Loyalty to Resistance Urges Support for Army in Fight against Terrorism
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Loyalty to the Resistance bloc highlighted on Thursday the role of the army in combating the threat of terrorism in Lebanon.
It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “Diligence should be exercised in following up on the army's efforts to fighting terror.”
It then addressed freedom of the press, emphasizing freedom of expression in Lebanon.
“We hail those who speak the truth and reject attempts to silence voices of freedom for the sake of tarnishing facts,” said the Hizbullah bloc statement read by MP Hassan Fadlallah.
It expressed its solidarity with all those who speak the truth, “rejecting pressure exerted by some sides and countries against the media.”
It made its remark in reference to a lawsuit filed recently by Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri against al-Akhbar newspaper that is affiliated with Hizbullah.
The ambassador said he filed the lawsuit because the daily had “crossed its moral and professional boundaries.”
Earlier this month, al-Akhbar said Asiri's lawsuit was a “a direct threat to the lives of the institution’s employees, a blatant attack on the freedom of expression in Lebanon and a flagrant violation of norms and laws.”
It held the ambassador and his government fully responsible for “any form of moral, material or physical harm.”
The newspaper had published several reports against Saudi Arabia.
Tensions between Asiri and Hizbullah increased in the wake of Saudi Arabia's military operation against Yemen's Huthi rebels.
The party had slammed the operation, while the bloc on Thursday called for dialogue among the Yemeni people to reach a comprehensive solution to their country's crisis.
It condemned the “Saudi aggression against Yemen,” deeming it an historic mistake.
The operation, launched in late March, is aimed at defeating the rebels and restoring power to President Abderabbo Mansur Hadi.

Loyalty to Resistance bloc: We emphasize the freedom of the press and expression. We hail those who speak the truth and reject attempts to silence voices of freedom for the sake of tarnishing truths.
am I hearing this right? hezbollah and freedom of speech just don't jive. Who burned TV stations? Who killed and threatened and is still threatening journalists?

"al-Akhbar newspaper that is affiliated with Hizbullah."
That is simply untrue naharnet, and this is quite rich knowing you are affiliated to march 14 (your editor in chief being also part of their general secretary).

Also, you could show a little more solidarity against this blatant attempt by saudis to muzzle lebanese freedom of press, who knows, maybe you'll be next.

The third Reich had its Joseph Goebbels and Hizbollah has its mowaten:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
it is not working mowaten:) Al Akbar is not only affiliated with your terror party, it is OWNED by it.

Mowaten - you can also be less partisan. Do not expect that everyone will abandon their integrity like you do. Muzzle freedom of press? Are they bombing newspapers? Are they killing journalists? They are simply doing the legal thing (I know your side has a problem with any type of law) and filing a defamation suit!

ArabDemocrat we all know how it goes, the saudis will use their pawns in the government (including, but not limited to, their fully-owned subsidiary Ashraf Rifi) to pressure and influence the trials. And even if the judges resist, they can outspend Al Akhbar a thousand times in lawyers and endless trials, until they are bankrupt.
And what about the Tele Liban case not even a week ago, when they got their m14 pawns to sanction the TV station for airing an interview!!??

PS: It's amazing how you really NEVER fail to defend saudis! It must be because of your love of democracy, right?

هاجم المتشددون في إيران تصريحات رئيس مجلس تشخيص مصلحة النظام الإيراني، أكبر هاشمي رفسنجاني، التي أقر خلالها "بوجود ظلم مستمر وقمع متواصل واعتقالات عشوائية وانتهاكات بالسجون الإيرانية، وتلاعب بالانتخابات وأصوات الشعب" والتي أطلقها خلال كلمة له أثناء مراسم تأبين لزوجة الخميني مؤسس جمهورية إيران، يوم الأحد الماضي 12 أبريل.
ووصفت صحافة اليمين المتشدد تصريحات رفسنجاني بأنها "تضليل للرأي العام"، وقالت صحيفة "كيهان" المقربة من المرشد إن تلك التصريحات "تتطابق مع تقارير مقرر الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان في إيران".
واهتمت الصحف الإيرانية خلال الأيام الماضية بردود أفعال كبار المسؤولين العسكريين والقضاة وعدد من النواب إزاء الانتقادات التي وجهها رفسنجاني لمن وصفهم بـ"المتحجرين والمترددين، "وذلك في سياق انتقاده" للممارسات السيئة المقرونة بالقمع التي تمارس بحق السجناء في السجون الإيرانية"، حسب ما جاء في كلمته التي انتشرت بشكل واسع عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.

completely irrelevant here justin. try to post your propaganda on articles that are even remotely connected.

who are you to tell me or others what is relevant? You come here and spread your paid propaganda and sing the tunes of iran as the land of democracy etc. I am posting comments made by Rafsanjani about lack of democracy in Iran. If you don't like it, don't read it.
I thought you were complaining about freedom of speech being suppressed when you personally practice what you are complaining about.

