Saqr Charges 8 ‘Devil Worshippers’

State commissioner to the military court Judge Saqr Saqr charged eight “devil worshippers” with blasphemy, the National News Agency reported on Thursday.
Four of them were also charged with drug abuse, NNA said.
The eight people were arrested in Mount Lebanon last week for committing blasphemy and engaging in acts of self-harm and drug abuse.

Stupid backward State where one can be condemned for blasphemy! Bunch of idiotic third-world judges who are corrupt by definition in that failed state that is Lebanon!
One can choose to worship a sandal if that is his/her choice, as long as he/she does not condone or practice violence or abuse. Stop persecuting people for their faith and perhaps, one day, you will be eligible to join the ranks of civilized nations!

Stupid backward State where one can be condemned for blasphemy! Bunch of idiotic third-world judges who are corrupt by definition in that failed state that is Lebanon!
One can choose to worship a sandal if that is his/her choice, as long as he/she does not condone or practice violence or abuse. Stop persecuting people for their faith and perhaps, one day, you will be eligible to join the ranks of civilized nations!

@ mowaten: You're clearly stupid and brainwashed. No wonder why the country does not move forward with lebanese poeple like you. Alla yse3dak khaye

Wow! That will really change the face of the country... A bunch of kids who dress in black and have tattoos... And - oh! Damn! They smoke pot!!!!
Praise the Lebanese Government for tacking actions on the real problems of the country!
And to Mowaten: could you please stop to use every single article here to spill your venom? Could you move on?

I would like to know why they were charged by the military court?
What does the military court have to do with blasphemy and drug abuse???
Can someone explain please?
Were they military and not civilians?

primitive laws come from primitive people. we're never going to move forward in lebanon with sh!t like this.

MONEY is the source of all evil so mr sakr sakr u should arrest all money worshipers cause money is the worse kind of devils
so in lebanon u got mr sakr a lot to do

I didn't know that the Lebanese Fartses count only 8 worshipers of the devil, Mr. Criminal. I guess these 8 must have been too outgoing. The remaining worshipers should be more careful now. Dr. Criminal is a devil who deserves more discretion in his worshiping, if worshiping him is not an embarrassment and a joke.

What does the court mean by 'blasphemy'? (cussing God? 3 million Lebanese would be put in prison!)
Is this really something a person can be charged with?
Or simply is it a loophole law in order to punish 'devil worshipers' and Jehovah's witness?
I find it ridiculous that such a trial exists in Lebanon, since we can find in Lebanon so many different religions and denominations.
instead of arresting emos and gothics, we should be preaching to them about Jesus!
True blasphemy however, is using God's name in evil. This means that any group of people today who wage war in the name of God, are committing blasphemy. This includes Bush's war on Iraq, Hezbollah's holy war to free Lebanon-Syria-Palestine, and Geagea's followers.
All this foolishness is challenged by Jesus when he said: 'love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you, bless those who curse you.' and ' whoever raises the sword, will die by the sword!'
Let us hear from Christ's wisdom, and warning.

To servant of jesus, do you read the bible? If yes please tell me why jesus cursed many people? Why did jesus command one of his followers to sell his cape or whatever it was in order to buy a sword? Jesus either had two faces or the bible is filled with lies or its simply you who dont know what you are talking about. either way christianity is not in a position to preach to anyone. How could you allow anti semitic remarks in the bible if you are as you say? The bible says that jesus called jews sons of satan. Why havent you removed this from this book?

These poor young lads should be mentally treated. Not put in prison like criminals. Else they become criminals themselves. Wake up judge... we need prison space for real criminals. stop arresting gays and 'devil worshipers' and transvestites and "heretics" and people who dont conform to your righteous way of life and start arresting drunks who drive at 200km per hour on our highways..... If they are taking drugs, they should be put into rehab. As far as devil worshiping, what is there to worship there for the sane of mind? Come on saqr, get a life and use ur common sense. dont apply blindly laws written during the industrial revolution.

In a modern country, people should not be charged with blasphemy.

People should be free to believe what they want, and Lebanon is the proof of that, with the multitude of different sects.
who are we to deny others beliefs?
who decided we are the new romans who oppressed Christians at the time?
live and let live.

we should make an example of these people like the way they would be treated in iran. do not tolerate this shit. treat them as sharia law

we make an example of these guys, and they will never do it, nor any of their friends nor families, we want an islamic state like iran

finally the truth is out: Hizbullah wants an Iranian state.
maybe the patriarch, if he reads this, will be able to advise us if he wants to join such a state :)
it is clear that we need to fear the chiite extremism, and not the real muslims (the Sunnis) who are moderate and believe in democracy.

Wow! At least there is a debate here... And amazing to see that when it goes beyond politics the real agendas unfold... Sharia law in Lebanon... Ahah! Never! Where would the Gulf and Iran People to have fun? And now we know what Jabal Amel wants: a visa to Iran!!!! Go my friend and we speak about it in 10 years! It is always easy to ask for that king of Regime when you sit comfortably somewhere in Lebanon - or even in Canada or the US, who knows!
@Geha: stop now! Sunnis extremists are not better. I know a lot of Chiaites who just want to live their life in peace - most of them actually. Just spend a bit of time with them! Extremism is the problem, be it Christian, Sunni, Chiaite or whatever.
Could not we just try to build instead of destroy all the time? Is it that difficult?

to Noreply:
I was merely answering previous comments, and agree with you: extremism of whatever sort is bad to say the least.
but currently, weapons are in the hands of one huge group, and should you compare their ability to others be it Sunnis or Christian extremists ....
so, in my view the major danger currently is this huge armed militia calling themselves resistance.

more clarity:
those who own around 40K rockets, of which more than half of them are located in Christian areas in the hands of FPM, are the real threat to all of us.
this is what the Patriarch should pay attention to in my view.

hahahahaha. hahahahahahahaha. this is so funny! what a stupid judge. what a stupid court. what a stupid system.
let's break this down. what were these people doing? devil worshipping. oooooooh! how evil! and what does devil worshipping involve? self-harm and drug abuse. i mean is that it? arrest them on drug charges. treat them for self-abuse. but don't get the military involved. i mean, what's the military threat here? this is a joke...
these are a bunch of confused kids who are rebelling against their ultra-religious parents in the most offensive way they can think of. any adult who sees this as a threat needs to stop believing in santa claus and grow up...
i can't stop laughing...