Aoun Meets Jumblat in Beirut's Clemenceau

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun held talks on Tuesday with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat at his residence in Clemenceau.

The two officials held a bilateral meeting behind closed doors.

A statement is expected to be issued at the end of their meeting.

Aoun's unannounced visit came as the country is struggling with an almost year-long presidential vacuum in light of the parliament's failure to elect a successor for Michel Suleiman, which is having repercussions on the country's economy and political life.



Comments 31
Thumb freedomarch 17 March 2015, 11:59

Looking for help from the "tipping point" party, as Aoun fond that no one wants him, notice the youthful shirt as if he is back to his 20s, good luck and hope you get what you are, looking for ... and our miserable life that's all in your hands.

Thumb sophia_angle 17 March 2015, 15:37

3awnak jayi men ala ya lebnen el ghaliii :) stay tunes the show begins soon...prepare ur xanax M14rs :p

Thumb freedomarch 17 March 2015, 17:43

Jayee to Where ? Deir el Salib?

Default-user-icon speakteezy (Guest) 17 March 2015, 12:29

well said @speakfreely

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 15:30

No amount of report will have his comment removed let alone him being banned..Naharnet only removes decent debate.

Default-user-icon Hopeful (Guest) 17 March 2015, 13:00

This is the glimmer of hope we were waiting for !

Thumb freedomarch 17 March 2015, 13:12

It seems like Oun cant see Walid jumblat, find by touching ?

Thumb freedomarch 17 March 2015, 13:31

As long as my "za3eem" is safe I amall with you. Kidding ...what should really really take place is: redirect the convoy to Dier al Salib, enjoy the rest of your "calm and peacefull" life.

Default-user-icon okeh (Guest) 17 March 2015, 13:33

He went there looking for a church bell, what.?!!. There was no bell? He wants to become president so hard, his alliance with Assad and HA failed to get him there as promised, so he's willing to go anywhere meet anyone forget everything he'd said before. Won't work old man, you're done find a home.

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 14:08

Church bells are a trophy for Jumblat & his men after they gave Geagea & his LF a mother of all thrashings.

since you raised the issue, okeh(guest) go ask geagea, what happened.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (Guest) 17 March 2015, 14:38

is that beloved Zainib in your avatar?

Thumb freedomarch 17 March 2015, 15:00

So Rear, Aoun is the best person to be: President of the great country of Lebanon. The suprime Leader, The real one and only. THE CHOSEN, the Zar the emporor. The king of kings.... Ok

he is 80 gi home and rest.

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 15:04

Stop calling me what you desire.

Default-user-icon Okeh (Guest) 17 March 2015, 15:14

Geagea & his LF? I thought they were Fouad Abi Nader's LF then. Someone should have taught you this, so you look ridiculous again. Geagea was waiting for Abi Nader in Bhamdoun and lasted a week more that he was expected. Withdrew due to lack of amo. Also the Lebanese Army was supposed to fill the gap left by the withdrawing Israeli army.

Glad you make light of the thing though, shows all what you really know and who you really are. Especially how you made sure not to mention that Jumblat & his men couldn't thrash anything without your heroic Syrian army, PLO, SSNP, Communists and so on, since you raised the issue the_rear.. But back to our original issue what happened to the bell and why did they disappear from the tayyar's narrative. Did the old man get all the hateful mileage he need from the story and that's it, or is his forgetfulness the result of Alzheimer.

Thumb thepatriot 17 March 2015, 15:22

You mean the same Jumblat that gave Hezb zabal a "trashing" in the chouf in 2008 ?? ;)

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 14:10

Saddam was the only person willing to arm the LAF at the time.

The U.S put a stop to it & allowed the Syrians to use fighter jets to fight the LAF, not to mention Geagea & LF assisting the Syrians.

Don't see you whining that the Saudi's are willing to arm the LAF at present, terrorist-NORM/ita!

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 14:33

So you revise history according to you?

No wonder m14 has certain followers...deny the truth & accept their own factual accounts.

move along NORM/ita-terrorist or go change your thobe.

Default-user-icon Je suis the_roar (Guest) 17 March 2015, 14:41

As a Shia follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lord, Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah.

Default-user-icon wolf.the_roar (Guest) 17 March 2015, 14:42

when will you activate @lebpatriot and @wolf? Please, bring them out of retirement. We miss their contribution and votes.

Thumb freedomarch 17 March 2015, 15:11

Sorry for that, conider it a mistake, A roar of lyioness. I HOPE you find it in your heart to ask your General to help this disastrous situation in any way possible without him being The President 1 we don t like him 2 Aoun is too too old and un predictable. CHAMEL Roukoz is ok for me.

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 15:25

You can like whomever you desire, that's your choice.

But if the majority of people in Lebanon want the General to lead them.

isn't that their choice?

do you see the M14 contradiction here? you want your wishes to be met but not the majority of Lebanese who love the General of Generals
to lead them

Thumb freedomarch 17 March 2015, 15:49

I SHOULDINT SAY THAT BUT, i am part of majority of people that wont accept Aoun for any post. That is Democracy you want? Or Roar, yoy want to live in a dream that Aoun is wanted by majority? Even look at polls not mor than 35% approval. IN ANY CASE, he is over 80 now and too too old for becomming anything let him rest if you really love him. CHAMEL ROUKOZ IS OK FOR ME.

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 16:35

If you were even close to 50-50, you would of accepted the people vote.

Once again you have imposed your own statistics on the matter to suit your own majority.

Which Christian leader came close to the General in any elections since 2005? that's right none.

take your self opinionated BS posts & shove em until you either show some evidence or allow people vote.

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 15:27

another m14er who screams democracy yet imposes on others what they should believe.

Lord Jesus is my Lord & savior ...You can worship whomever you like terrorist - iceman-NORM/ita..don;t impose it on others.

Thumb freedomarch 17 March 2015, 16:50

Gurasic LIKE you mean?

Thumb freedomarch 17 March 2015, 16:50

Seriously, why going on after all this ... for rulling in the name of iran ? Even if he does will be too short I assume.

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 17:38

That's because you have spammed the site with so many Fake "guest" names, that we are left to shame you, bani.

If you stopped all the spamming "guest" names , this site might become civilized once again.

Thumb the_roar 17 March 2015, 17:39

another prediction, tex?

no limit to predictions huh? lololol@ Nostradamus

Missing helicopter 17 March 2015, 18:49

Are you Derzy speekfreely? The answer to that question could explain the adoration.
Has Walid Beik been good to Lebanon the State in your opinion? Could you give couple of examples whereby he steadfastly promoted the Constitution, the Law, the LAF in deed and not just verbal manuevering?

Missing helicopter 18 March 2015, 07:46

I guess you answered me, that explains the adoration.
Political maneuvering and wisardy is good only if it is linked to national interest of the nation and its citizens, otherwise it is a destructive trait (we call it "SHATARA" in Lebanon, but it should be called "UNETHICAL" instead).

Thumb shab 17 March 2015, 19:18

Both should be hanged, Gaegae and Berri too.