Shebaa Police Station 'Encircled' by 'Members of Resistance Brigades'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Members of the Hizbullah-linked Resistance Brigades on Saturday “encricled” the police station in the southern border town of Shebaa in protest at the arrest of two residents, media reports said.

“Members of political parties and others belonging to the Resistance Brigades have encircled the Shebaa police station in protest at the interrogation of Mustafa and Thaer Ghayyad,” MTV reported.

LBCI television said the two men were detained for “assaulting a member of the Internal Security Forces.”

Meanwhile, Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) said the duo had “attacked security personnel” as al-Jadeed TV said they assaulted “an ISF Intelligence Bureau agent.”

The decision to create the Resistance Brigades was taken in 1997 by Hizbullah's leadership. The group comprised Lebanese young men who wanted to fight the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon without having to officially join Hizbullah.

However, the Brigades were not dissolved after the Israeli army withdrew from southern Lebanon in 2000 and they reportedly took part in the fighting against Islamist cleric Ahmed al-Asir's group in the Sidon suburb of Abra in 2013.


Comments 38
Missing peace 11 October 2014, 18:00

and hezbi lovers pretend they respect the law and institutions....

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 11 October 2014, 18:27

The Question to be asked: who in Lebanon can encircle an army/isf position and get away with it. Only hizballah!

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 23:45

the stench you are smelling comes from you so go and wash yourself dirty FPM traitor....

Missing peace 12 October 2014, 00:01

sure FT keep on the insults.... seems you need to spit a lot tonight, too much frustrations to ease it seems....

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 23:43

yes amazing...

Thumb _mowaten_ 12 October 2014, 20:13

what naharnet calls "encircled" means they came to the station and protested. . if they behaved like mustahbal goons they would have burnt the post and beheaded the policemen already, so dont be here giving lessons you wannabee terrorists.

Thumb EagleDawn 11 October 2014, 18:24

Had it not been for Qassem's terrorists, we would have had law, order, and respect for the army and institutions. That is the reality

Thumb EagleDawn 11 October 2014, 18:35

Flamethrower is already in LRR mode (Lurking, Rating and Reporting)!

Thumb Elemental 11 October 2014, 19:20

I did not see that coming! (Sarcasm)

Thumb ex-fpm 11 October 2014, 18:30

Do you recall our conversation a few days ago? I mentioned their love for the army will cease the minute the army arrests or stops one of them. Here you have it. Can you imagine what would happen if the army tried to stop HA terrorists from crossing the borders into Syria? I can .... Then all those fake " God Bless The LAF" drones would be writing something else.

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 21:57

hey southern and hezbi lovers, when you ll finish saying that M14 finances and supports isis have a look at the regime you support....
"One cannot rationally dissociate the Syrian regime from
terrorism. Syria provides safe haven for a myriad of terrorist
organizations, directs their operations" michel aoun

Syria has harboured financed islamists for decades and you perfectly know that and now they will not use the instrument they are so good at?
but yes the syrian regime has long stopped using terrorist organizations for the sake of their interests...

the syrian regime helped created it and florished to make believe the only solution is bashar and hezbollah!

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 23:50

sure FT sure, keep on the insults, you are only good at that...

so enjoy insulting me if it eases your frustrations....

Thumb galaxy 11 October 2014, 19:03

Nothing will happen as usual. Phone calls will be made and the 2 thugs will be released and a denial will be forthcoming that it was a personal dispute. End of story

Thumb liberty 11 October 2014, 20:02

I agree with you 100%. It will be labeled as a 'misunderstanding' and life goes on. Next time the ISF won't dare do anything because they would know better than be humiliated once more. Banana Republic

Thumb Elemental 11 October 2014, 19:16

So a group of Iranians can abuse the very people they claim to "protect." Nice taqiya claiming you're "Lebanese"...what a joke...

