Al-Rahi’s Positions on Syria, Hizbullah Removed from Bishops Proclamation after Extensive Debate

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A debate over Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s positions on Syria, Hizbullah’s arms, and Christians in the region during the Maronite bishops council meeting on Wednesday prompted the gatherers to remove these issues from their final proclamation.

The Bishops’ meeting last Wednesday was not as rosy as depicted in the press, especially the March 8 media. It was an opportunity for the bishops to give the Patriarch their opinion on his Paris declarations.

The meeting began with al-Rahi presenting a draft statement for the proclamation.

It included his position on Syria, warning that its popular movements may lead to civil and sectarian war between Sunnis and Alawites that could extend to Lebanon through an alliance between Syria’s and Lebanon’s Sunnis against the Alawites of Syria and Lebanon’s Shiites.

Such a war could reflect negatively on the Christians in Lebanon and Syria and push them to emigrate, the patriarch said.

The statement also included a warning that the international community’s goal to establish democracy in Syria may lead to the rise of extremist forces to power instead.

He also reiterated statements he made in France a few weeks ago that a solution to Hizbullah’s weapons lies in an international community pressure on Israel to withdraw from the Shebaa farms and a European-American initiative to arm the Lebanese military – two moves that would eliminate the Shiite party’s excuses to keep its arms.

Following the presentation, the bishops made their comments on al-Rahi’s remarks.

One of the patriarch’s deputies said the church cannot abandon its strategic principles for tactical and short-term considerations, and it therefore cannot take a stance based on analyses and expectations of what the demands of the Syrian people for freedom and democracy could lead to.

Such an approach may harm the essence of the teachings of the church and portray it as opposing the rights of the people in determining their fate, he added.

Furthermore, he said that such stands may justify dictatorial regimes’ oppression against their people and violation of international law.

“The church cannot support the mentality of the honorable end justifies the corrupt means,” he added.

Addressing the patriarch, he said: “You have repeatedly stated that political affairs should remain restricted to the politicians. We should commit to this in words and actions.”

A bishop then addressed al-Rahi by saying that the church had repeatedly declared that it supports peoples’ right to live in freedom and dignity.

“You had also stressed the need to limit the possession of arms to the Lebanese state, so how can we now issue stances that contradict these principles?” he asked.

“Do we tell the people that Bkirki’s principles are wrong? Do we tell them that it changes its views based on different circumstances?” he wondered.

Another bishop, who had assumed diplomatic responsibilities at Bkirki, warned of the Maronite church’s adoption of al-Rahi’s views that were listed in the draft statement.

“We cannot adopt a position that Arabs can interpret as being hostile towards Sunnis in Lebanon and the region because that will negatively impact Christian presence in the East, and Lebanon in particular,” he stressed.

“What could we have achieved if we took a position that opposes the rights of the Sunni majority in Syria that is backed by the Sunni majority in the Arab world, and Gulf region in particular?” he asked.

“How can we bear the consequences of Gulf states expelling Christian expatriates over what it interpreted as our support of the Syrian regime?” he continued.

“We should be wary of the repercussions of our positions on our sons and their economic interests,” he warned.

“Effective Christian political and national approaches should ensure that Christians are granted appropriate economic and social support,” he concluded.

A former bishop from one of the Maronite parishes then addressed the gatherers, warning them of the dangers of embroiling Lebanon in a confrontation with international decision-makers.

“The patriarch is right in expressing the concerns of Christians to influential countries, but there is a fine line between demanding that our positions be taken into consideration and getting involved in a confrontation with European and American administrations,” he noted.

“Diplomatic information indicates that ties between the Maronite church and between Paris and Washington will be witnessing tensions, which requires us to immediately maintain Christian interests in the East before the frigid relations develop into alienation,” he added.

He said: “The Vatican, France, and United States have enjoyed good ties for years now and we cannot affect these relations.”

“Our demands that Christians not pay the price of a Sunni-Shiite-Alawite conflict should not result in Christians paying the price of a lost battle between the Christians in Lebanon and the East on one side and the international community on the other ,” he cautioned.

His speech was followed by a bishop who had played a prominent role in the past few years.

He said: “Since 2000, we have issued 11 proclamations, all of which included positions on Syria and Hizbullah’s arms that completely contradict with the positions we are addressing today.”

“How can we confront our sons if we issue a new proclamation based on the new stances?” he asked.

“Do we tell them that your church was wrong for 11 years and it is now correcting these positions?” he wondered.

“Can any one of us distance himself from the previous proclamations?” he continued.

“It’s true that admitting a mistake is a virtue, but we should at first agree that we had committed an error in our previous assessments,” he stressed.

