Geagea Warns of Change in Lebanese Status Quo over Soaring U.S.-Iranian Tensions
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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea warned that the Lebanese status quo was in tatters after the U.S. accused Iran of trying to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington.
In an interview with the Saudi al-Riyadh daily, Geagea said: “After the confrontation between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia on one side and Iran on the other went out of hands, I am no longer sure that we could keep this status quo.”
“We should wait a bit to see in the coming days and weeks the repercussions of this incident and its effect on Lebanon,” he said.
Iran has strongly denied any involvement in what the U.S. says was a plot by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards' elite Quds force to kill the Saudi ambassador by hiring assassins from a Mexican drug cartel for $1.5 million.
News of the alleged plot has sent tensions soaring between Tehran and Washington, foes for more than 30 years ever since Islamic students took U.S. diplomats hostage in their embassy in Tehran after Iran's 1979 revolution.
“We can’t deny that the situation in the region moved within days from a very cold confrontation into boiling hostility,” Geagea told his interviewer.
He said Riyadh is a major player in the Middle East and the plotters thought that it would stop playing that role if it was targeted.
“I think that targeting the ambassador of Saudi Arabia is aimed at sending a message that it shouldn’t interfere in anything going on in the region,” the LF leader added.
Asked about what the situation in Lebanon would be if the Syrian regime collapses, Geagea said: “Any new regime that would replace the Assad regime in Syria won’t take any friendly stance from” the Syrian supporters in Lebanon.
He expected Palestinian armed bases outside the refugee camps in Lebanon to disintegrate if the opposition takes power in Syria, adding that Damascus would stop sending arms to Hizbullah and would eradicate camps aimed at training the party’s fighters.
“These would definitely bring a change to the Lebanese scene,” Geagea said.

this is coming from the guy that is officialy sticking to "lebanon 1st".
but now he wants to drag us into conflic with iranians.
something like that can come from lady gaga only

@Habouli, Why do you get upset when the truth is spoken? It is ok for Hassouna not be tried and jailed for killing 3000 citizens in 2006 under the slogan resistance, it is ok to cause major destruction of the Lebanese Infrastructure (Bridges/Electricity) by the zionist CAUSED BY YOUR BLIND LEADER who is a robot of the Iranian regime and not pay the price under the law for the damages that the rat caused and the Lebanese people endured because of his evil deeds. Sooner or later your arms flow will cease and the Professor Dr is breaking the news to the blind people so that they can wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late.

forr anyone with even a small brain this makes sense.
the status quo is due to the Saudi iranian agreement, however now that these two are in an open conflict, this status quo might fall.
it is evident that things are moving fast, aand we need to prepare for the next phase....

the filthy zionist information war department is defending the words of their ally. we know it's not just former ally, he will always be yours.
also, the zionist information war department is hinting that a bigger war in middle east is possible.
come and try

Geagea makes several very obvious points with regard to the current state of affairs between the US and Saudi Arabia on the one hand and Iran on the other.
No doubt, if Iran, indeed, hired a hit team to go after the KSA Ambassador to the US it was to send a message to King Abdullah to stand down in his playing any sort of leading role in the ME, which Iran takes to be its own back yard now. The US, under the Obama Administration is not a leader, but a follower, ready to follow a regional actor's lead, whether that be Turkey or Saudi Arabia or Israel. By eliminating these regional leading actors from the game, Iran seeks to eliminate the US from the game.
Geagea has simply stated the obvious. Lebanon is a small state in which Iran has a hand and in which Saudi Arabia has a hand. The push on Assad is weakening Iran's hand and so this counter measure is taken against KSA. In this clash, how can Lebanon not be affected? Our politicians have sold us to these antagonists.

I ran what this lunatic said on my computer, which uses artificial intelligence to decipher his blabber and is 99.99% accurate as it has a 100% match of his profile. Here is the result: The status quo in Lebanon is stable and in no danger whatsoever despite the US accusation that Iran was trying to assassinate an insignificant nobody. So people, go back to playing Bingo and enjoying your daily routines.

Ponteblue, get real, the day Hassouna gets the order to fire his rockets at the shlomos, i want to see what type of bingo you'll be playing.
God knows what basho will do when there will be no place to hide anymore? Maybe you'll be playing bingo with him...
As to jabal al ahbal, no comments.

so hassouna is playing oussama now.
it is time for the shiite sect in lebanon to open an emergency exit, they want to live the lebanese way in a farsi context it is IMPOSSIBLE.WE CANT PUT ALL THE TRIBE IN A BASEMENT.

Ya Habal Kamel, "The dogs bark and the caravan keeps on going!". So your heroes Hassouna, Berry, Aoun, Assad, and Nejad can keep on barking. Smart people like Geagea understand objectively how real world is moving, but robot like you only know how to mimick their masters!

"Lebanon is too disorganized to be destabilized"
this is a great comment, congratulations.
this is how you recognize lebanese from zionist information war department.
lebanese know this things, the zionists are just keep repeating what they have been ordered to say.

and ahbal keeps digging in his shit! waw ! your comments are getting better by the day!!

the filthy hizbalkezb miss-information propaganda department is clearing any misconceptions out there, ensuring every citizen is aware of true facts and the fake agenda of the criminal resistance. As well as filling up this forum with useful information, with facts and logic.