Mustaqbal Lauds Moqbel's 'Wise Decision', Slams Aoun's 'Threats'


Al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc on Tuesday lauded a decision by Defense Minister Samir Moqbel to extend the terms of top military chiefs, as it slammed what it called “threats” and “shameful remarks” by Free Patriotic Movement chief Michel Aoun against the military institution.

“The bloc applauds the wise decision that was taken by the defense minister to delay the retirement of the army commander, the chief of staff and the secretary general of the Higher Defense Council, after the cabinet failed to approve the needed appointments in its latest session,” said Mustaqbal in a statement issued after its weekly meeting.

It noted that the move occurred amid “a forced and continued presidential vacuum.”

“The decision took into consideration the importance of avoiding vacuum in the security institutions amid these critical and dangerous circumstances that Lebanon and the region are going through,” Mustaqbal added.

“In this regard, the bloc condemns the shameful and rejected threats and remarks that were voiced by General Michel Aoun, a former army chief, against the army commander and the military institution,” it said.

The bloc also charged that Hizbullah is relying on Aoun's “behavior against the state and its security and military institutions” to “continue to usurp the state through its illegitimate weapons and threaten stability and security.”

Turning to the street protests that Aoun has called for, Mustaqbal noted that “democratic expression is a right for everyone as long as it respects the law and the Constitution.”

“The threat to resort to street action to protest governmental resolutions must not reach the extent of stirring chaos, especially that the country is going through critical political, security, economic and social situations,” it warned, urging Aoun to “shun irresponsible behavior amid these circumstances.”

Earlier in the day, Aoun called for demos on Wednesday to protest perceived marginalization of Christians in state institutions, as he accused Qahwaji of ordering violence against FPM demonstrators during the protests that the movement organized on July 9.

His remarks came several days after Moqbel extended the the terms of Qahwaji and other senior officers, despite months of objections by the FPM.

Prior to Qahwaji's term extension, Aoun was reportedly lobbying for political consensus on the appointment of Commando Regiment commander Chamel Roukoz, his son-in-law, as army chief.


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