Suleiman at Security Council: Avoiding Conflicts Requires Implementing U.N. Resolutions
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The prevention of conflicts requires the implementation of the binding resolutions issued by the U.N. Security Council, President Michel Suleiman said Thursday in New York, as Lebanon assumed the rotating presidency of the Security Council.
Addressing the council in his capacity as its rotating chairman, Suleiman said “the issuance of Resolution 1701 by the Security Council was a necessary measure in order to stop the devastative war, and the Security Council should halt Israel’s threats and violations and force its withdrawal” from the occupied Lebanese territories.
“We stress that dialogue, communication and tolerance are the best tool to confront extremism and bigotry and it is normal to strengthen the culture of peace in order to prevent conflicts,” Suleiman added.
“Let us unite out efforts for the sake of a world dominated by the respect of the other,” he called on the council’s member states. what are you going to do with the 40,000 Hizbullah Rockets?? where do these rockets fit in your statement of "we stress that Dialogue, ...prevents conflict"?? we can't preach tolerance to the world body when your own backyard is full of thugs!!

mfawaz, if anyone is a traitor it is you, and the leaders you follow. You call anyone who attacks Hizbollah a zionist and an Israeli agent...I have news for you, Syria and Iran are worse enemies to Lebanon than Israel! True Israel bombed and killed many Lebanese, but where were you during the Lebanese war when the Syrian army was bombing Beirut randomly, and it's moukhabarat were kidnapping and killing Lebanese men and women? It's funny how none of you see that, and you praise Syria (al shakika) for it's support for Lebanon. Bull! Even now some of you are more loyal to Syria than you are to Lebanon! well why don't you move to Syria and leave Lebanon alone! Beind critical of Hezbollah doesn't mean you have to be pro-Israeli. Hizbollah doesn't have Lebanon's interest in mind, and being against them means you are PRO-LEBANESE! The reason Lebanon is in deep shit is because of your Hizbollah friends and their allies...they are a virus that is slowly killing our country!

@joeleb that was the best comment i have ever seen on the naharnet website. I would like to commend you on being a true Lebanese, and stating how we truly feel. What Syria did to Lebanon was disgusting, and I do not understand how some of us can call them our brothers. Same goes for Israel, and just because some Lebanese are against Hezbollah, doesnt mean they are Pro Israeli. WE ARE PRO LEBANESE and we want Christian-Muslim unity. WE WANT A STRONG LEBANON, TOGETHER WE WILL PROSPER

we will take over lebanon soon, if you guys dont like it here, then go to america. maalsalame