A bishop, who had assumed media responsibilities, then addressed the gatherers, revealing to them complaints that al-Rahi had surrounded himself with media officials, who labeled themselves as “the patriarch’s consultants” and who are affiliated with March 8 camp parties and movements.

These officials, he added, have claimed that they were summoned by the Maronite patriarchate to serve as media counselors.

“We all know that Walid Ghayyad is the Bkirki media official, so should we believe this group?” he asked.

“If so, I do not deny the patriarch is right to surround himself with whoever he wants, but I warn that maintaining a group of a single political view may portray the Patriarchate as a side in the political dispute,” he noted.

Al-Rahi interjected at this, explaining that this group does exist and that he had added some March 14 camp-affiliated figures to it.

“I am not the one who requested its presence, but the group did so out of its keenness to express its opinions to bishop Sayyah who accompanied it. I have received complaints about the group and have stopped meeting with them last week,” he stated.

A resigned bishop followed, criticizing the patriarch’s visit to Baalbeck, the Hermel, and South, saying that since these regions are dominated by one political camp, his visit was exploited by it in a manner that did not benefit the Maronite church.

“We should at least regain our rights in the town of Lassa and receive a pledge that Christian-owned land will not be bought out from them in the South and that the expansion of Beirut’s southern suburbs and in Baabda come to an end,” he stressed.

Addressing the patriarch, he said: “I was annoyed by your statements from the Bekaa when you said that you will emulate Imam Moussa Sadr’s positions and approach.”

The patriarch’s approach should be emulated, not the other way around, he said.

“These statements were exploited, I know you didn’t mean so, but it happened,” he added.

Meanwhile, a bishop, whose parish is located in areas that have Sunni presence, said the Sunnis were annoyed by the distinction that al-Rahi made between them and Shiite leaderships during his tours.

“MP Fouad Saniora complained that you snubbed the Hariri family invitation to Majdelyoun, while you accepted the dinner invitation of Sheikh Mohammed Yazbeck and Speaker Nabih Berri’s lunch invitation at Msayleh,” he added.

Al-Rahi responded by saying that such misunderstandings are inevitable in such circumstances.

“I was quick to rectify the situation by calling for a spiritual summit at Dar al-Fatwa, that way, I treated Sunnis and Shiites equally,” he added.

A Mount Lebanon bishop then noted Bkirki’s contradictory positions on Lebanon’s right to liberate its land.

He explained that a spiritual summit was held at Bkirki a few weeks ago during which conferees stressed the state’s authority in liberating occupied territory.

The Vice-President of the Higher Islamic Shiite Council Abdul Amir Qabalan objected to it, as well as the summit’s failure to mention the Resistance, he noted.

“Why have we since altered our position and started to adopt Hizbullah’s stands towards the resistance and illegitimate arms?” asked the bishop.

“This will confuse our supporters and portray us as being susceptible to pressure,” he noted.

“This will pave the way to more pressure and force us to make more concessions over our convictions, historic positions, and Christian interests,” he warned.

Another bishop reiterated these statements, saying that late Patriarch Khreish and former Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir had, between 1975-1989 civil war, opposed sending signals that Bkirki blesses the arms that Christians had directed against Palestinians, who had then established a state within a state in Lebanon.

“How can we therefore adopt Hizbullah’s views of the arms given that they exist outside the state’s authority?” he asked.

In light of these discussions, one of the patriarch’s representatives suggested introducing fundamental amendments to al-Rahi’s draft statement.

They called for refraining from delving into the details of political positions on current developments and strictly suffice with issuing general principles.

Warnings of the eruption of civil war in Syria will be dropped, as well as those on the rise of extremists to power.

The issue of Hizbullah’s arms will be avoided and focus will be shifted to the fair implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The Maronite bishops also decided to stress the importance of equality and cooperation between the people of the region, away from violence.

Furthermore, they agreed that the new phrasing of the Maronite bishops’ statement will not oppose al-Rahi’s positions, which would consequently portray the church in a negative light.

This entailed altering the statement “supporting the position of the patriarch,” to “supporting the patriarch and trusting in his leadership and wisdom.”

The amendments were taken into consideration, with the final proclamation being devoid of any of the political positions al-Rahi had issued in Paris, Baalbeck, and the South.

Comments 30
Missing small.axe 02 October 2011, 09:03

Very interesting....

Default-user-icon Joey Zaza (Guest) 02 October 2011, 09:10

What a shame. All these years we have been believing that our Church's position is of a strong government and army and now with Al Rahi's irresponsible statements he took us 50 years back. He simply didnt turn out the way most Christians thought. The devil does wear PRADA.

