STL Registrar Confirms Lebanon has to Pay its Share by End of October

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Special Tribunal for Lebanon Registrar Herman Von Hebel expected from Lebanon to pay its share of the tribunal funding by the end of October, An Nahar newspaper reported on Thursday.

“Lebanon has 30 days to pay its share,” Von Hebel said during a press conference in New York.

Lebanon has to pay its $33 million dues which are nearly half of the STL’s annual $65 million.

Asked about Hizbullah’s position over the STL, who described it as an American-Israeli product, he said: “If it was an American-Israeli product, why would there be more than 25 countries from the five continents funding the tribunal? Shouldn’t the U.S. and Israel only fund it?”

The STL had issued arrest warrants against four Hizbullah members, accusing them of being involved in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 murder.

The party has announced that it will not cooperate with the tribunal, describing it as an American-Israeli product aimed at destroying it.

Von Hebel expected Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare to issue an indictment by the end of 2011 or the beginning of 2012 in the cases of ex-telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamadeh, former-defense Minister Elias Murr and ex-Community Party leader George Hawi.

Hamadeh was wounded in 2004 and Murr in 2005 in bomb attacks, while Hawi was killed in 2005 by a bomb placed underneath the passenger seat of his car.

He noted that renewing the term of the STL, which ends in March-2012, “concerns only United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.”

Meanwhile, Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stressed the importance of preserving the stable security situation, and not to put the STL above the national interest and internal stability.

Nasrallah’s visitors told al-Liwaa newspaper published on Thursday that he is insisting on his position over the STL, refusing to fund it.

He reiterated his support to Prime Minister Najib Miqati.

A dispute recently rose in Lebanon on whether the March 8-dominant government would commit to funding the tribunal.

Comments 23
Thumb geha 13 October 2011, 09:14

all doors are closing gradually on the syro/iranians :)

Thumb jabalamel 13 October 2011, 10:12

the stl registar is halucinating and so is zionist information war department

Thumb thepatriot 13 October 2011, 10:41

oh's all fine to me...If they don't pay, then they also should stop paying the Lebanese Tribunals and Juges...nobody is going to work for free after all...
Plus if they don't pay, Mikati will be even more isolated on the international scene...if they pay, Hezbollah will start a campain against Mikati...It's a loose loose situation for Mikati ;-)
What goes around comes around ya PM!

Thumb geha 13 October 2011, 11:17

@ patriot
it is worse than this:
- the wages issue ....
- syria
- iran failed attempt.
- ...

I beleieve things are building up fast :)
bye bye hizbushaitan and his masters the syro/iranians :)

Thumb Marc 13 October 2011, 14:24

Jabalamel: I see everything and everyone who does not agree with you is a Zionist war bla bla bla bla..... I have read your posts over a period of time and sorry to say you sounding really childish. If there is a debate, just present your point of view!

Default-user-icon Farata (Guest) 13 October 2011, 15:13

Nasrala is on his way down under and habal Hamel with him, soon they will be destroyed

Default-user-icon Farata (Guest) 13 October 2011, 15:22

Nasrala is on his way down under and habal Hamel with him, soon they will be destroyed

Thumb jabalamel 13 October 2011, 15:44

mowaten, i just wanted to say that and you stolen words from my mouth.

actually i will add something more: they were halucinating about syrio/iranians before i came here and correctly labeled zionist information war department, domestic traitors, saudi backed sectarian haters and anti-lebanese forces.

Thumb jabalamel 13 October 2011, 16:02

am i more to the point with "zionist information war department" than they with syrio/iranians.

Default-user-icon Ursula (Guest) 13 October 2011, 16:10

People in Lebanon will pay,but not all the people. Only those who want a lame joke to continue. END OF STORY. Now get off our backs. We have more serious problems that we want our government to tackle. After all, we are broke. We need jobs. We cannot afford the high prices of food, tuition, medication and medical care. We want electricity, water, paved roads and a clean environment. WE ARE BROOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKEEEEEE.

Thumb jabalamel 13 October 2011, 16:13

actually, i'm going to descend to their level:

1. i am absolutely right, they are absolutely wrong.

Thumb thepatriot 13 October 2011, 16:36

ok. You are not Iranian, you are anti zionist ( the iranians).
So, what do you propose exactly? That iran nukes israel? That we bomb it? That Amal and Hezb invade it??
What is it that you want exactly??

Thumb thepatriot 13 October 2011, 16:41

@geha agreed!

Thumb jabalamel 13 October 2011, 17:03

and when you call us syrians it's even more insult. we hate syrians as much as you radical christians in the mountain.

Thumb jabalamel 13 October 2011, 17:05

the zionist information war department is trying to find out the next steps of our glorious resistance by asking me.
they believe that i'm high ranking officer of something.
you flatter me more and more.

Thumb jabalamel 13 October 2011, 17:08

but just in case, for "the patriot", if he is lebanese:

i don't want you do to anything.
you don't need to join our glorious resistance. you don't need to give money to it. you don't need to vote for it. you don't need to promote it.

just understand that our glorious resistance is here because of our experience with zionists. and stop calling my tribe "iranians". it's an insult. we are proud lebanese.

Missing petersdemocracy 13 October 2011, 17:17

you guys attack jabalamel all the time give the man a break, hes right most of the time, sometimes we gotta agree on the same things if it makes sense ;)

Thumb geha 13 October 2011, 18:40

@ mawaten
if patriotism is to follow syria or iran, then NO.
patriotism is being Lebanese.
it does not mean to threaten people with the weapons some have, nor does it mean to dictate how this country will be governed, ..........

Thumb thepatriot 13 October 2011, 19:59

Well... thank you habal and mowaten for NOT answering. You don't have a clue of what you're not talking about!

Missing peace 13 October 2011, 21:59

""leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stressed the importance of preserving the stable security situation, and not to put the STL above the national interest and internal stability""

this clearly means that hezbollah is ready to attack lebanese if the STL is funded..

who said hezbollah is defending lebanon when he threatens to take arms agains lebanese in case his demands are not met?.....
only those brainwashed hezbi members think he is the great patriot....

Default-user-icon Rabistovan (Guest) 14 October 2011, 00:55

We do not care about the "has" because we "won't" pay for anything that is illegal. END OF STORY. You can bark all you want, but there is no way on this lame farce will be funded by us. Those who want can do so out of their own filthy pockets. After all, it was created for their entertainment and morale boost. After all, it was cheikh Imbecile himself who approved the SALE OF THE STL in the hope that he will have a free hand in the land of the free. HELL NO. Now go fishing.

Thumb joesikemrex 14 October 2011, 03:17

Justice WILL BE Served

Thumb Bandoul 14 October 2011, 14:11

Attention all shoppers, cleanup on isle 10 please, large puddle of vomit all over the isle. Someone please mop up jabal mhebeel with Dettol disinfectant before shopping can continue.

@ jabal mhebeel, you smell bad, you look bad. Nobody wants to smell you, nobody wants to see you and for sure nobody wants to hear you. Get the F UP outta here and take your filth over to, they will love what you have to say over there and they will give you hundreds of thumbs up which is what your crave you sociopath!