Jumblat: Metn and Chouf Areas Need to Know where to Dispose of Wastes


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed on Sunday that the Minister of Environment is not to blame for the waste management crisis and that those who put the letter of conditions are accountable.

“The areas of Metn, Aley and Chouf need to know where they should throw the trash. Those who put the letter of conditions are to blame. It is not the fault of the Environment Minister,” said Jumblat in statement addressing people of Shahhar.

A waste-management crisis erupted when the Naameh landfill, which since 1997 had been receiving the trash of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, was closed on July 17.

Following its closure, waste began to pile up on the streets despite a temporary solution to collect it.

“Any company that meets the conditions of the waste management bids needs no less than 16 months to start removing the waste from the streets of Beirut,” added Jumblat.

On Friday, three private companies submitted bids to manage Beirut's waste without declaring a disposing ground as a substitute for Naameh.

Despite the good signals that a solution to the trash crisis may be looming, but the lack of finding a disposing ground poses a major risk and heralds a long way ahead for a radical solution, as municipalities dump wastes in populated areas, valleys and forests.

Comments 2
Missing humble 09 August 2015, 15:08

In Rabiyeh...

Thumb -phoenix1 10 August 2015, 14:09

We may be joking about the trash crisis for now, but trust me, when the winter rains come, this is when we shall know of the serious implications of our unattended trash. There are many illnesses and health hazards connected with trash and rains, if God forbids a million times a propagation of a virus starts, then will be the time when we shall know of our political laxism over this crisis. This crisis is like no other crisis, either we deal with it now, or we will regret it forever.