Geagea at all. Nor Aoun. I want to turn that ugly page.

But before we abolish TAEF, we need to abolish Hezbollah weapons and put all "sects" on equal grounds.

How can you achieve anything in this country when a sect in particular is pointing guns in all directions and threatening and murdering anyone who disagrees with it starting with its own people ?

What's relevant with a "plan" whether achievable or not is the UPGRADE of the political dialogue and fight. Addressing real issues rather than sticking to IRAN vs SAUDI rhetoric.

There is no step forward without the total abolishing of weapons outside the control of the state.

Default-user-icon exaggeration much (Guest) 26 May 2014, 16:07

how do you know he's still the most loved man by the LAF you can't even speak the LAF's language.

Thumb Les.Mzelles.Aoun 26 May 2014, 16:48

Don't get me wrong The General is the love of my life and I would've love to have him a our president. But we are putting him in a home for his own good, to spare him and the nation potential embarrassments. Think about it a few months from now, The General president is welcoming the French president for a function at the Baabda palace, there's the army band playing La Marseillaise when The General president breaks into an impromptu "All You Need Is Love" by The Baetels.

Thumb Les.Mzelles.Aoun 26 May 2014, 16:54

The Beatles.

Thumb cedar 26 May 2014, 17:20

Flame Catcher,
Whats the difference between Hezbollah weapons and Saudi backed money which buys lebanese land.

They are both just as bad and both harming Lebanese Christians. They are both as bad as eachother.

At least if we abolish TAEF, then christians get a chance to carry out their plans, regardless if hezbolla or saudi money is there, they will be strengthened by the Lebanese Institution of Government (which in turn controls the army. ONLY WHEN LEBANESE CHRISTIANS are in control can the ARMY fully disarm a group. and that was only before the 2991 TAEF agreement.)

Even Bashir Gemayel wanted to Disarm the Lebanese Forces, and he would have succeeded if he wasnt killed.

Missing thousand.years.back 26 May 2014, 17:32

Which civilization? The one thousand years back?

The president of the Cannes Festival (Gilles Jacob 77 years of age) kissed the Iranian actress on the CHEEKS (she is also member of the Jury)and the whole world fell down in Iran !!!

"It is an act against women chastity" accused Hossein Nushabadi deputy minister of Culture Hossein on Irib TV. "She is showing a BAD image of the iranian woman".

You know what? Keep your good habits and we keep our bad habits. We don't want to go 1000 YEARS BACKWARD...

Missing thousand.years.back 26 May 2014, 17:37

The Iranian Actress is Leila Hatami and she is a member of the Jury Festival...that also is a sin to participate in the cinema of the infidels!!!!

Missing thousand.years.back 26 May 2014, 17:43

A christian? How do you define christian? This actually destroying the future of the christians by wanting to leave them with 33% !!!
This man is ready to kiss the a...hole of anyone (including) your hated Hariri to become president.

BUT, he will never become president...he is a loser and you don't even ask yourself why you accept all these false ideologies he tells you...

He is not to blame...YOU ARE

Missing people-power 27 May 2014, 01:18

Well said 9to5. You caught TaqiyaThrower in his hypocrisy. The most prolific poster accusing others of being paid to post. Now that's funny.

Thumb liberty 27 May 2014, 07:30

this reject has no life whatsoever except posting here.

Thumb cedre 26 May 2014, 18:52

'Except for Reforming Political System'

there we go, thats HizbIran plan :

option 1 : their lackey Aoun
option 2 : vacuum then political system reform then their lackey
option 3 : vacuum then bombs/fightings/killings/emigration/destruction

Missing hmorsel 26 May 2014, 19:03

i don't know why doesn't anyone here understand the facts on the ground. Iran told HA to block any presidential vote until the Syrian crisis is settled and Assad comes out victorious. Ha and Iran do not want a president that's not on their side and that of Syria. Specially now that Iran, HA and Assad realized that Obama is a coward and is not going to do anything to anyone and doesnt really care about anything outside the US. he figured what ever worldly problems he creates, the subsequent president will have to deal with it

Thumb Marc 26 May 2014, 19:33

As long as Michel Aoun is around, there will be a Presidential crisis every 6 yrs cause either he wants the position or he wants to make the call... All MPs should have attended and kept voting until one candidate wins! What is wrong with that and likely it wouldn't have been either Aoun or Geagea

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 23:25

Slash, to be fair the militia is marketing Aoun as an Axis consensus candidate. The General of General's satisfies all of their requirements Pro Assad, Pro Nasrallah, No backbone & Hungry pockets.

