March 14: We Will Consider Govt. as ‘Collapsed’ Should it Reject Funding STL
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةThe March 14 General Secretariat slammed on Wednesday Hizbullah’s recent positions, accusing it of acting as the sole authority on state decisions and the constitution due to its positions on the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “We will consider the government as collapsed should it reject the funding of the tribunal.”
“Hizbullah has astounded us for years with its so-called ‘consensual democracy’ and now it is calling for a cabinet vote to prevent the funding,” it added.
“The party is boasting of its power to gain votes and imposing its will on its allies,” it noted.
“Hizbullah’s actions are the crowning achievement of the armed coup that it staged earlier this year … and the March 14 forces are determined to continue their struggle against the illegitimate arms that are harming Lebanese-Lebanese ties and Lebanon’s relations with the Arab and international powers,” stressed the statement.
Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem had stated on Sunday that cabinet may turn to a vote at cabinet to settle issues of contention.
Addressing Syria’s infiltration of Lebanese territory, the general secretariat condemned Syrian Ambassador Ali Abdul Karim Ali and the Syrian Embassy’s crackdown against protests in support of the Syrian people.
It lauded Internal Security Forces chief Ashraf Rifi’s efforts to reveal the truth in the affair, voicing its support to him in this regard.
The March 14-led opposition and Rifi have accused the Syrian Embassy of being behind the disappearance of Syrian opposition members who had gone missing in Lebanon.
Last week, Rifi said that the ISF collected "dangerous information" linking the embassy to the disappearance of Shebli al- Aisamy.
Aisamy, 86, is a co-founder of Syria's ruling Baath party who fled his native country in 1966 over political differences. He was last seen in May in the eastern Lebanese region of Aley.
Syrian Ambassador Ali has denied the accusations, accusing the MPs and some Lebanese officials of seeking to undermine his country.

March 14 were not good as majority and are now not good as opposition. While in the majority they did not rule effectively and allowed those thugs of Hizbullah and Aoun into the government. While in the opposition, they have not risen to the task of effective opposition. This government was formed under the threats of arms and is not constitutional as its prime minister does not represent his sect among other things. You oppose such a government by refusing to pay taxes, demonstrating, sit-ins in front of government buildings, etc. You make sacrifices is the bottom line and M14 are not prepared to do that.

M14 would be correct to so consider the government collapsed if it fails to fund the STL. This government was formed under a policy statement which stated rather explicitly that it supported the STL and would meet the Lebanese government's funding obligations under the MOU.
For the government to reverse itself on its own policy statement means that the government has collapsed, in theory.
In practice, Lebanon being Lebanon, the government would soldier on, with ministers remaining in office stealing as much as they can until forced out.
M14 needs to deal in practical matters, not theoretical ones.

I agree with a lot of what you are saying. Nevertheless, M14 were not allowd to work properly because the opposition was from within the government. How many times did the Hezb resign, Aounis blocked the BCD, the tents, the coup Hezb did when the Gvt tried to supress their telecoms or fire their Airport goon...etc...
M14 commited mistakes but couldn't work properly with a partner that kept on threatening... As long as Hezb has weapons, the existance of a viable state is impossible. I think that now that the hezb has the power, it will never let it go. Their people are infiltrating administrations and key posts and will insure by all means their victory to the next elections.
The mass rallies showed that at least half of this country does not want the Hezb weapons. So what? What are we supposed to do? Get to the streets...again! Pointless!
Eventually, this cabinet will dissintegrate alone. It is pathetic and ineffective. It's a newborn dead! But what will be next??

to all the syro/iranian thugs on this site:
why do you even bother to read Naharnet and/or our comments?
go live in syria or iran and spare us your thug-like comments.

Be our guests and consider it collapsed now. No funding means this: NO FUNDING wel sama zar2a. The losers can continue to bank their heads on the rock, wel sama zar2a aw khadra aw safra aw sawda aw...

And here we go again......HizbelKzb propaganda employees are commenting again with facts and intelligence as usual....
We have no government, we only have traitors. Time for a real resistance

the halucinatory zionist information war department saw the truth in my first post and made a great effort to mask it with tons of words.
they think that quantity of propaganda can mask the quality of truth.
nazi style.