Aoun Says He's among 'Winners of Mideast War', Calls for Wednesday Demos

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun noted Tuesday that he belongs to the axis “that has won the war in the Middle East,” as he called for demos on Wednesday to protest perceived marginalization of Christians in state institutions.

Aoun's remarks came several days after Defense Minister Samir Moqbel extended the the terms of the army commander, chief of staff and the head of the Higher Defense Council despite months of objections by the FPM, which rejects the extension of the tenures of high-ranking military and security officials.

“Moqbel's decision to extend the terms of the security chiefs is what would undermine state institutions and the army's morale,” said Aoun on Tuesday.

“The soldiers of the army are like my sons,” former army chief Aoun added in response to ex-PM Fouad Saniora's accusation that he is “undermining the army.”

“My remarks were aimed at reminding of the army's mission. It is the army of the nation, not the army of the political system, and it is unacceptable to put it in the way of a peaceful demo,” Aoun said.

He also warned against “putting the army in the face” of FPM protesters in any coming demonstration.

“We do not fear confrontation and our youths were raised on the values of resistance,” Aoun underlined.

He accused Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji of “deliberately” seeking a clash through “confronting the protesters” during the July 9 demos.

Prior to Qahwaji's term extension, Aoun was reportedly lobbying for political consensus on the appointment of Commando Regiment commander Chamel Roukoz, his son-in-law, as army chief.

However, he clarified his stance on Tuesday.

“I did not say 'I want Chamel Roukoz' and we only 'mentioned him' when we discussed the appointments,” he said.

“We won't remain silent regarding our rights or over the violation of the law and the Constitution,” Aoun vowed.

He noted that the FPM has “introduced the principle of accountability to the political system,” lamenting that “corruption is spreading like cancer in all institutions.”

“There is a campaign to push the Lebanese to despair and the issue is not personal, but rather the cause of all Lebanese,” Aoun went on to say.

“You are all asked to demonstrate tomorrow,” he added.

Reminiscing the 2004 era, Aoun noted that it was not ex-PM Rafik Hariri's assassination that “liberated Lebanon.”

“I worked for independence in 2004 in coordination with world powers and I made a speech in Paris and called on the Lebanese parties to meet outside the country to discuss the issue of the Syrian forces' withdrawal from Lebanon,” he said.


  • 11 August 2015, 17:35

    Aoun: You are all asked to demonstrate tomorrow.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:33

    Aoun: There is a campaign to push the Lebanese to despair and the issue is not personal, but rather the cause of all Lebanese.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:30

    Aoun: Corruption is spreading like cancer in all institutions.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:29

    Aoun: We have introduced the principle of accountability to the political system.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:20

    Aoun: It was not Hariri's assassination that liberated Lebanon ... I worked for independence in 2004 in coordination with world powers and I made a speech in Paris and called on the Lebanese to meet outside the country to discuss the issue of the Syrian forces' withdrawal from Lebanon.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:17

    Aoun: We won't remain silent regarding our rights or over the violation of the law and the Constitution.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:13

    Aoun: Why don't we have an electoral law? Our main choice was an electoral law based on proportional representation.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:11

    Aoun: I did not say "I want Chamel Roukoz" and we only "mentioned him" when we discussed the appointments.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:10

    Aoun: We reached this stage due to the manipulation of the Constitution and the laws.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:09

    Aoun: We do not fear confrontation and our youths were raised on the values of resistance.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:08

    Aoun: The army commander deliberately sought a clash through confronting the protesters.

  • 11 August 2015, 17:07

    Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun after weekly meeting of Change and Reform bloc: The soldiers of the army are like my sons.

Comments 24
Thumb Mystic 11 August 2015, 17:21

Gen. Aoun are amongst the few realistic Christian leaders left, he is the only one that tries to warn everyone about the danger on our borders, while Geagea and Gemayel just tries to assure everyone by saying it is so far away.

They think Lebanon is an isolated island, where nobody can enter. Wrong!

Thumb Mystic 11 August 2015, 17:28

The takfiris you support against Assad, are the same ones that seeks to destroy and consume Lebanon.

Does the Resistance ruin the lives of people here? If they did, then you March 14 wouldn't be alive to whine about them all day.

ISIS on the other hand aren't so tolerate, they would behead you just if you speak to your wives on the street.

Thumb Mystic 11 August 2015, 17:31

You underestimate ISIS then, they are a highly organized group and they are not afraid to go into Lebanon and take over, but the only thing holding them back from that, is the Resistance.

I respect Gen. Aoun for his realism on that, because he knows it is true. While the false christian Geagea/Gemayel etc. takes dollars and turn their blind eyes to real dangerous events.

Thumb Mystic 11 August 2015, 18:01

It is people like you, that threatens the Lebanese people by turning blind eyes to real threats - Israel and takfiris.

You would gladly open the borders to ISIS, if they promised you to get rid of Hezbollah right? Now that is the reason why I truly cannot stand your kind.

