Cabinet Faces STL Funding Test
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The cabinet launches on Tuesday what would most probably be protracted discussions on the draft state budget which includes the controversial funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
The first government session on the 2012 budget will be held at Baabda palace on Tuesday afternoon. Ministerial sources told An Nahar daily that discussions will start with an overview of the budget that is drafted by Finance Minister Mohammed Safadi.
The ministers will later review the draft budget and make their proposals next week.
Social Affairs Minister Wael Abou Faour ruled out discussion of the STL funding article on Tuesday, saying that the issue is left for consultations among the country’s top leaderships before putting it on the table of the cabinet.
The sources expected Lebanese officials to have enough time to announce their final stances from the funding which should be made before December.
President Michel Suleiman, Premier Najib Miqati and Progressive Socialist Party chief Walid Jumblat have backed the funding of the STL. But the Hizbullah-led March 8 forces, which consider the tribunal an Israeli and American tool, have rejected to pay Lebanon’s shares.
Another cabinet session is to convene on Wednesday.

the silence of halucinatory zionist information war department is the clear sign that no one expect any problems here

@ Heckle & Jeckle
I will not argue with you. It's pointless. Just know that when people like me, will start leaving this poor country because of people like you, you will be jobless! You will rot in your misery...

lol ..."the patriot" is seeing the end of the genocidal entity and is now consider leaving....

This is the coveted Billy Madison award. I must confess I was torn between awarding it to you and to the other idiot. But guess what? You're in luck, since he's busy getting me an espresso and a side order of fries.
It is a beautifully made statue hand crafted out of tin of a midget with his head up his rear end. Beautifully engraved with the following remarks to commemmorate what you have barfed tody:
"Awarded to Mo on this 18th day of October, in the year of our Lord 2011:
What you just written is the most insanely idiotic thing I have ever read. At no point in you incoherent rambling were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. We are all now dumber for having had to read it. I award you the BM prize, and may God have mercy on your soul!!"

I hope u read my post b4 it was censored (again).
What do u care? you're jobless anyway!

jabalamel proudly holding on to his title of "Better Idiot"* after a fending off a thrilling late challenge by mowaten.
mowaten non the less, after thanking the crowds, promised and I quote "I'll be back" so stay tune folks this is turning into an epic rivalry.
*he will no-doubt demonstrate as to why in his next post, I can't wait!

the halucinatory zionist information war department is trying to convince me that i hate my country.

Dear Mowaten and Jabalamel, you are so funny! I am not Lebanese, and I read naharnet trying to understand this country. But now I barely read the articles, I just rush to the comments. Keep them going!
Startrip: nobody would have a double espresso and side fries! Repeating after days the same (good) joke of the FZWID, CEO was a loss of style. Startrip, I know you can do better than this. Don't repeat yourself.

Garbage is the word that suits you best.
Yeah, you and your primitive friend easily enjoy a good laugh...I noticed that.

the ones who will have to leave our country are certainly the followers of the syro/iranian despots.
once the syrian regime falls you and your hizbushaitan will leave or we will make you leave.
this is OUR country, and we are here to stay.

Attention all shoppers, large spill of very sickening and vile pile of vomit on isle 10. Store emergency cleaning crew, kindly proceed with to the location with hazardous material protective suits and large quantities of Dettol to quickly mop up and disinfect the isle from mowaten IRANI and jabal mhebee.