Report: Geagea, March 14 Camp Preparing for Parliamentary Elections

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea is keen to hold the parliamentary elections and avoid the extension of parliament's tenure for a second time, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Saturday.

It said that he strongly advocates holding the polls for “constitutional reasons,” adding that he has started his consultations with March 14 camp parties, namely the Mustaqbal Movement, to that end.

The daily said that the LF bloc will not vote for the extension of parliament's term should matters come to this, but it is instead preparing for the elections.

Circles close to Geagea told al-Joumhouria that all recent surveys showed that the LF has gained in popularity as opposed to its rival the Free Patriotic Movement of MP Michel Aoun given the latter's political practices.

Geagea has accused Aoun of obstructing the presidential elections through a boycott of his Change and Reform bloc of six of the last elections sessions.

The boycott, along with that of its allies in Hizbullah's Loyalty to the Resistance bloc, has resulted in a lack of quorum at parliament, which led to the failure of the polls.

In May 2013, parliament voted to extend its term, consequently postponing parliamentary elections that were scheduled for June of that same year.

Both pro- and anti-Syrian blocs, except for the Change and Reform bloc, agreed to the 17-month extension, which was prompted by deteriorating security conditions related to Syria's turmoil and lawmakers' failure to agree on a parliamentary electoral law.

The decision marked the first time that parliament has had to extend its term since the country's own 15-year civil war ended in 1990 and underlines the growing turmoil in Lebanon spilling over from the conflict in its neighbor.

Comments 15
Missing karim.. 28 June 2014, 09:16

"...all recent surveys showed that the LF has gained in popularity as opposed to its rival the Free Patriotic Movement of MP Michel Aoun given the latter's political practices."

LOL, yes, like when Aoun said "Fal ya7kom al ikhwan!". Or FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists (Aoun's allies, perhaps?) kidnapping priests and nuns from Syrian monasteries, or burning down churches. Or FSA-Al Qaeda eating human hearts and livers.

Oh wait.

Missing karim- 28 June 2014, 16:57

LOL I hate copycats, Been there, Done that, Got the T-shirt

Missing cedars 29 June 2014, 04:28

Well said Karim-. Since 1930s to 1970s The Syrian Jealous Rulers has always shut the borders with Lebanon into its land to protest against any Lebanese Gov. decision.

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 28 June 2014, 09:25

yeslam temmak ya Hakim wen nchallah michel aoun bichouf chi Hakim la enno lezemlo Hakim!

Thumb cedre 28 June 2014, 13:41

fpm winning thanks to shia vote in jbeil and other places...

Thumb lebpatriot2223 28 June 2014, 15:17

Yes Shia support FPM and vice versa so go cry a river terrorist gimp.

Thumb cedre 28 June 2014, 17:18

We wont cry travestite, coz we know u won't win.
Iran won't control Lebanon, Assad won't survive and Lebanon will be ruled by lebanese of all sects...

Thumb cedre 28 June 2014, 19:26

so Aoun and non elected Bassil shouldnt see themselves as the ones representing the most the christians while they're elected with shias vote to defend syro-iranian interests...

Thumb ice-man 28 June 2014, 20:10

flamethrower, sorry meant to ask you a question: how do I report an inappropriate comment? Can you help...

Thumb ex-fpm 28 June 2014, 21:11

ice-man, there is a button to the right of the comment. If you hover/press on it like I just did, you report someone's comment:)

Default-user-icon hanoun (Guest) 28 June 2014, 14:01

proportionality in parliamentary elections is the only way out

Thumb lebpatriot2223 28 June 2014, 15:17

Child killer Geagea is obsessed

Thumb ice-man 28 June 2014, 20:08


Thumb lebpatriot2223 29 June 2014, 01:45

Look at the three terrorist gimps above root for their child killer geagea

Missing cedars 29 June 2014, 04:30

How about you refresh your airhead with this link: