Wahhab's Bodyguards Scuffle with General Security at al-Arida


A scuffle erupted Tuesday between bodyguards of Arab Tawhid Party chief ex-minister Wiam Wahhab and Lebanese General Security agents at the al-Arida border crossing between Lebanon and Syria, state-run National News Agency reported.

“As Wahhab's convoy was entering Lebanon from Syria through the al-Arida border crossing, a dispute and a scuffle broke out between the guards who were in his convoy and members of the General Security,” NNA said.

It added that the convoy continued its journey after the border post's chief “intervened and resolved the dispute.”

Meanwhile, Wahhab's Arab Tawhid Party issued a statement downplaying the incident as a “personal misunderstanding between a General Security agent and a car that was leading the convoy.”

“The guards who were in the car made their identity clear to the General Security member but he insisted on searching the car, which sparked a minor clash that was addressed on the spot,” it said.

The party noted that the officer in charge and the other agents behaved in a “courteous manner.”

“General Security members at all border crossings act in line with what their duty obliges them to do and according to the instructions of General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim, whom we admire, appreciate and respect,” it added.


Comments 8
Thumb freedomarch 11 August 2015, 23:09

“The guards who were in the car made their identity clear to the General Security member but he insisted on searching the car, which sparked a minor clash that was addressed on the spot,” it said." Search what search above and beyond the LAW.

Thumb -phoenix1 11 August 2015, 23:16

Here we are with the M8 thug wanting to be above the law.

Thumb -phoenix1 12 August 2015, 18:24

The ISF have also changed Wahab's hairstyle too!!

Missing humble 12 August 2015, 01:37

Yes...another filthy agent to the Butcher and traitor to Lebanon...

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 12 August 2015, 03:14

@shiakiller, the security forces only arrest Christians and M14 supporters, M8 is above the law.

Thumb liberty 12 August 2015, 06:24

worthless piece of... just like the rest of the patriotic thugs.

Thumb liberty 12 August 2015, 06:29

Ashraf Ness
نبأ سقوط احد عناصر "حزب الله" في سوريا... يؤدي الى جرح 11 سورياً في عيترون
وقع منتصف ليل امس اشكال في بلدة #عيترون ادى الى جرح 11 سورياً. وفي التفاصيل، قال مصدر امني لـ"النهار" انه "فور شيوع نبأ سقوط احد مقاتلي "#حزب_الله" حسن حسين عواضة في احداث سوريا وهو ابن البلدة غضب ابناء بلدته وصبوا جام غضبهم على عدد من السوريين اللاجئين فيها وحصل بينهما عراك انتهى بوقوع 11 جريحا بين اصابات طفيفة ومتوسطة، نقلوا جميعا
الى مستشفى الشهيد صلاح غندور في بنت جبيل للمعالجة". ثم حضرت قوة من #قوى_الامن الداخلي وفتحت تحقيقاً في الحادث.


Thumb kataebi1965 12 August 2015, 11:49

filthy syrian pimp