Report: Aoun's Street Action to Launch after Cabinet's Session Thursday

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The street protests pledged by Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun will kick off “immediately” after Thursday's cabinet session, reported the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat on Sunday.

Leading sources from the movement told the daily: “We have not yet set the final date and time of the first popular protest.”

“We are seeking wide participation however,” they added.

“We are not concerned whether our allies join us or not,” they stressed.

“The battle we are waging is one for our existence and we will not back down from it,” the sources declared.

“From now on, we will deal with some of our allies according to the files being proposed,” they explained.

“We may be allies while tackling one issue and foes while dealing with another,” they clarified.

Aoun revealed plans to hold demonstrations in several districts and his son-in-law Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil vowed to take “partnership by force.”

“The Christians of the Orient are being eliminated by the sword and they want to eliminate us politically,” Aoun told his supporters in Rabieh on Saturday.

“This is why we started preparing for popular movements and demonstrations in the districts of Mount Lebanon, Baabda and Koura,” he said as the delegation from south Lebanon cheered.

Aoun, who heads the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc, has been recently hinting that his movement is preparing for protests to what he calls attempts by his rivals to end the role of Christians in Lebanon.

“We Christians are facing an existential threat because the foxes of Lebanese politics are usurping all the rights and posts of Christians,” he added.

Comments 8
Thumb janoubi 05 July 2015, 08:50

a destructive and bitter man.

Thumb mouallek 05 July 2015, 11:52

Malheur et désespoir ! Enfer et damnation !
Et pour finir, enfin, arrive l’humiliation ?
Je t’avais tout donné, croyant à tes promesses,
Je reçois en retour le fruit de ta bassesse.
Hassan, tu m’abandonnes, je n’ai plus ton soutien !
Je me retrouve tout seul, isolé et sans liens !
J’avais bien apporté ma caution sans limite
à ton gouvernement et au pouvoir chiite !
Qu’arrivera-t-il donc au virulent Bacille ?
Partis… l’opulence et les rêves imbéciles !
Que dirai je à mes filles, à mes petits enfants ?
Moi… ! Moi qui me voyais Président Triomphant !
Adieu Pétrole, Gaz et Électricité,
Commissions, Ristournes et Illicéités.

Thumb mouallek 05 July 2015, 11:52

Mes partisans me quittent et leurs consorts m’évitent,
Jamais déchéance n’est survenue si vite.
Et la sénilité qui me prend de vitesse,
Pèse sur mes épaules, augmente ma détresse,
Rend insupportable le fait de paraître,
Accablé que je suis par un si lourd mal-être.
Mieux vaudrait me cacher à l’abri d’un linceul,
Qu’avoir à assumer la déroute tout seul ?

Missing humble 05 July 2015, 12:47

Very few Christians will come, but Ebola supporters will come. Journalists will ask them : are you Christians? If they answer yes, they will ask them to recite the Credo...

Thumb canadianpaul 05 July 2015, 14:58

Im-Bassil: سندافع عن موقع الرئاسة ولن نسمح لأي كان أن يمد يده عليها ونحن مجلس الوزراء ولن نقبل أن يمسه أحد

Default-user-icon E. Juan Rahbani (Guest) 05 July 2015, 16:26

Ridiculous picture, who does he think he is Fayrouz!

Thumb beiruti 05 July 2015, 19:40

While the Christians of the Orient are being eliminated by the sword in the region, they are being eliminated and marginalized in Lebanon, the only country with a national consensus on a Christian Presidency, by self imposed paralysis by one family who seeks to monopolize the national consensus on a Christian presidency to an Aoun Presidency. If the national consensus for the expression of Christian political power in Lebanon fades away, it will not be by the sword, but by unfettered Aounism - it's corruption, greed, nepotism, arrogance and exclusiveism.

Default-user-icon PEACE (Guest) 07 July 2015, 00:45

Crimes against humanity,
In the black page of HISTORY many are mentioned but for the little general there will be pages describing his humiliating actions and lies.
The only smart action is your alliance with the devil.
Behind every crazy idea of yours there is the threat of using the illegal HA.
Shame shame on you mr "me or no one before I die";