Hariri in Paris, Contacts Officials over Local Developments

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri arrived in Paris from Riyadh on Saturday, al-Liwaa newspaper reported.

The daily said on Monday that Hariri is holding telephone conversations with officials concerning the situation in Lebanon and the region.

However, it didn’t specify the nature of the calls.

Media reports had said that the Mustaqbal movement leader could meet with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat during his visit to Paris, but the PSP chief denied the reports saying that if he meets with Hariri it will not be a “secret.”

The reports said that Hariri will also hold talks with March 14 officials, but the ex-PM denied.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Beirut (Guest) 17 October 2011, 09:51

What horrible Journalism.

Thumb jabalamel 17 October 2011, 12:14

no mowaten.

the most essential question is wtf is he doing in ryad and paris.
he is so called "the leader of opposition".

Thumb jabalamel 17 October 2011, 14:45


i can agree that is irrelevant where is he.
but my question really was: "how can someone be the leader of opposition while not spending his time in lebanon"?

Default-user-icon 2araftouna kelkon (Guest) 17 October 2011, 17:48


how can someone be the leader of the "resistance" while spending his time in a rat hole?

Default-user-icon 2araftouna kelkon (Guest) 17 October 2011, 18:01


how can someone be the leader of the "resistance'' while spending his time in a rat hole somewhere?

Thumb Bandoul 17 October 2011, 21:58

@ jabal mhebeel, do i need to remind u where ur leader is? Ask him how is the weather in the sewer!

Thumb jabalamel 18 October 2011, 11:12

the halucinatory zionist information war department is trying to compare spoiled saudi pussy with the leader of our glorious resistance.

you can compare the spoiled saudi pussy with your special forces in lebanon 2006, would be more accurate