Beirut Port Authority, Christian Parties Discuss New Proposal on 4th Basin

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The representatives of Christian parties have heard a new proposal from the head of the Beirut Port Authority, Hassan Qoraytem, on the controversial filling of the port's fourth basin, local dailies reported on Tuesday.

Al-Joumhouria and al-Liwaa newspapers quoted sources as saying that Maronite Bishop Boulos Sayyah attended the meeting that was held in Bkirki.

Both Bkirki and Christian parties - the Free Patriotic Movement, Kataeb Party, the Lebanese Forces, Marada Movement and the Tashnag – reject filling the basin.

The plan to fill it sparked controversy in December when the truckers syndicate went on strike over fears that the project would cause hundreds of Beirut Port employees, mostly truckers, to lose their jobs.

The syndicate claims that the filling of the basin would end the role of Beirut Port and would harm the economy.

The truckers later ended their strike after Prime Minister Tammam Salam said the work to fill the basin would freeze until the issue was resolved.

The sources said Qoraytem told the conferees about a plan to fill only one-third of the 75,000-square-meter basin.

Following the talks, the representatives of the parties asked Qoraytem for a three-week deadline to study his proposal, they said.

Their next meeting is set for May 8, the sources added.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon askwhy (Guest) 21 April 2015, 10:10

look behind your noise

Default-user-icon alirushlau (Guest) 21 April 2015, 12:05

Christian this, Christian that.
When will the Shia majority rule this country under article 12e=mc4 ?
Please I need an answer. Quickly please!

Thumb -phoenix1 21 April 2015, 14:14

A good place to start is to stop Hezbollah's control of the port.

Thumb -phoenix1 21 April 2015, 14:56

Troll, the first trick of the trade to make a living as a paid troll is to hide your IP properly. Two, do not allow another older troll you created to influence the new troll you created. Three, go back to One and Two. Habileh enta walah.