Geagea: Kidnap of Lebanese Servicemen Harmed Syrian Revolution
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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Sunday noted that the abduction of a number of Lebanese troops and policemen at the hands of Syria-based jihadist groups had "harmed the Syrian revolution."
“We are with the Syrian revolution, but we reject attacks against our army or border. The kidnap of the Lebanese servicemen has harmed the Syrian revolution a lot,” Geagea said in an interview with Orient TV, a Dubai-based satellite television affiliated with the Syrian opposition.
“Those holding the captive servicemen are as far as can be from the Syrian revolution, but we cannot ask ordinary (Lebanese) citizens to distinguish things in this issue,” Geagea added, referring to the al-Nusra Front and Islamic State jihadist groups.
“We are against Hizbullah's fighting in Syria and it is unacceptable, but this does not justify for a number of refugees in Arsal to launch an attack against the Lebanese army. This does not also justify taking around 30 servicemen as hostages and making demands for the release of Islamists from Lebanese prisons,” Geagea added.
Around 25 policemen and soldiers are being held hostage by the IS and al-Nusra. Four hostages have been executed by the two groups.
The servicemen were kidnapped in early August during clashes between the jihadists and the Lebanese army in and around the northeastern border town of Arsal.
“The Syrian revolution and its principled aspirations, especially the vision of the Syrian National Coalition, resemble what the Christians believe in, but the reality on the ground at the moment has nothing to do with the founding principles of the Syrian revolution,” Geagea said.
He stressed that “at least half of the Christians in Lebanon are supportive of the Syrian revolution against the Assad regime.”
“Some Christians have concerns over trends such as the IS group, but this does not mean that they have started to support Bashar Assad's regime,” Geagea noted.
Asked about the exclusion of Christians from the upcoming dialogue between Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal movement, Geagea pointed out that “this is a dialogue that has to do with alleviating Shiite-Sunni tensions in Lebanon.”
“It has nothing to do with reshaping Lebanon or finding a new president … Christians have a say in all national causes and no one can eliminate them or has the intention to do so,” the LF leader added.
He also rejected the hypothesis that the Sunnis and Shiites of the region are the ones who choose “Lebanon's Maronite president.”
“If (Free Patriotic Movement chief) General Michel Aoun decides to go tomorrow to parliament to elect a president, we would elect the new president. The issue is not linked to Sunnis and Shiites, as the party obstructing the presidential vote is unfortunately a Christian party – in addition to Hizbullah,” added Geagea.
Aoun is still the candidate of the March 8 camp in the face of Geagea, the nominee of the March 14 forces. Political differences and the rivalry between the two men has led to a lack of quorum in 16 electoral sessions in parliament, amid a boycott by the MPs of Aoun and Hizbullah.
The presidential seat has been vacant since president Michel Suleiman's term ended on May 25.
Turning to the situation in Syria, Geagea noted that “Bashar Assad has remained in power until now because the Americans are still rejecting to pay the price to the Russians until the moment.”
“Assad is politically dead and there are several replacements,” added Geagea.
He also expressed his belief that Syria will reach a political agreement similar to Lebanon's Taef Accord, which ended the 1975-1990 civil war.
“It would gather Sunnis, Alawites and Christians, while Kurds would have some sort of autonomous rule in the vein of Iraq's Kurdistan,” Geagea added.

Time to admit your mistakes, Geagea. You've lost, and your beloved "revolution" is a failure and deemed psychotic. It did nothing else, than killing lots of people in Syria, and deaths of Lebanese civilians and soldiers.
See what you've done, not enough you are a massmurder. You had to continue on your manslaughter, and support takfiris.

We left the killing in Syria to your Hezbcocaine, and you're not the brightest crayon in the crayon box.

Translation: "We just received our payment from Saudia, so we will support the Salafists no matter what they do to our soldiers".

It was never a revolution, but a takfiri invasion. Geagea should admit he messed up aswell. He is not a person, anyone would want President. I believe most of his followers are beginning to have second thoughts about him.

It was whatever u want to call it, point is we're here now. No one believes geagea will b president, not even him. Now it's time aoun to do the same, n jointly come up with a plan out of this mess. The breakup of Christian power will greatly hurt lebanon and it's identity.

It's not because Geagea will never be president (rightfully so) that Aoun should give up.
The two are not equal, not in their respective criminal records, popular support, or ethics among many other things.

“We are against Hizbullah's fighting in Syria and it is unacceptable, but this does not justify for a number of refugees in Arsal to launch an attack against the Lebanese army. This does not also justify taking around 30 servicemen as hostages and making demands for the release of Islamists from Lebanese prisons,” Geagea added.
Spot on.

Mystic 1 hour ago
It was never a revolution, but a takfiri invasion
Lmaoooooooooooooooooo of course it wasn't Mughniyeh. That's why Assad released all the Islamist prisoners to hijack the revolution to bolster his claim that it was a takfiri invasion. First he released them and sent them to Iraq after the US invasion, then after they fled Iraq and returned to Syria he arrested them again and put them back in his prisons, then when the revolution broke out the FSA started gaining power, he released them again.
By the way, is it not true that he's buying oil from Daesh?? Is it not true that he didn't bomb Daesh for a year and a half AFTER they took over Raqqa??? Is it not true that Bashar is trying to create ceasefire zones with the people he calls terrorists???

The US released Baghdadi. The Islamists Assad released ended up in Ahrar al Sham, which are still considered your heroes. Your lies have long been exposed.

