Hizbullah and Mustaqbal Stress Keenness on 'Freedom of Expression, Dialogue'


Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal movement stressed Monday during their 17th dialogue session their “keenness on freedom of expression and peaceful protest under the law and applicable regulations,” a day after more than 100 people were injured during protests in central Beirut.

“The conferees discussed the domestic developments, the social issues, and the events of the past few days,” the two parties said in a terse statement after the Ain el-Tineh talks.

They voiced their “support for state institutions” as they “protect domestic stability, preserve security and defend public facilities and private property.”

The conferees also emphasized “the priority of dialogue and understanding among all parties to resolve the crises” and “the need for the state to shoulder its responsibilities regarding the issues that are of concern to citizens.”

Lebanese activists vowed earlier on Monday to press ahead with protests over a trash crisis that has become an outlet for deep-rooted, broad-based frustration over political stagnation, corruption, and crumbling infrastructure.

Prime Minister Tammam Salam has meanwhile called an "extraordinary" meeting of the fragmented cabinet for Tuesday morning to discuss the "catastrophic" issue of waste disposal.

Thousands of people massed in central Beirut at the weekend to demand not only an end to the rubbish problem, but also a political overhaul and even the government's resignation.

On both Saturday and Sunday, protests that began peacefully descended into violence, with security forces using tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets against demonstrators.


Comments 2
Thumb liberty 25 August 2015, 06:33

more dialogue and.......

Missing humble 25 August 2015, 09:28

Sitting with liars....