Thumb canaanite 02 October 2011, 09:13

Glad to see the bishops setting al-Rahi straight...

How did he go so wayward?

Now the next step is to replace him with someone who will continue on the Maronites original path...

Default-user-icon reaper (Guest) 02 October 2011, 10:19

so its appears patriarch rahi's statements in paris were not taken out of context after all . good to see the other maronite bishops holding him accountable and questioning the church's inconsistencies. for now it seems a doctrine of appeasement to the enemies of independence, freedom and democracy ....iran,syria, hezbolah and march 8 ..... such as the maronite president's stance.

Default-user-icon Get Real (Guest) 02 October 2011, 11:16

This is an unprofessional and poorly written article. It has many unsupported statements made by bishops such as the ones below:

"A resigned bishop followed, criticizing the patriarch’s visit to Baalbeck, the Hermel, and South, saying that since these regions are dominated by one political camp, his visit was exploited by it in a manner that did not benefit the Maronite church."

"Another bishop reiterated these statements, saying that late Patriarch Khreish and former Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir had, between 1975-1989 civil war, opposed sending signals that Bkirki blesses the arms that Christians had directed against Palestinians, who had then established a state within a state in Lebanon."

Who are these bishops?

Who is "Naharnet Newsdesk"? Articles where statements such as the ones made above name the reporter who collated the statements.

Get real, this article reads like a propaganda piece.

Missing youssefhaddad 02 October 2011, 11:20

The Bishops have proven that the Maronite church does not have a "Supreme Leader" , it cannot impose views on its people and cannot deviate from the fundamentals of Christianity.
The Patriarch who went on a verbal demolition of all what Bkerki has stood for needed a dose of reality. He got it but i do not know if we could trust him anymore!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 02 October 2011, 13:32

fakhamto was right to tell rahi not to talk anymore. or he will be another kabbani.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 02 October 2011, 13:40

very nice article that elaborates the christian dilemma
ouyale ma fihim min hal article ye3nni ma bado yefham
god bless our batrak

Default-user-icon tanious (Guest) 02 October 2011, 13:53

It feels very reassuring hearing this bishops speak their minds. Im glad some are sticking to their principles..

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 02 October 2011, 14:00

All what i can see is a split among maronites. march 14 against the patriarch who is working for peace among lebanese. He did not say anything bad . All what he did is tried to unite the lebanese. what is wrong with that? If he spoke about syria he did it because he was told the truth in paris. there is a plan to get rid of all the chrisitans in the middle east. what do the maronites prefair? to leave their land on boats from the west? to get massacred? or to make peace and live free in their homeland? The batrack is a wise guy. The only way for the christians to survive is to unite with the rest of minority sects. The Christians were offered again and again to leave to the west . why is that? its because Israel wants to get rid of all the palestinians and send them to lebanon syria and jordan. the whole world knows it. Its time to wake up and know who our real ennemy is. The arab uprising is an israeli plot . paid for by the US. DIVIDE AND CONQUER. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 02 October 2011, 14:06

the democracy in the bishops meeting saved the church and bkirki from issuing a communique covering les "gamineries" de rahi.

Thumb jabalamel 02 October 2011, 14:17

the filthy zionist information war department is happy because maronite bishops removed one political issue from proclamation.

like it means anything.

Missing startrip 02 October 2011, 15:19

After the council tried the goods, they now have a bad case of buyer's remorse.
Executive Director, Zionist Information War Department (ZIWD)

Default-user-icon berri likes honey (Guest) 02 October 2011, 15:37

the zionist infested iranian terrorists so called islamic resistance in lebanon is delighted with the extra support it's getting in expelling the imported invading christians from this blessed islamic soil as sayed hassan the head of the zionist infested group called lebanon

Default-user-icon Zeitgeist (Guest) 02 October 2011, 15:39

"Al-Rahi interjected at this, explaining that this group does exist and that he had added some March 14 camp-affiliated figures to it."

it does not exist but he's added March 14 figures to it, umm WHAT!

Default-user-icon Trueself (Guest) 02 October 2011, 16:32

When are we as a nation start thinking of building a country and extricate outselves from this farm where everyone gets a piece based on religion, eyjnciity and orientation. When are we going to let these religious leaders stop speaking in anything other than religion and let a new waive of policians (not the ones we have now who should all be burned) and build a new country that cares for education, free expression and liberty which are qualities that will make us a noticeable country. Since independence, we have been building a country of families and religions. Even Christians amongst themselves are split. Maronites, Orthodox and other Christian minorities; as well as muslims who are killing each other based on Sunnism and shiaism. In this way, we can't build a country. Al Rai should stay in his church preaching Jesus, not supressing uprising in Syria that call for freedom and dignity. Has Al rai forgotten that the Lebanese have fled their country because of the Syrian BOOT.

