Swedish-Lebanese Arrested in Israel for Ties with Hizbullah


Israel has arrested a Swedish man of Lebanese origin and charged him with being an agent of Hizbullah, Israeli authorities said on Sunday.

Hassan Khalil Hizran, 55, was detained on July 21 but his arrest was kept under wraps until now.

He is accused of being recruited to enlist Israelis with access to soldiers, members of the security services and government officials, the Shin Bet domestic security agency said in a statement.

He is also accused of having been tasked with providing information on troop movements, arms and military bases, and security procedures at Ben Gurion international airport in Tel Aviv, it said.

Hizran was said to have been recruited by Hizbullah during a trip to Lebanon to visit family in 2009.

He is accused of receiving $2,300 in 2009 and $800 in 2011 from the Lebanese group.

The Jerusalem Post newspaper meanwhile reported that Hizran was arrested at the Ben Gurion airport on July 21.

Hizbullah fought a deadly month-long war with Israel in the summer of 2006 which killed more than 1,200 people in Lebanon, mostly civilians, and some 160 Israelis, most of them soldiers.

Comments 11
Thumb EagleDawn 09 August 2015, 13:00

execute him

Thumb Mystic 09 August 2015, 16:21

More and more accusations appears.
Zionists and the Gulf states seems to be paranoid, they see Hezbollah members everywhere.

Thumb Mystic 09 August 2015, 16:42

Don't be too happy kids, the Ansarullah went to Aden to capture Hadi, he was nowhere to be found because the coward hides in Riyadh.

Now let's see the Saudis painful road to Sanaa, the moment we all waited for happend.
Yemen is not going to be easy for them to hold and control, it's like the Vietnam war for the U.S, they seek to support the South against the North and what happen to the U.S in the end?

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 09 August 2015, 16:47

mystic, is that a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist family in your avatar?

Thumb Mystic 09 August 2015, 17:12

Did the Israeli blockade of Gaza people prevent them from being supported by Iran?
Vietnamnese people during that war won because of their steadfastness and their Guerilla tactics, not because of their superior firepower, which they did not have.
Ansarullah is the same way as that, and as the Resistance in 2006. A combat effective force, that is ready to fight in their areas and continue to shell Saudi border areas and stage any attacks wherever they please.
Saudis did this reluctant attack on Yemen, because they do not wish to see it lost to them, but they already lost it since Hadi was ousted.
The Saudis are now in quicksand, the more the Wahabis tries to wrestle themselves out of it, the more they will sink in.

Thumb ex-fpm 09 August 2015, 17:17

for heavens' sake... stop being an ignorant person. Do you forget that your sectarian huthis are a minority in Yemen and represent less than 20% of the population. They are hated and loathed in Yemen. You spew your propaganda the majority Sunni population supports your huthis just like you spew the majority sunni population in Syria supports Assad.

Thumb justin 09 August 2015, 17:29

قتل العنصر في “حزب الله” زين العابدين أحمد أحمد من بلدة حزرتا قضاء زحلة، وذلك في المعارك الدائرة في الزبداني السورية، علماً بأن شقيقه عباس كان قد قتل أيضاً في سوريا.

Thumb -phoenix1 09 August 2015, 16:10

Southern, I guess now he has the right to call you an Iranian troll, no?

Thumb Mystic 09 August 2015, 16:19

I believe it is completely right to call you a zionist aswell phoenix.

Thumb ansarullah 09 August 2015, 16:37

ansarullah are men of god and soldiers of marja3 khamanei. They are tactically withdrawing from the south of yemen for a final and decisive assault on Mecca and Madina.

Thumb -phoenix1 10 August 2015, 16:23

Mystic, you don't worry me one bit, you are like one of those juke boxes found in Al Dahieh, ain't got yourself much o a variety of music, one of your vinyl disc tunes is this one just as you called me, Phoenix = Zionist. If my love of Lebanon, if my desire to keep your paws well away from your Syrian and Iranian hegemonic designs getting me your remarks as this one, so be it, let me be the biggest Zionist on earth. Will it change anything ya Mystic, not really, during the civil war of Lebanon, I was being called by your side, "Kaferr, In3izaly", and even worse, your people shouted this" Allahul Akbar, al mawt ilal koufarr, al mawt ilal in3izaliyoun". Did it make any difference? Hell no, I stuck to my guns and fought you for 19 years, till your Clown Aoun was given the orders to down the True Lebanese Resistance, the LF. Did you ever hear this phrase, "Fa nabqa"?. Your food for thought.