10th Round of Presidential Elections Adjourned to September

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Speaker Nabih Berri adjourned on Tuesday the parliamentary session aimed at electing a president to September 2 over lack of quorum caused by boycotting blocs.

The tenth round that was scheduled to take place on Tuesday met the fate of its predecessors after only around 55 MPs attended the session.

The Constitution states that two-thirds of parliament's 128 members should be present to have quorum.

The March 14 alliance backs Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea. But the March 8 camp refuses to officially announce its candidate despite hinting its support for Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun.

But Aoun, the head of the Change and Reform bloc, has said he would only announce his candidacy if there was consensus on him.

The failure to elect a president has put parliament's fate in disarray.

Last year, the legislature extended its term till November 2014 after the rival lawmakers disagreed on an electoral draft-law.

As the parliamentary polls are approaching, some blocs are calling for another extension while others are holding onto their stance to hold the elections after choosing a new president.

Comments 9
Thumb nickjames 12 August 2014, 15:42

"The March 14 alliance backs Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea. But the March 8 camp refuses to officially announce its candidate despite hinting its support for Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun."

I think that's the most objective way to explain the situation. Imagine if this kind of crap happened in a Western nation. This country is still managed by tribes and not a government. Everyone wants to steal money from the ministries they control (maybe not Geagea because he refused to join the cabinet). But this country will never be a country until sectarianism is eradicated. It seems the only way to do that in this country is to outlaw all religions.

Thumb lebnanfirst 12 August 2014, 16:35

Spot on!

Thumb sophia_angle 12 August 2014, 16:48

there is nothing to compare btw General n fake doc...law ken lady jaja 3ando noweb ad el General maken byethada....ba3do el General 3am yghanejkon el tsunami no one knows when it will strike

Missing coolmec 12 August 2014, 17:05

Hey guys
Please stop over praising Aoun. He is nothing but a traitor and an opportunist, determined to sacrifice Lebanon in order to become President. what would it take for this Deir El Salib patient to understand he will never be president. he has done enough flip flopping and damage to the country. Enough is enough.
Please do not call him the general of generals. I find it ludicrous and insulting

Missing helicopter 12 August 2014, 18:27

But the_roar,
Changing how the President is elected falls within the responsibility of the legislative branch (the Parliament) and is not done by suggestions made by one person who wants to become President at time of elections. And to top it all he holds the whole process hostage until he gets the chair. GMA will accept the current process if he knows he can get enough votes, which is why he was cajoling Hariri for the last 6 months.
Let a President be elected per the constitution and work through the Parliament to change what one thinks need changing.

Missing helicopter 12 August 2014, 23:04

Are we debating what is happening (one side boycotting elections) or theories (what ifs).
If you want to go with "what if", then what if you were wrong and it was never presented to Parliament for a vote? What if it was presented for a vote and did not pass?
I think we should stick to the events. We have a constitutions that spells out how a President is elected, just follow that.

Missing fedup 12 August 2014, 19:03

Bunch of looser!!! Go away!!!

Thumb beiruti 12 August 2014, 20:19

No ones bluff has been called by the Aoun proposal but Aoun's. To change the way the president is elected requires an amendment to the Lebanese Constitution, a legislative act. Under the constitution as it currently exists, when there is a vacancy in the Office of the Presidency, Parliament can ONLY act as an elective body and cannot engage in legislative acts. Aoun himself has protested attempts by Berri to meet Parliament to pass legislation.
Result, Aoun's proposal is a dead letter as it is impossible to amend the means by which the President is elected until first the President is elected under the present constitutional order.

Default-user-icon PEACE (Guest) 13 August 2014, 01:16

Common points between Daaesh and Aoun:
Both said "ME or None"
Daaesh start exterminate Christians and others in Iraq.
Aoun is taking over to exterminate Christians in the whole Middle East.
Daaesh uses own rules against peaceful minorities.
Aoun showed already this in the past causing the death of Christians more than any other group.
Daaesh cares less about the life of its fighters
Aoun deserted the army and left soldiers to be killed by Syrian just when he felt the danger of own life.