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 23:31

Marc, your comment is 100% correct... to any sane person that is what the vote is for.

Thumb Clementine 26 May 2014, 19:39

After losing his last chance to become president Geneal Michel Aoun has decided to leave politics and concentrateon his acting carear. He will be featured as Walter in the new live action comedy "Jeff Dunham's Dummies".

A sneak peak from the set.

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 20:18

“We tried to avert vacuum... Our principles, which were based on a series of national postulates, were clear,” Aoun said... how pathetic, they don't select a candidate, they cast black ballots and don not show up for 4 votes. We call tell how hard you tried Lunatic.

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 20:25

Hello roro how many times did you you tell us that Hariri would boot Geagea, after each vote was sabotage?

the General of Generals!!!!!!!

Default-user-icon Dreamer (Guest) 26 May 2014, 21:33

11month without government because Mr Aoun wanted his Power M.( for his son in law ) If not no Gvt. And now, either Mr Aoun President or No president at all, and by the way no Govt.,( since Govt was not really what M8 wanted but the circumstance and the decision of Mr Suleiman to make a D. facto Gvt oblige them to accept), biyktoul el katill ou biyemchih bi jinezto,
We use to sit on baabda street to defend Aoun from the Syrian,
I really wish peace with all neighbors and I wish we could travel free in the Middle East like in Europe but Helas in our region we had always Traitors and we will have them forever. Cheick Bashir use to say " we have 5000 years Hadarah = Culture ) Beh No, we have 5000 Years wars, and politician who are ready to sale their soul to the devil. How many generation they still want to destroy and to kill ? If they are not able to elect a president they should go home and let the folks elected like in civilized countries.
You may say I'm a dreamer !

Missing coolmec 26 May 2014, 21:35

I have a better and much cheaper suggestion Dump him in the trash where he belongs

Default-user-icon Woody (Guest) 26 May 2014, 21:39

Everything is changing, people are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke,
no wonder why !!

Thumb Mystic 26 May 2014, 22:08

This man is the only reason the Christians of Lebanon doesn't face total extinction today. Without General Aoun all Christians would've fled to America by now.

Missing helicopter 26 May 2014, 22:24

Is that the only way for a sect to survive in Lebanon nowadays, be subject to and/or Ally with HA?

Default-user-icon George (Guest) 26 May 2014, 23:15

This man has the largest Christian party and heading an alliance of 29 MPs....who then should become President ? Someone like Geagea who barrely has 5 MPs ? Gemayel 3 MPs ? Or even individual without MPs?
Why do we have elections if we dont listen to people ? People express themselves through elections...otherwise let's stop them all and impose partition - So it is either we listen to the majority of the Christian or this is a breach of the National Pact hence the end of Lebanon as one state. We dont want to live anymore with this situation - hope this is clear.

Thumb general_puppet 26 May 2014, 23:18

Misstic, as always you are confused... the deserter Aoun is the one who fled to Paris, the Lebanese people pushed Assad's military out of Lebanon and that is the only reason the General of General's was able to come back.

"This man is the only reason the Christians of Lebanon doesn't face total extinction today"... Yes and he will lead Hariri back to Lebanon and save the Sunni's!!!!!!!!!

Thumb Chupachups 26 May 2014, 23:25


Thumb Chupachups 26 May 2014, 23:25

Because we are so scared

Default-user-icon Tony 77 (Guest) 26 May 2014, 23:07

FPM is the biggest Christian party with the biggest number of MPs...
These MPs have been elected by the people -
so what's wrong if the biggest Christian party gets access to the Presidency post ? Why can the others sects can elect their own members and put them in power while Christian political weight is not taken into account ?
Sorry I am not an Aounist but this is a discrimination against Christians

Default-user-icon John (Guest) 26 May 2014, 23:10

Why M14 keeps attacking General Aoun over his relation with HA...while it is Hariri himself who voted for Berri and will bring him again...
Does it mean that M14 wont vote anymore for Berri ?
For some civil war hasnt ended, Aoun is the this peace ? is this living together ?
Not taking into account the largest Christian party in Lebanon will end up into partition -

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 26 May 2014, 23:46

Regardless what the fake Aounists write, this is a great archive of Aoun till 2000, who were the ones who accused, threatened and criticized him most are still with the moumana3a and M8, who where the one who supported, defended and were whiling to talk with him a are not.

Missing peace 27 May 2014, 00:09

"And our priority remains electing a new president"

total hypocrisy as usual... he means in fact "electing the president that suits hezbollah"....because he doesn't give a shit about lebanon