Geagea Warns Arsal Battle Could No Longer be Isolated

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea warned on Tuesday that the clashes between the army and terrorists in the northeastern border town of Arsal could spread to other areas in Lebanon.

In a speech at the emigrants annual meeting in Maarab, Geagea said: “The security situation in Arsal is very dangerous even if it is isolated.”

“But it could no longer be isolated and could spread to other areas,” he warned.

Geagea reiterated that Hizbullah's involvement in Syria's war caused the gunbattles that started on Saturday after the army arrested a suspect who admitted to belonging to al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front.

“The cause of the problem is Hizbullah's participation in the fighting in Syria. But unfortunately the Lebanese army is paying the price,” he said.

“The army will continue to come under attack as long as Hizbullah holds onto its plans in Syria,” he stated.

“We back the army but the solution comes through Hizbullah's pullout from Syria,” Geagea, a presidential candidate, added.

Despite his warning that the Arsal gunbattles could spread to other areas, Geagea urged the Lebanese not to fear the developments in the region.

“We have resisted in the past organizations and armies bigger than the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” he said.

The fighting in Arsal marks the first time that militants battling Syrian President Bashar Assad have carried out a large-scale incursion into Lebanon.

The fight for the town is the bloodiest involving the army since the military fought a three-month battle in 2007 against the al-Qaida-inspired Fatah al-Islam group inside the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared in northern Lebanon.



Comments 12
Thumb _mowaten_ 05 August 2014, 13:35

gee... the lameness.

if you're going to make sectarian jokes, at least try to make them funny.

Thumb _mowaten_ 05 August 2014, 13:55

so you're defending the sectarian joker? and telling me i am the sectarian one? lol. buzz off you troll

Default-user-icon Jack (Guest) 05 August 2014, 13:51

Doctor Geagea is always correct. He warned us all years ago of the repercussions of HA involvement in syria. Disgusting militia .God help us and our army.

Thumb sophia_angle 05 August 2014, 14:05

i wish someday something you say come true, wlak stehe w 23od bel bet inta 3emel bel jesh adrab min da3esh...God save our army n may the law comes finally to throw all traitors murderers n thieves out of lebanon!!!

Thumb _mowaten_ 05 August 2014, 14:10

naharnet censorship strikes again, and this is the third time. reposting because i cannot see any legitimate reason to delete my comment.

Lame excuses for takfiri-loving saudi pawns. Hezbollah is on the battlfield, if nus-rats want to fight them, they know where to find them.

But they didnt do that, they took over arsal, thanks to the cover and silence of m14 figures, and are now trying to impose their rule there, deliberately attacking and killing soldiers.

djadja we know you hate hezbollah, but bringing it in every single conversation you have makes you sound like a fanatically obsessed simpleton

Missing lqu7 05 August 2014, 14:16

So this army-murdering thug finally woke up to the dangers of ISIS? Geagea should quite and go back to his prison cell if he had a shred of dignity left.

Default-user-icon AbuLiban (Guest) 05 August 2014, 15:01

You still living in the 80's?

Thumb charlesmartel 05 August 2014, 18:56

Remind me didn't HA shot an army helicopter sometime ago?

Default-user-icon Lebanon 1 (Guest) 05 August 2014, 14:25

God bless Lebanon n Dr Samir the only good hakim to take Lebanon out of the broblem

Default-user-icon Lebanon 1 (Guest) 05 August 2014, 14:51

All Lebanese know HA the cause of all the broblem
سيد حسن روح شوف بلد غير لبنان وخلصنا منك

Thumb ado.australia 05 August 2014, 16:17

This is from the guy that said there is no nusra/al qaida/Isis threat in Lebanon! Bankrupt politically and morally. Blaming Aoun and the LAF will work better for him.

Thumb cityboy 05 August 2014, 17:24

good point ado