Geagea: Sad to Celebrate Army Day without President


Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea hailed the Lebanese Army saying it is the only “legitimate institution to ward off any imminent danger,” and expressed sadness that the day is marked in the absence of a president.

Marking the 70th anniversary of the military institution, Geagea extended his well wishes to the Army Commander Jean Qahwaji.

He hailed the army's efforts to preserve Lebanon's stability in light of the current situation in the country “they are the heroes who protect the people and land,” he said in a statement on Saturday.

He concluded stressing the necessity to “elect a head of state as soon as possible. It is a pity that the 70th army anniversary is celebrated in the absence of a president to graduate a new batch of soldiers.”

He called on the Lebanese to unite behind the military institution in light of the institutional vacuum and the paralysis that Lebanon is witnessing.

Lebanon has been living without a president since the term of President Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014.

The 70th anniversary of the Lebanese army's founding comes a year after the attack of terrorists on military bases in the northeastern border town of Arsal.

Al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front and Islamic State group extremists overran the town in August last year and engaged in heavy gunbattles with the military.

They also took with them hostages from the army and police and later executed four of them.

Comments 14
Missing phillipo 01 August 2015, 12:51

On the other hand how much money has the Lebanese economy saved in not having to pay salaries to a President and his staff.

Thumb -phoenix1 01 August 2015, 15:26

Phil, whereas it pertains to a good president like Suleiman, not much, but in the case of greedy sobs like Lahoud and Hrawi before him, a lot of wasted money.

Thumb ado.australia 01 August 2015, 19:32

-phoenix1... Good or not, the seat of the President of the Republic is invaluable regarding the wages the President receives! The symbol and seat is Priceless for the Republic of Lebanon.... Especially when the Israeli Phillipo is "concerned"!

Thumb -phoenix1 02 August 2015, 15:41

Ado, Phil is entitled to his views, now whereas it pertains to the presidency, the only one worth his salary in post war Lebanon was Michel Suleiman, a man worth his weight in gold. The 2 who preceded him, Hrawi and Lahoud were a sheer waste of our time and resources.

Missing helicopter 01 August 2015, 23:34

May your wish bear fruit in Israel.

Thumb justin 01 August 2015, 14:30

نعى حزب الله اللبناني، أمس الجمعة، مقتل 5 من أفراده أثناء المعارك الدائرة في مدينة الزبداني، ليرتفع عدد قتلى الميليشيات إلى 18 قتيلا في ثلاثة أيام فقط.

Thumb justin 01 August 2015, 14:37

نعى الحزب، يوم أمس الجمعة، مقتل 5 من أفراده، أثناء المعارك الدائرة في المدينة، وهم "حمزة قاسم المقداد" من بلدة مقنة، و"عباس شرف الدين الموسوي" من بلدة النبي شيث، و"طارق علي موسى" من بلدة عربصاليم، و"محمد صادق مصطفى قانصوه" من بلدة الدوير، و"عباس حسين نور الدين" من بلدة مركبا، ليرتفع عدد قتلى الميليشيات إلى 18 قتيلا في ثلاثة أيام فقط.

Missing humble 01 August 2015, 17:34

The enemies of Lebanon (in addition to the takfiris, terrorists and Israel) are:
1 - Syria
2 - Iran
3 - Ebola
4 - Caporal
5 - Any Lebanese supporting Ebola
6 - Any Christian supporting Caporal.
7 - Any Lebanese whose ideology is sold to the outside

Missing humble 01 August 2015, 17:38

8 - Any Lebanese who denies this statement.

Thumb ado.australia 01 August 2015, 19:35

Humble... Any christian that supports Aoun is the enemy of Lebanon? That is what is wrong with Lebanese politics!

Missing humble 01 August 2015, 20:23

Of course. How do you call someone who collaborates with a traitor???

Missing humble 01 August 2015, 20:25

How did you call president PETAIN who collaborated with Hitler? When France was liberated they got rid of 200 000 collaborators...

Thumb -phoenix1 02 August 2015, 15:39

Ado, let me help: Anyone who supports Aoun has been either misled, and if not has no real interest in seeing a stable, free, and independent Lebanon. Please come over to Lebanon, invariably near your hose there will be a pile of uncollected trash, if you wish to ignore Aoun's negative role in causing most of problems with the backing of Hassan Nasrallah, then wait till you can stay no longer in Lebanon. Aoun has a dirty past, a dirty present and you wish to give him the benefit of the doubt over our future over his leadership?? Please do give us a break from this traitor.

Missing humble 01 August 2015, 17:46

Tric Trac

I am for a Federation and even for a PARTITION, since Ebola has destroyed National Unity and Coexistence...