Loyalty to Resistance Urges Mustaqbal to Stop 'Evading' Dialogue with FPM

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Hizbullah's Loyalty to the Resistance bloc voiced on Thursday its support for efforts that seek to protect the government, while renewing its accusation against the Mustaqbal Movement of standing behind the country's ongoing political deadlock.

It said after its weekly meeting: “We urge the Mustaqbal party to cease evading holding dialogue with Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Michel Aoun.”

It declared that the Mustaqbal Movement's stance is delaying resolving pending political disputes and creating new problems in Lebanon, such as the waste disposal crisis and the dispute over the wages of public sector employees.

“The deliberate isolation directed against the FPM by rival parties will backfire against them,” stressed the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc in a statement read by MP Hassan Fadlallah.

Moreover, the bloc stated: “Respecting the National Pact and constitution is key to resolving the political deadlock in Lebanon.”

The bloc also hailed the arrest of cleric Ahmed al-Asir on Saturday, hoping that justice would take its course in the case and that his accomplices will be detained.

The Salafist cleric was apprehended at Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport as he attempted to escape to Nigeria via Egypt.

The firebrand anti-Hizbullah figure is wanted, among other charges, for his involvement in clashes between his supporters and the army in the southern city of Sidon's Abra region in 2013.


Comments 14
Thumb ex-fpm 20 August 2015, 17:39

Loyalty to Resistance Urges Mustaqbal to Stop 'Evading' Dialogue with FPM
but Loyalty to Khomeini forgets to tell us why it is evading dialogue with the Lebanese Forces.

Thumb Mystic 20 August 2015, 20:07

Mostaqbal wont listen to anybody, they only want their own demands to be fulfilled.

Thumb freedomarch 20 August 2015, 20:18

So true, we will ask government to give us the suspects of Hariri and his friends murder. Ask government to stop Hizbolah armed militias where ever they are, no legitimate Lebanese role to play.

Thumb Mystic 20 August 2015, 22:59

Then why do you expect the rest of us to pay attention to your needs?

Thumb freedomarch 21 August 2015, 16:45

To Mystic "Needs" down, I have no needs, I am ok as long as Justice is served, I know that way too much for your likes to grasp, concept that you don't believe in. Ignore and ask people not to talk about or take seriously , serving justice too hard 4 u ...

Thumb canadianpaul 20 August 2015, 17:44

LOL. Who wants to talk with Aoun? You don't talk with village idiots; you talk TO them. They are usually there to amuse you, something that Aoun has been doing a splendid job with.

Missing humble 20 August 2015, 18:19

Clearly the Caporal is a dog to Ebola. This is why Ebola wants to send people to talk with their Khadim.
I pity the Christians.

Thumb justin 20 August 2015, 17:55

“Respecting the National Pact and constitution is key to resolving the political deadlock in Lebanon.”

ironic indeed coming from the terrorist party that has obstructed every thing that the national pact and the constitution stand for.

Missing humble 20 August 2015, 18:25

They have destroyed the institutions and the National Unity...now they want to destroy the National Pact to replace it by Mutelateh.
Everything happening is programmed to reach this goal.

Missing humble 20 August 2015, 18:44

FACT : Now that Ebola has destroyed National Unity, more than half of the Lebanese people despise them....

Missing humble 20 August 2015, 18:21

Show me where are the intellectuals in Ebola or FPM?
There are none.

Missing humble 20 August 2015, 18:44

Thanks to Ebola, Lebanon is now behind Eritrea.

Thumb -phoenix1 20 August 2015, 19:08

I urge the Loyalty to Resistance to stfu, you bunch of dirty hypocrites or better known as Hezbucrites.

Thumb habib 21 August 2015, 07:37

Bla bla bla nifaaaaaaaaaaaaq