Missing mohammad_ca 12 August 2015, 00:39

Mystic even if we go with the lie that your vilayet e faqih sheep are in Syria to protect Christians...the Christians have already said they want no one's protection but the army's. Stop undermining the Lebanese army by supporting a militia that is not elected nor held responsible for its action in front of the public.

Thumb ex-fpm 11 August 2015, 17:29

Aoun: I did not say "I want Chamel Roukoz" and we only "mentioned him" when we discussed the appointments.

الان عون: الجنرال يصر على روكز لقيادة الجيشالان-عون-الجنرال-يصر-على-روكز-لقيادة-الجيش

Thumb ex-fpm 11 August 2015, 18:44

عون: يريدون فرض انتخابات رئاسة قبل انتخابات نيابية فهل يجوز ذلك؟ النيابة فرغت قبل الرئاسة ولم يريدون تخطي ذلك؟

Bkirki Officials Say No Christian Rights Before Election of President

Thumb ex-fpm 11 August 2015, 18:46

A few weeks ago:
عون: إذا طلبتم مني ان أصف الرئيس الحيادي قد أكون انا الرئيس الحيادي.

today aoun says " I belongs to the axis “that has won the war in the Middle East,”

Thumb ex-fpm 11 August 2015, 18:57

DNA 10/08/2015: عون يقصف الجيش

Thumb -phoenix1 11 August 2015, 23:30

Aoun is lying as usual.

Missing humble 11 August 2015, 19:50

Long live Norma,Jean

Thumb _mowaten_ 12 August 2015, 15:00

"young beautiful and educated Lebanese woman"
I would bet anything that each and every word besides "and" in this sentence is a lie.

Default-user-icon darwr101 (Guest) 11 August 2015, 20:24

This is getting worse...Aoun needs a pacifier.

Thumb mouallek 11 August 2015, 20:46

Quel con!

Default-user-icon Ze-gabster (Guest) 11 August 2015, 21:06

Mystic , why not defend your own pathetic leader Sayid Hassan who rendered Lebanese women widows and orphans in order to defend a butcher ?

Missing 11 August 2015, 21:10

My 4 years twin boys make the same proclamations as to being winners.

Thumb Mystic 11 August 2015, 21:16

What is even more hilarious, are you guys vouching for the so called "Syrian Rebels" whom all consists of foreign fighters from all corners of the world and they are mainly AL Qaeda and ISIS.

Many chechens amongst the takfiris in Syria, and you all seem to be pushing to the edge for the succesful victory of Nusra and ISIS. seems to have alot of wishful thoughts, just good to see that they are very trusting in their Saudi fathers "strength".

Thumb Mystic 11 August 2015, 21:19

150 billion dollars scares you people so much, Saudis have alot more than that, and that didn't make you win anything neither.

Wahabis might have alot of canon fodder, and lots of dollars to find new meat.
But they do not have the expertise and the knowledge as Iran.

Thumb Mystic 11 August 2015, 21:20

If it stood to you people, you would've let ISIS and Nusra front sit on the Lebanese beaches and plant a black flag on the Baabda palace.
Not going to happen. The Resistance does not sit idle by, whilst we have takfiris next door trying to mass themselves inside Lebanon.

Thumb Mystic 11 August 2015, 21:22

That's not how it works, groups of people in Syria and Iraq embraced ISIS. So let them live under their rule as they love them so much you know.

Thumb falanges 12 August 2015, 00:23

simple. he's not Lebanese.

Default-user-icon PEACE (Guest) 12 August 2015, 01:20

To Aoun few supporters,
Be realistic with your banners. Here I suggest only few samples:
-: " we are here for the interest of Aoun's Family only",
-"most of us are HA thugs following our leader's instruction",
-"We fight Batrack",
- "long live Iran"
- "we cover Aoun family's STEALING "
- "As supporters of Aoun we are Blind Deaf and Speechless"

Thumb beiruti 12 August 2015, 02:46

If Lebanon were a REAL DEMOCRACY it's Parliamenr would meet.

Thumb liberty 12 August 2015, 06:30

Ashraf Ness
نبأ سقوط احد عناصر "حزب الله" في سوريا... يؤدي الى جرح 11 سورياً في عيترون
وقع منتصف ليل امس اشكال في بلدة #عيترون ادى الى جرح 11 سورياً. وفي التفاصيل، قال مصدر امني لـ"النهار" انه "فور شيوع نبأ سقوط احد مقاتلي "#حزب_الله" حسن حسين عواضة في احداث سوريا وهو ابن البلدة غضب ابناء بلدته وصبوا جام غضبهم على عدد من السوريين اللاجئين فيها وحصل بينهما عراك انتهى بوقوع 11 جريحا بين اصابات طفيفة ومتوسطة، نقلوا جميعا
الى مستشفى الشهيد صلاح غندور في بنت جبيل للمعالجة". ثم حضرت قوة من #قوى_الامن الداخلي وفتحت تحقيقاً في الحادث.نبأ-سقوط-احد-عناصر-حزب-الله-في-سوريا-يؤدي-الى-جرح-11-سوريا-في-عيترون