Hizbullah Congratulates Libya on Overthrowing 'Tyranny'

Hizbullah on Friday congratulated Libyan revolutionaries on the capture and death of Moammar Gadhafi a day earlier on the outskirts of his hometown Sirte.
"Hizbullah congratulates the people of Libya on turning the page on more than four decades of tyrannical rule," read a statement released by the group.
"This people today stands before a historic opportunity ... and must protect its revolution from the greed of powerful nations."
Hizbullah also urged Libya's new leaders to uncover the fate of revered Shiite leader Imam Moussa Sadr, who disappeared in 1978 on a trip to Libya.
Iranian-born Lebanese cleric Sadr, who would be 83 in April, vanished on a trip aimed at negotiating an end to Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war.
Relations between Libya and Lebanon have been at a low point since the cleric's disappearance, which dealt a heavy blow to the Shiite community.
Abdul Moneim al-Honi, a former colonel who took part in the 1969 revolution that brought Gadhafi to power, recently revealed that the Libyan leader had ordered Sadr killed during his visit and that the cleric was buried in the southern region of Sabha.
Lebanon’s foreign ministry will dispatch a delegation tasked with following up the Sadr case to Libya on Sunday, ministry sources told Al-Manar television.

LOL... Yeah right trying to jump on the band wagon and hijack the Libyian people's revolution against their tyrant, the same way they hijacked Lebanon at Gun point. I would worry more about their rat in the sewers and his handlers in Tehran and Damascus if I were them rather than congratulating the Libyan people for setting another presedence for their Tehran and Damscuses criminal masters demise, How Hypocrytical is that? Especially when their Syrian sponsor was sending Syrian pilots (among other military personnels under different guises who were caught red handed and talked) from his militia to carpet bomb the Libyan people from air!! How Iranian of Hezb Ebola Indeed!!? The end of the Iranian game is very near indeed...!!!

We are waiting for the Tryanny of Assad and Hezbolla to fall next!! Long live Arab spring.
Will Hezbollah congratulate the people of Syria who will be next in victory over tyranny???? why don't you mention that the transitional gov't in Libya has recognized the new trasitional govt in Syria? The Hezz have lost all credibility in the region.

What about Syrian and Iran and you Hizballa...You all are tyrants.

Shameful to have hypocrites like hzballah in lebanon. They are so secterian. Look at how they support invasions of countries with Muslim leaders (lybia and iraq) yet are against it when it comes to countries with shiite leaders (Syria, Iran). They support the uprising against Muslim (by name only) leaders but not against shiite leaders. Despite how all those tyrants are evil and were supported and used by western leaders at one point or the other. Freedom for Syria, Freedom for Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, Jordan, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Algeria and for all who have dictators. Hezballah and mustaqbal are hypocrites. So is the rest of our political parties. Shame.

Hypocrites. Go follow your Irani sadr hidden imam to hell. Fun facts about the sadr family, they are originally iranian and have spread their filth not only in iran but in lebanon and iraq too where they were sent by the iranian regime to settle and set up militias. Ever heard of the sadr militia in iraq? That was set up by the close relatives of the same moussa sadr that the shia are going crazy for in lebanon.

they forgot to congratulate the NATO for helping libya! strange isn t it?
funny they don t say that the evil west has helped the libyan people and to label them as being part of an americano sionist plot....
why don t they also encourage the syrian people for trying to overthrow decades of tyrannical rules? ah double standards!....

Which means Hizbullah congratulates NATO!! lol hahahah HYPOCRITES!@!..just like hizbulah in secret congratulates BUSH for getting them rid of Saddam hussein.. where is HABAL AMEL and all those fools who keep telling us "zionist" this zionist that.. HABAL AMEL do you know that your iran took weapons from ISRAEL to fight iraq??!? of course you dont cause you are an AHBAL