Jumblat Slams FPM, Asks Why Offers from Arab Funds to Finance Electricity Plan are Rejected
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Progressive Socialist Party Leader MP Walid Jumblat asked if it was true that Arab states made proposals to the Energy Ministry for financing the electricity plan but were rejected.
In his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa magazine, Jumblat hoped that "political differences will be forgotten when development projects which are needed for the economic cycle are being presented."
He asked "where are the elite people who lecture us daily on reform and the fight against corruption? Is it true that the Arab funds submitted offers to the Department of Energy to finance the electricity plan, and these offers were rejected? in a clear reference to the Free Patriotic Movement.
On the wage increase decision, the PSP leader said that it should have occurred "after administrative reform and an accurate research in securing the financial resources needed to take this kind of decision so that we do not fall into the spiral of inflation like Greece."
He concluded by saying: "The whole world is changing, and we look forward to see social justice, freedom and dignity as headlines to these changes."

it was expected! the FPM needs money for the upcoming elections :)

The whole world is changing but Aoun never will...he will find an embassy to take him in eventually

The problem was that money lent from Arab countries had accountants and monitors accociated with it.
It was not FPM money (FREE PILEof MONEY).

Huh? How does this thief equate between a "possible refusal" of Arab funds and corruption? The problem with this piece of filth is that he cannot fathom the existence of a Christian who is strong by the support of a wide base of the population that is fed up with those who have collaborated and still do with all of Lebanon's enemies to abuse them and trample on their rights and causes. The party and the Party are both over. LEBNEN BADDO YERKAB GHASB MEN RA2BET AL KELL.

Rejected for they dont include any bribes to Mr Bassil and Aoun . .

the general thought that its like when he fled to paris: grab money and run....now time has changed and he has three son in laws fighting each other.... and clean money is rare...
walla if sheikh bashir is still alive he would eat u bala meleh.

Hmmmmm. fpm and jumblatt. Hmmmm whom do i believe. YOU BOTH ARE FREEKING CROOKS.
I guess jumblatt finally found out that he got paid less for his blessings on this deal this time than he would have gotten from the arab deal. bassil....up your payments to jumblatt or you'll feel his wrath. hehehe.

Easy!!!!! Arab funds are monitored and audited by an independent team designated by the same countries... Which means that it will become hard for Bassil, Aoun and his close executives to put some of the money in their pockets

mr bassil...how much was that airplane again? and how many houses have you acquired in the last 6 months? do you and your senile father in law can tell us where the money came from...of course, if the government accepted money from the Arab countries, there will be accountability..there is your answer.

Although I agree with you on the rejection of the funding because of some thick headed propaganda, you are the last one to speak about money laundering because you stole the "Christian Muhajareen money" from the ministry for many years and built 10 times your villages in the Chouf without a single dime to a single family to return to the Chouf instead you made them sell their properties cheaply.

The truth behind it that Bassil is working on a unannounced joint venture with Al Khorofi group (who are in bed with Berri) to subcontract to a chinese company the project. All the 8Marsien will get their share.
Le Phenicien shut your mouth you as stupid as your imbecile master

the fitlhy zionist information war department is feasting on something that jumblat said.
for them it's easy to identify a little crook while ignoring the huge ones from march 14.