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 11 October 2014, 19:34

This isn't shocking or surprising news to any Lebanese anymore. We have been put in a situation where we have to support a lesser of two evils, and that's when you realize that everyone is the same amount of evil as the rest. Thugs carry guns and give their parties a fancy name, throw in some religious affiliation and all of a sudden they're "heroes" and "freedom fighters".

So, so sick of the situation. It's like an endless cycle. I miss Lebanon. I'm starting to doubt it will ever come back to pre-war glory. I think it's too late.

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 19:50

sure this piece of news does not serve them to sell their hezbi soup...
so they are in the hide...

Thumb liberty 11 October 2014, 20:16

rofl...! this gotta be the funniest comment in a comedy club I have ever heard!

Thumb lebanon_first 11 October 2014, 20:22

another junk invention in the axis of Assad and the gang.

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 21:05

it was created by the hezb southern... pity you

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 21:06

"The decision to create the Resistance Brigades was taken in 1997 by Hizbullah's leadership" LOL @southern...

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 21:52

lol sure they are no hezbi supporters... just a bunch of thugs as usual when it embarasses you...

Thumb liberty 11 October 2014, 21:12

but all hezb are men of God?

Thumb Elemental 12 October 2014, 02:38

Ft, stop using Christians yet again.

Thumb liberty 12 October 2014, 06:32

no only your mullahs flamethrower

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 21:14

sure and two of them assaulted the isf agents... your friends are respectful, aren't they?

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 21:16

and no condemning of the shelling of akkar towns by your syrian friends... pathetic syrian dog you are...

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 11 October 2014, 21:17

nassrallah says his people are ashraf al nass

Thumb liberty 12 October 2014, 06:34

he does not know what he is talking about. His people's actions speak for themselves!

Thumb nickjames 11 October 2014, 22:16

So you have the organisation Hezbollah, then you have a group associated with it called the Resistance Brigades. So these men are also above the law because they're associated with Hezbollah, right?

Thumb liberty 12 October 2014, 06:35

mawlawi is one person that 'might' be above the law, but your tribe of 1 million in its entirety is above the law.

Thumb Kalzyturks 11 October 2014, 22:46

Now lets see here.

If this happened in another part of Lebanon, the army would of been sent in dispersed or arrested the group for terrorism.

Would have been all over the news

hey where is the LAF QAHWAJI?

Thumb Elemental 11 October 2014, 23:47

Turned a blind eye, and prefer living in denial and angry responses, as proven above.

Missing peace 11 October 2014, 23:51

yes M8ers always pretend to be with the army , you re right...

Thumb nickjames 11 October 2014, 23:54

Peace, the Hezbo-Aouniyeh will always deny that Assad is behind the mujahideen in Syria. This guy sent buses filled with jihadists into Iraq after the US invasion. The US even engaged the Syrian army on the border once. While Assad sent terrorists into Iraq, he took in all the fleeing Baathists/Saddam supporters and let them create a safe haven in Syria. When these jihadists came back to Syria Assad imprisoned them. Then when the FSA came about he released the jihadists to weaken the FSA

Missing peace 12 October 2014, 00:00

sure they will , bad for their business... even if they perfectly know that the assad regime has always financed and manipulated islamists froups for decades and now that the regime is in danger they would not use their skills? LOL
their strategy is to force to thank the assad regime and hezbollah for fighting them...
M8ers are quick to forget the arsonist-firefighter strategy of the syrian regime which they often used in Lebanon during their occupation...

how can one believe that suddenly the regime changed its methods that always worked for them? only braindead M8ers....

Thumb nickjames 12 October 2014, 00:06

Assad only cares about his survival. Even though the terrorists would create a formidable force, he prefers that over a united moderate opposition. He'd rather see his country lay in rubble than be defeated and exiled. The more enemies the better for Assad.

Default-user-icon PEACE (Guest) 12 October 2014, 00:58

I respect your choice of ID "peace" with small letter. In spite that I share with you many political points I wish you continue using this ID with small letters to preserve your rights against the consequences of eventual bursts that may be posted by myself using the ID "PEACE" with capital letters. Thanks for your cooperation.