Hello @mowaten; Can I refer to you as MF (short for My Friend)? Can I?
Please, don’t get me wrong I am not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my iPhone.

I don't need to be anyone to tell you your propaganda is irrelevant, because it is. The article is about Lebanon and Saudi trying to muzzle our press, nothing to do with your iranian obsession.
And no, I never "sang the tunes of iran as the land of democracy etc" quit smoking crack mate.

The Houthis attacked and destroyed Aljazeera's office in Sanaa didn't hear a beep from you and other hizbollat hypocrites. How's freedom of the press in Iran BTW I hear it is enforced by Khaminei's besig militia that killed peaceful protesters and journalists there.

Yeah I also noticed that Naharnet refers to Al Akhbar newspaper as Hezbollah affiliated.
That newspaper was created by old communist & socialist journalists. They were around long before An Nahar came into play.
Because they are anti zionists, they get referred to the Resistance.

stop playing on words... al akhbar is pro hezbollah, no doubt here... always twisting facts to suit them to your purpose... typical

Al Akhbar existed long before the Resistance and long before Naharnet.
Look away from your wahabism for a sec, read facts you should know that not only the Resistance are against your stances, also left wing people are against you.
Wahabis are not popular around world, it is their money that keeps them going.

flamethrower, you should be sued for defamation and false accusations.

funny how hezbi lovers make a fuss about a language detail... why are you so angry? al akhbar is PRO hezbollah , that is the point. affiliated or not have you ever read pro M14 articles?
pityful childish idiotic remarks as usual from M8ers....

whatever FT the brainless chick... affiliated or not you ll never read anti hezbi articles in al akhbar.... and that is the point not whether it is "affiliated" or not...
pityful baby you are indeed...
Shou ya khaye Mystic, lyom enta woul shabeb 3al se7a la tesma3oulou lal Sayed?

Loyalty to Resistance Urges Support for Army in Fight against Terrorism
great words 3an jadd ! Then the army should be fighting you first and foremost.

how come a party work for the interests of Lebanon while having pledged alleigiance to the iranian revolution? i wonder....
hypocrit and pityful brainwashed people....

Loyalty to Resistance bloc: We demand dialogue among the Yemeni people in order to reach a comprehensive solution and stress the right of the people to resist the Saudi aggression.
When the iranians in Yemen were pressing ahead with their military invasion and takeover of Yemen for the last 14 months, not a single word from the Loyalty to Resistance bloc. The houthi of yemen did not honor more than 60 national agreements they made in the last 2 years alone. They chose the same methods of hizballah in Lebanon. Terrorism and killing their fellow citizens.

hahahaha! You are simply somesing anazar flamesrower! How you expose their identity with unparalleled ease is really artwork. My boss adores you flamesrower, he really does.

crying over freedom of speech is the last thing these outlaws should be doing. Have we forgotten the scenes of Future TV with the smoke bellowing from its structure; when an army commander tells the director of Future TV (he was speaking on behalf of Hezbollah) he had 10 minutes to evacuate the station and its employees otherwise the army would not guarantee the safety of the employees?
Did we forget seeing CCTV footage of hezbollah operatives setting fire to Al Jadeed TV?
Did we forget Nassrallah's son last week's threat to the news director of Al Jadeed?

flamethrower supports freedom of speech and is disgusted at the attempts to silence and muzzle voices of democracy. His posts are full of support for freedom of speech, here is an example
i will distribute baklawa on the day saudi-owned, zionist-loving, isis-humping MTV is shut down again."

but if KSA wants to sue your newspaper for defamation and false accusations, you got ballistic, strange?

Samy!!!!!!!! how are you my bestest friend? I see you are still engaging @southern:))

why do you always silence bashar's massacres against civilians and pin it only on isis? oh! yes, objectivity is a word you do not know and you defend his regime.... so his massacres are halal....

pityful FT... once again deflecting my post so it avoids him to say bashar his beloved master is also massacring civilians... hard to admit when you defend him so fiercefully, i know...
only men assume their choices not cowards like you.
Please change the name from Loyalty to the resistance to, Loyalty to all Iranian causes in the Middle East and the entire world.