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 02 October 2011, 17:15

Glad to see Wisdom of some Bishops prevailng over Al Rahi's Rash, Impulsive, outlandish, and self serving statements. The way I see it, there are many qualified bishops out there that are not willing to cave in to Terror and intimidation by the crumbling Syrian and Iranian regimes and their criminal tools Hezbollah and are willing to stick to the Freedom and Democracy, Human Rights and Peace causes that the Church has long advocated throughout its history globally, unlike the way Al Rahi is doing (he's even gone the extra mile of defending and justifying criminal behaviour by Hezbollah and their masters in Damascus and Tehran). I agree that after what has transpired Al Rahi is just not right for this role, the council might need to re-elect another more worthy candidate that is willing to stay the course of Freedom and Democracy the real precursors for Nation Building, rather than "going with the flow" and surrendering to intimidation and terror by soon to be convicted criminals.

Missing camille 02 October 2011, 17:16

اعتقد ان ما قام به سيدنا ليس دعم المقاومة أو دعم النظام في سوريا انما طلبا شيء ملموس لنواجه السبب في وجود سلاحهم كما يقولون وثانياً من حقه أن يسأل ما سيجري للأقلية المسيحية بعد تغيير هذا االنظام نحن في الكنيسة لم نكن يوماً نركض خلف أحد ومن حقنا أن نسأل لأن الماضي الفريب والبعيد لا يشرف هكذا شعوب

Missing zionist_information_war_department 02 October 2011, 18:16

Al-Rahi should know better...

Our sources informed our Zionist Information War Department that Al-Rahi will be replaced soon.

Default-user-icon Yousefbeik (Guest) 02 October 2011, 19:57

God bless you batrakna!! I guess that's why none of those puppet baffoons is the Batrak! We always knew that you will not be a puppet to anyone like abou Samir for example... Naharnet please get your story straight. You should be reporters not liars..

Default-user-icon Le Phénicien (Guest) 02 October 2011, 20:16

Bye bye Batrak Sfeir , Hello And welcome Batrak Al Rai .

Missing anerares 02 October 2011, 21:24

Are the bishops cowards?

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 02 October 2011, 21:40

the duration of the bishops meeting was unusally very long,4hours 15 minutes.
i dont think it was meditation...... the communique was very clear of uniting around the patriarch and the chair of bkirki,NOT SUPPORTING RAHI'S LATEST AMENDMENTS.

Thumb geha 02 October 2011, 21:41

alrahi will soon be of the past like his new found patrons.

Default-user-icon Le Phénicien (Guest) 02 October 2011, 22:08

Are the bishops cowards?

Missing camille 02 October 2011, 22:18

لن يطول الزمن ليكتشف من هللو لسيدنا البطرك بأنهم مخطئين لأنهم سيجدونه مفاوماً أكثر من سلفه ، نعم انه يعطي المجموعة التى عارضت سلفه فرصة ربما نفعت ولكن ان لم تنفع فسيعود الى خيارات أكثر من سلفه عناداً ، أطال الله بعمر الكاردينال صفير وشكراً لتضحياته

Missing realist 03 October 2011, 01:34

The bishops proved wiser than ra3i, basically questioning his wisdom in picking up an unnecessary yet very dangerous fight with the majority of Arabs. Is it really wise to jeapordize the jobs of so many christians in the gulf for instance? for what and for whom? for a brutal dictator massacring his people? how chrisitan is that? and since when fear of the unknown should prevail over the courage and benevolance of the Chrisitan faith? wasn't jesus the first to reject oppression!?

Default-user-icon iNcorruptible (Guest) 03 October 2011, 02:22

It is incredible how gullible you people are, proving even more how much Lebanese opinion is shaped by propaganda.
Let's see Nahar name any of those fairy-tale bishops!

Default-user-icon Lebanez (Guest) 03 October 2011, 04:03

Glad to see the bishops working on cleaning up this mess... Batrak el Rahi learned his lessons the hard way and I doubt that he will go on comment spree again unless he thinks it twice...Let’s support him now and stay behind him to the end , he is our only hope to steer the ship in the right direction

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 03 October 2011, 05:36

As I always said: Every Religious leader from any sector MUST remain away from politics (liars) because you teach the opposite in the mosque and church.
Summary: Do not discuss any politics, teach love, peace and sympathize with ALL citizens from any nation against oppression from any kind. You are the role model of who you are representing (god's gift to earth), s stay like that to gain the respect of those citizens, otherwise we will all convert to SIKH.