Jumblat Says Clampdown on Protesters 'Shameful': Be Modest your Excellencies
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Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat slammed the authorities on Friday for using force against the relatives of servicemen taken hostage by jihadists in August, urging officials for some “modesty.”
Jumblat described the clampdown on the protesters at Beirut's Saifi area as “shameful.”
“It seems the state has lost its temper rather than seriously negotiate” the release of the hostages, he said on twitter.
Police used water cannons to break up the protest of the relatives of the hostages who blocked the Saifi road to demonstrate against the government's failure to secure the release of their loved ones.
The soldiers and policemen were taken hostage by Syria-based militants who overran the northeastern border town of Arsal and engaged in bloody gunbattles with the army.
The protesters “have only shirts on their chests,” Jumblat tweeted, adding “others block roads with their real and fictional security convoys.”
“Get some modesty your excellencies,” he told officials.
It was not clear to whom Jumblat was referring to. But earlier, Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq defended police and said the protest of the hostages' relatives would have paralyzed the country.
Jumblat, who is new on twitter but very active, hailed hours earlier al-Mustaqbal movement chief ex-PM Saad Hariri, urging political parties to “respond to his initiative.”
“Saad Hariri tonight was a big statesman and profoundly concerned about Lebanon's stability and recovery,” Jumblat tweeted as the Mustaqbal chief made an interview at his Paris residence with LBCI TV on Thursday night.
“This not the first time, but in this time of history of Lebanon, his responsible approach is more than ever needed,” said Jumblat
“I hope that everybody in the political class, from all sides respond positively to his initiative,” he added.
Hariri responded to Jumblat during the TV interview, thanking him for “his words.”
“He is always working for Lebanon's interest,” the Mustaqbal leader said about the PSP leader.
Hariri told LBCI that he wanted a “serious dialogue” with Hizbullah to serve Lebanon's interest.
He said Speaker Nabih Berri and Jumblat were working to get the talks started.
Berri told his visitors on Thursday that dialogue will be held at the level of the two parties' representatives.
Hariri also ruled out a meeting for now between him and Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Jumblat Lauds Hariri as 'Big Statesman'
unfortunately, Jumblat is NOT.

Jumblat is working for Lebanon, Saad is working for Lebanon, Nabih is working for Lebanon, and Aoun is working for Lebanon, They are all working for Lebanon, and we are doing so bad!!! I wonder if they were not working for Lebanon where would we be!

there is a big difference btw
1- State:
when all people are citizens share same value, when the laws are there to be implemented n no one is above it...
when all people are considered as means n goods serving their master, when the laws are implemented on the weak n the masters get through it...
When we define state we can see directly the man for it, only one man for the Great State of Lebanon & we have this only one chance for us n generations to come if not we r going to extend all the past 30 yrs to ....
Long Live General Michel Aoun!

well everybody can make lists on everyone...but facts n illusions dontimixxxxx moo? i think xanax is gd for all haters of GMA especially when he becomes Mr. President of Lebanon
Commander of Lebanese army - Prime minister - Head of biggest christian block - Head of east christian dialogue - President...a very good CV for a heavy neuroleptics drugs addict ill person don't you think??! :)

The Caporal will never ever become president : he is a born loser.

"Saad Hariri tonight was a big statesman" the correct translation is: his state of a man is fat
Good old Jombie, so true to himself, today Saad Hariri is a big man for him, yesterday it was someone else, tomorrow who know? The race for clownship ownership and leadership between Jombie and Aboul Mish will obviously be a closely fought match.

no body is bigger than his country especially
god bless democracy power to the people