Change and Reform Bloc Reiterates Importance of Partnership to Terminate Crises
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةChange and Reform lawmakers toured for the third day in a row parliamentary blocs to tackle Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun's initiative to end the lingering presidential crisis in Lebanon.
“Aoun's initiative is an opportunity that we should cease as it's a chance to end the deadlock,” MP Emile Rahme, who is loyal to Aoun, told reporters after meeting with Hizbullah's Loyalty to the Resistance bloc at its headquarters in Beirut's southern suburbs.
He reiterated calls on the political arch-foes to “return to partnership and maintain national unity.”
Hizbullah MP Mohammed Raad stressed after the meeting that the party is “keen to end the crises in Lebanon and maintain stability.”
Raad described Aoun's initiative as “realistic,” pointing out that the developments in the region compel to seek national solutions and elect a new head of state.
The delegation later met with Mustaqbal Movement parliamentary bloc.
MP Alain Aoun, who is affiliated to the Change and Reform bloc, cited differences with al-Mustaqbal, stressing contacts will continue to remove all the obstacles impeding dialogue.
“It was an opportunity to hold an honest dialogue on Aoun's initiative,” the lawmaker said.
Mustaqbal MP Ahmed Fatfat considered talks with the delegation “long and honest.”
“We will thoroughly discuss Aoun's proposals.”
The delegation met on Tuesday with Development and Liberation bloc at the parliament and Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh a day after they held talks with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea and Kataeb Party chief Amin Gemayel.
Aoun's initiative sets four solutions to the presidential deadend, at the forefront the election of a president directly from the people in two phases, first by the Christians, who would eliminate candidates and on a second phase by the Lebanese people.
Another solution would be a popular referendum and the candidate who garners most votes would be elected by the parliament as a new president.
The initiative also includes the possibility of electing the Maronite candidate who has the majority of representation at the parliament, while the fourth is staging the parliamentary elections ahead of the presidential polls based on a new electoral law that provides equality between Christians and Muslims.
Vacuum striking the presidential post since May last year is having a tough impact on the cabinet and the parliament as the state is threatened with further crises over ongoing rows between the rival parties.
Nice, now they've added more faces of traitors of that party they call Change and Deform. Ya habibi shou hal bda3a, wlak go to parliament and let's vote, and enough of your nonsense. Aoun is done and over with.

Hey Emile, give me ONE good reason why as a Christian I should accept a president who is a dog to Ebola, a supporter of the Butcher and an agent to Iran? Just ONE good reason...!!!

Hey Emile, a popular referendum must include the Christians who are outside Lebanon (7 million)...

Hey Emile, I listened to you the other day on MTV were shouting and yelling very much like your boss who is neurasthenic...

Hey Emile, you know what? All of you are corrupt and traitors. Less and less Christians are trusting you...

Hey Emile,Ebola has assassinated the will of wanting to live together.
They have divided the country like never before.
They are destroying the institutions and using a senile Caporal for achieving their own objectives.
What do you answer????

ادت حليمة ...لكن الحصرم في حلب
يعود الجنرال اليوم، كما عادت حليمة، الى طبعه الذي عهدناه فيه في الثمانينات بتغطية حدث الساعة الخطأ بحدث اكثر خطأ لكنه مدويا يلهي الشعب وان كان من نوع آخر . ففي الاجواء الثائرة على حكم المحكمة العسكرية المخفض على ميشال سماحة بجريمة نقل متفجرات وعبوات من سوريا الى لبنان بامر من السلطة السورية ، ظهر غاضبا مكفهرا على منبر الرابية يعلن حربا شعواء على من لا يريد انتخابه رئيسا طالبا تغيير النظام الذي اقترحه من سنة ليُنتخب الرئيس من الشعب على دورتين الى نظام جديد يعتمد الاستفتاء الشعبي اولا لاختيار المرشحين اللذين يفرضان بعدها على المجلس النيابي لاختيار احدهما رئيسا . معتقدا انه بغضبه ونبرته العالية ينسي اللبنانيين انه يغير النظام البرلماني الديمقراطي المعتمد بنظام آخر يبدله كل اسبوع وفقا لفتاوى ساذجة لفقهاء الساعة الذين استقدمهم الى تكتله من خارج التيار الحر .

بالماضي في الثمانينات كان قائدا للجيش وكان عندما يشعر بفشل الحرب التي كان يخوضها يفتعل حربا جديدة تحدث صوتا وضجيجا لتغطي الحرب التي خسرها ولو كانت نتائجها كسابقتها . فحرب التحرير كانت اسما لحرب وهمية ابتدات باطلاق مئة قذيفة على مراكز سورية محصنة داخل مباني لبنانية وانتهت بعدها بالرد السوري العشوائي بوابل من القذائف الصائبة حتما على المباني في الاحياء الشرقية فدمرت المباني اللبنانية واصيب من اصيب من اللبنانيين في القصفين السوري واللبناني دون ان يصاب سوري باذى .... واعتبرها انتصارا وطنيا ما زال يتغنى بها. هكذا حصل قبلها في صيدا وفي عاليه وفي الجبل والنقاش وهكذا حصل بعدها في حرب الالغاء وآخرها في حرب 13تشرين ..... بالماضى كانت القذائف بامرته لكن اليوم والحمدلله "هايد بارك" الرابية بتصرفه لقذف الكلام فقط والنفس اصبح قصيرا . واذا كان يخوض معركة تعيين الصهر في قياد

Ebola is benefiting from the vacuum they created. The Caporal is serving them well.
Jiddo, the most glaring fact of this picture change shows something spectacular, that all these characters have been bought with cheap cash, just like they bought that other criminal Samaha. One thing distinguishes them all, they all lick Syrian Iranian boots and here I am trying to keep the decorum if you know what I mean, one picture, same boot lickers.
Patriot, I share in your views, many people who before were staunch Aounists have now distanced themselves from this man Aoun. To be referred to as an FPMer or Aouni to them has become difficult to bear, so even though many of them haven't switched yet to other parties, most have definitely turned their backs to the FPM. However I do know of a good number who have crossed carpets to the Kataeb, and good for them too!! Remaining on the topic, if twice before, the Hezbollah-led alliance lost to the M14 alliance, do they stand any better chances now? I say absolutely NOT. They're finished now, the only way now for them is thuggery and that too wont work either.

Phoenix... understandable indeed... to refrain from voting is something, to change sides is a process... all things in due time i suppose, and I hope...
You're right Patriot, just like their Al Assad Syrian masters, they believe that time heals all their wrongs. The whole ploy is to waste time, hoping that something will change, but above all, to prevent a real Lebanese president from blocking their dirty plans. I see time as being against them, this morning again in Syria, the regime and Hezbollah have been pushed back from more fronts leaving only the Qalamoun as their last land corridor open to Lebanon.

But for Hezbollah's support for FPM, no one would give any consideration to these cockamamie, extra-constitutional lunatic proposals that are being floated out of the stale air that exists between the two ears on the head of Michel Aoun. The Constitution requires that the Parliament convene, that it remain in constant session until such time as it produces a President by majority vote.
Aoun and his Aouni who profess to be the only lawful people in the country can at least understand the constitution of their country and follow it without generating all of this methane gas that everyone must pretend is perfume.