Bkirki Spokesman Says Talk on Presidential Candidates is 'Useless'

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Bkirki spokesman Walid Ghayyad has denied that Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi and al-Mustaqbal movement chief ex-PM Saad Hariri have discussed the names of presidential candidates.

Ghayyad told al-Mustaqbal daily that al-Rahi and Hariri agreed during their meeting in Rome Monday on the need to intensify efforts to elect a new president.

He denied that they discussed the names of possible candidates, which he described as “useless at this stage.”

A conversation on candidates “is a mistake that neither the Patriarch nor ex-PM Hariri would commit,” said Ghayyad.

The discussions between al-Rahi and Hariri focused on “the importance of having a consensual candidate who is capable of confronting this difficult stage,” he told al-Mustaqbal.

They also agreed on “choosing a head of state before any other move,” Ghayyad said.

His remarks, which were published on Wednesday, came as An Nahar newspaper said al-Rahi would renew a proposal for Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea to withdraw his candidacy in return for a similar move by his rival Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Michel Aoun.

Geagea is backed by the March 14 alliance, which includes Hariri's al-Mustaqbal movement.

His candidacy has angered the FPM and the March 8 camp, whose majority of lawmakers have boycotted the presidential elections causing a lack of quorum at parliament.

The differences between March 8 and 14 have kept the country's top Christian post vacant at Baabda Palace. President Michel Suleiman's six-year term ended on May 25.



Comments 13
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 15 October 2014, 10:11

consensual president must mean consensual prime minister and consensual head of parliament just for the sake of equality between religions

Thumb EagleDawn 15 October 2014, 10:54

how about consensual resistance for consistency's sake huh?

Thumb ParvizAmir 15 October 2014, 10:39

The Islamic Republic of Iran does not interfere in Lebanese internal affairs, but it supports General Aoun for President. The Islamic Republic considers General Aoun a friend, an ally, and above all an esteemed citizen of Iran.

Default-user-icon Mas'ud Behrooz Esmail (Guest) 15 October 2014, 14:05

how do you do it flamethrower?! Your investigative work puts the KGB to shame. Something another!

Missing humble 15 October 2014, 10:47

Last week, the caporal said bluntly : "they will elect me president. If they don't I will destroy everything and then they will be obliged to elect me."
He is completely majnun.....!!!!!

Missing greatpierro 15 October 2014, 10:52

interesting if you could give the source of this quote.

Missing humble 15 October 2014, 10:54

From Shreek...

Missing humble 15 October 2014, 10:49

The fault is not on a madman. The fault is on those who still follow him. They are responsible of the destructions he will do.

Default-user-icon lou williams (Guest) 15 October 2014, 13:15

another morning, another afternoon, another year, another century, another comment as flamethrower embarks on another marathon day of nonstop posting

Missing greatpierro 15 October 2014, 13:28

but Geagea already said that he would withdraw his candidacy if a compromise candidate is agreed upon.

Missing greatpierro 15 October 2014, 13:30

if you may notice that is the Iranian strategy to destroy the institutions in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and now Yemen so that they can control those countries through their affiliate militias and expand their imperialist power onto arabic countries.

Thumb ex-fpm 15 October 2014, 13:48

that's funny! I think Patriarch Al Rahi can ask Dr. Geagea himself and does not need to go through third parties.

Default-user-icon jean azizzz.. (Guest) 15 October 2014, 14:42

Lebanon 24 lol ft so funny