And who released al-Jawlani and Mohammed Haydar Zammar, both of whom were in Syrian prisons???

But according to Assad and the Hezbo-Aouniyeh, Daesh, Nusra and the FSA are all the same thing! So no Nusra is different than Daesh now? Nusra isn't as bad?? And who was in Syria first, are you sure it wasn't Nusra?? Remember Daesh invaded Syria from Iraq, and claimed to absorb Nusra then began fighting them??

So now*
Habib, I understand you're a Hezbo, but keep things in perspective. What does the US releasing al-Baghdadi in Iraq have anything to do with Bashar releasing al-Jawlani and even helping him start Nusra?? Nusra was a fighting force in Syria before Daesh invaded.

Lol, March 14 and even the Americans and Israelis are fans of Nusra.
You should be happy. And what does Baghdadi have to do with this? Erm, March 14 and others claim Assad created ISIs, not Nusra, genius.

nickjames, is yet another American/Israeli fanboy. He would rather see all of Lebanon burn, just to see Geagea become President.

Looooool an American-Israeli fanboy I really appreciate the joke Mystic 3anjad it made me laugh. Habib, like I said earlier, just because I'm sympathetic to March 14 does not mean I always agree with what they're doing or what they want. I am able to differentiate what March 14 wants and what I want. For example, just because some M14ers like Nusra (because they hate Bashar) does not mean I like them.
I never said Bashar created Daesh. What I say is that Bashar helped establish Nusra, and he turned a blind eye on Deash. Bashar wants the takfiri to be more powerful than the FSA because it supports his claim that the revolution was fake.

Mughniyeh, here is what I think about Geagea: would I rather have him president than Aoun? Of course. Does that mean Geagea would make a good president? Not necessarily. Do I support Geagea? It depends on what his stances are, and if I agree with what he says. I agree with him on some things but not others. Do I think someone other than Geagea should be leading the Ouwwet? Yes, I'd rather have someone who wasn't involved in the civil war. But that's not an option, Geagea is the leader of the LF and I have to accept that.
I don't follow leaders blindly like all the Lebanese. I listen to what they say, and I decide if it falls in line with the way I think.

Samir Geagea is not a fraction of Bashir Gemayel. If I lived in Bashir's time I would at least consider fighting and dying for his cause, something I could not say about Aoun, Geagea, Nasrallah, or Berri. Bashir was a true Lebanese leader who, despite having to take Israeli support, truly wanted Lebanese independence and died for it. People like you wouldn't understand because you're Shi3a, but as a Christian I admire Gemayel because he did the best he could to protect his community. When he gave speeches, he did not use notes; he spoke from his heart (you can watch his Don Bosco speech on Youtube).
The problem is he died in 1982, and since then there has not been one Christian leader of his values.

"3am netdarab la net3alam enno wa7ad w wa7ad bya3mlo tnen, la2anno la 7ad el youm wa7ad w wa7ad ken ya3mlo 11" is one of the great Bashir quotes that summarised what was/still is wrong with Lebanon.

So now Assad created Nusra? Haven't heard that one before, lol. Keep the conspiracy theories coming. I'm sure Assad created Boko Haram and al Shabaab too.
In the second link, the article was written by someone who was in the Syrian Foreign Ministry for decades. He explains how Assad strengthened the terrorists to hijack the revolution and present himself as a partner to the US once Daesh became powerful.

Samir Geaga, 100% right. Saad Hariri Thinks the Same, The syrian Revolution lost with the kidnaping of our honorable serviceman. Scum who did it will pay the price sooner or later, This is Lebanon and not Assad's Stable.

Lebanease Shi3a, and Sunni are united for the first time because of these idiots. All factions including FPM, Future, Lebanese Forces, Amal look at Nasrallah and say you where right this time. Just try to end the involvement the sooner the better.

Even US, Iran, France and Russia agree to fight these terrorists even if they have their own differences. Those ISIS or Nusra will pay the price by Sunnis first it is a matter of honor and doing the wright thing. We belong to the free world and the right thing to do is to fight those who try to control our freedom wheather fro "Terror Islamist" or any other fake name entity.

Yeah, that's certainly what the latest news would indicate, lol. Stay in your dreamworld.

saudijack, this is the downhil for Geagea, look at him. Madness and desperation. Same goes for his supporters. You've lost this war, there is nothing you can do, accept your faith. Let Lebanon heal, and let Syria heal aswell.

Geagea's fans are a dying breed. All he has left is NickJames and Elissa.

Gaga is a political dinosaur. He even looks like one.

The "rebels" have killed more Sunnis than Hezbollah ever has.

like syrians killed more lebanese than israel ever has... though you support the killers of thousands of lebanese... LOL

syria didnt half as much lebanese as israel has. the only ones who killed more lebanese than israelis are the LFs

Lol, yes, another Israeli apologist.
Syria saved the Lebanese form themselves.

flamethrower I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how you believe the Russian economy is more solid than the EU economy? instead of answering my last time you started talking to me about ukraine politics. So please explain how the Russian economy is more solid and prosperous than the EU? or at least tell me that u were talking made up things as usual.

to use this quote in reference to that war criminal is blasphemous.

there was a time i was vehmently opposed to assad, but i fear the syrian revolution is a radical muslim uprising. i dont stand with it. i dont stand with assad, but right now i stand with anyone who is fighting jabhat al nusra and the islamic state head chopping sub animals, as well as ikhwan al muslimeen slime.