Hizbullah Lauds Egypt's Appeal against Labeling Hamas as Terrorist, Calls for Dialogue
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah hailed on Thursday the Egyptian government's appeal against a ruling that considered the Palestinian group Hamas as a terrorist organization.
The party's media office deemed the step as “positive,” calling for dialogue between it and Hamas to “improve their ties.”
On February 28, an Egyptian court declared Hamas a "terrorist" organization weeks after the Palestinian Islamist movement's armed wing was given the same designation.
Since Egypt's military ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013, the authorities have accused Hamas of aiding jihadists who have waged a string of deadly attacks on security forces in the Sinai Peninsula.
In 2013, Egypt said that Hizbullah and Hamas helped prisoners, including Morsi, escape during the 2011 uprising, asking Interpol to circulate an arrest warrant for Sami Shehab, a Hizbullah official who had been convicted of plotting attacks in Egypt.
He was serving a prison sentence at Wadi Natrun before escaping, along with members of Hamas.
Hizbullah has denied the claims.
Coming from Hezbollah it means they are relieved, the noose seemed to close to their necks for comfort.

Well lets hopr for your sake old man that HA is still around or else Is-daesh will be stretching your wrinkled old neck.

I told you before and I tell you now: Phoenix is 100 million times a better person than you'll ever be.
Thanks Al Finique, now the Roar will not find sleep with his kangaroo pets.

Indeed, lucky for Phoenix that he is probaly a person full of dollars like the rest of Kataeb and LF, so he can always flee when he wants too, unlike the poor Lebanese than has no other options, than to stay and resist the takfiris.
Mystic, wallah I believed you were a lot more intelligent. Bi sharafak mat watteh 7alak aktar min heyk, kirmelak ya akh, khallik a7san min heyk. Don't follow Roar in his angry ways, the poor soul has nothing else but name-call, seething with anger. Yiu ya Mystic have proven to have a lot more dignity, don't lose it now because another claoun is trying to derail every thread he can in this forum. I have seen his posts in the Orange Room, I have seen what he writes, especially that huge lie about him residing in Australia, I shall spill the beans if he continues to behave like his old claoun. So ya habibi, khallik mitil ma ana ba3rfak, kirmel sharafak mish aktar.

Kif a7san phoenix? You write about nooses around the Resistance necks. Then I simply write a fact in return. If you don't want me to reply this way, then stop being disrespectful.
Roar, first, my neck is not wrinkled, two, you forgot I am still LF, unlike your old man Aoun who is at least 28+ years older than me, we don't run away when the going gets tough. 3, even Hezbollah admits it secretly that they are better off with us LF in Lebanon than your sissy FPM. You poor soul, you've lost all reasoning, you're just left with trying to call me by names, but wasn't it you who said in the Orange Room that in this forum it's easy to anger M14 posters. You play your silly games, and I'll expose your posts in that mono-cultural place place called the Orange room. Roar, like Aoun, the only thing you can do is lie, lie, insult and insult and when we don't react, you go mad. Poor soul you are, I can't blame you if you feel that you live down under. Wlak kellak enta msha2lab fo2eneh ta7teneh.
Then ya Roar, for your own sake, drop that bad habit of creating those silly trolls of yours, they sound exactly like you, walaw?

How did oyu conclude that when they are fighting each other all the time? When are you gonna all admit that the uprise was peasful until Bashar started killing innocent people. Yes, it switched now and no deny about that - but you can't take away the rebel's credit for fighting for their families and freedom. Now they are fighting, Bashar Regine from side, ISIS from another, and Hizbullah from a third side.