Jumblat Voices Support for Salam, Warns against Political Exploitation of Protests


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Sunday threw his support behind Prime Minister Tammam Salam, after civil society demonstrators called for the premier's resignation in protest at the excessive force that was used against them on Saturday.

“We reiterate our full support for PM Tammam Salam, who showed once again in his press conference his level of wisdom, vision, patience and responsibility – characteristics that we are in dire need for amid these critical circumstances in Lebanon and the region,” said Jumblat in his weekly editorial in the PSP's al-Anbaa newspaper.

Calling for a “productive” cabinet session as soon as possible, the PSP leader said citizens' “legitimate demands” cannot be addressed through “usurping the popular protests and diverting them from their real objectives.”

Moreover, Jumblat warned that some political forces are trying to take advantage of the civil society demonstrations, cautioning that there are attempts to “expand the paralysis and obstruction and undermine the pillars of the system and stability.”

The PSP leader also reiterated his call for prosecuting the security officials and personnel who opened fire during Saturday's demonstration in downtown Beirut.

Earlier on Sunday, Salam said he was ready to meet with protesters, admitting that "excessive force" had been used against demonstrators.

Protesters headed back to central Beirut on Sunday morning, joining those who had spent the night there in tents after evening protests spiralled into clashes with security forces that left more than 50 demonstrators injured.

He also pledged to hold accountable those "responsible" for using "excessive force against civil society and against the people."

Protests in recent weeks have called for a comprehensive solution to Lebanon's trash crisis, which has seen piles of waste growing in Beirut and elsewhere since the country's largest landfill shut down on July 17. 

But demands posted online on Sunday by the "You Stink" campaign, which has organized recent protests, called for the government's resignation and parliamentary elections.

The group also called for the prosecution of security forces who had fired on protestors and of Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq.


Comments 8
Default-user-icon Serif Kilic (Guest) 23 August 2015, 16:29

He was criticize the government for while ago??
Why is he giving sport for to same government!!
"Name of exploitation"!!!!!

Default-user-icon speakteezly (Guest) 23 August 2015, 16:39

always on point always ahead of all the exploiters

Missing thatisit 23 August 2015, 20:01

The only political forces that are exploiting this are the Iranian kizballah and the mental retard aoun.

Their underlying objective is simple and clear - no president , no government - and aoun's rhetoric - either me or no one else- is what crippling the political life in Lebanon. He should be tried for treason and spend the rest of his life in Jail ( and I am being nice to him)

Missing imagine_1979 23 August 2015, 20:11

U are maybe right but anyway march 14 guys failed twice since 2005 and made concesions after conscesions, all the governement down if they wanna pass by electing a president before to avoid constitutional void please let them do but anyway doqn with htis governement..
Let it be the start of some sort of accountabilty in lebanon...
Will distribute some chupachups tomorrow :)

Missing imagine_1979 24 August 2015, 00:24

Some orhers said those were amal guys...
Anyway one sure was clear today, it must change, berri, hariri, aoun, hezbos, jumby.... Time to give qualified guys a chance to fix this country, in the meantime they can discuss geopolitics as much as they want.....

Missing coolmec 24 August 2015, 02:20

Excellent comment
Time for the new and educated generation to replace these corrupt warlords

Default-user-icon Fm (Guest) 24 August 2015, 04:52


Missing helicopter 24 August 2015, 07:14

Jumblat Voices Support for Salam, Warns against Political Exploitation of Protests

JUMBFART, there is no political exploitation of protests, but there is (and has been for decades) exploitation of Lebanon by politicians like you.