Jumblat Discusses with Berri 'Urgent Legislation, Preserving Stability'

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat pledged Sunday to exert efforts to preserve stability in the country in coordination with Speaker Nabih Berri.

"I discussed with Berri the importance of some projects and we will try together, the same as we did in the past, to overcome political obstacles and consolidate stability,” said Jumblat after talks with Berri in Ain al-Tineh.

He was accompanied by Health Minister Wael Abou Faour and ex-minister Ghazi Aridi.

“We will try to hold urgent legislation sessions to pass projects that are vital to all Lebanese regions,” said Jumblat.

“It is important for the parliament to convene and we'll exert utmost efforts to preserve Lebanon although the fire is gutting everything in the region,” the Druze leader added.

Christian parliamentary blocs had recently decided to boycott legislative sessions in protest at the agenda, amid a continued vacuum in the presidency, the country's top Christian post.

Some political forces have argued that it is unconstitutional to hold legislative sessions in the absence of a president.

Hizbullah and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun's Change and Reform bloc have been boycotting sessions aimed at electing a new president due to a disagreement with the March 14 camp over a compromise presidential candidate.


Comments 4
Missing humble 07 June 2015, 22:02

Stability? After Ebola has destroyed National Unity???

Missing humble 07 June 2015, 22:04

Caporal the servant is accomplishing a great work in the destruction of the institutions.

Missing madhatter 07 June 2015, 23:18



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