Asiri Says Latest Travel Warning Linked to Recent Developments

Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri has said that the recent travel warning issued for Lebanon came out of Riyadh's keenness on the safety of its citizens.
Asiri told pan-Arab daily al-Hayat published on Thursday that Saudi Arabia fears its citizens could be harmed in the latest events that shook the country.
“The number of Saudis present in Lebanon is currently low due to the end of the school vacation and the return of tourists,” he said.
“As for those currently present in Lebanon, they have enough knowledge of the areas (witnessing) tension and are far from them,” said the diplomat.
They are also in contact with the embassy for security advice when needed, he added.
Asiri's comments to al-Hayat came after the Saudi foreign ministry advised its citizens not to travel to Lebanon given the latest turmoil.
It also urged Saudi nationals present in Lebanon to be cautious.
Several Western and Arab countries have also issued similar travel warnings after mass protests calling for the government's resignation in downtown Beirut turned violent.

I respect Mr. and Mrs. mowaten, Mr. and Mrs. A Templar, Mr. and Mrs. Flamethrower equally and when southern gets married I will also respect him and his Mrs.

Dear Mr. Ali Awadh Asiri
Do you know why I was banned and repeatedly humiliated?
Do you know what is wrong with my argumentation?
Why does mowaten love to use the word 'obviously'?
When will the_roar come visit Lebanon?

Let us hope the Syrian embassador feels jealous of this and also issues travel warning.
Southern, i guess Iran too must emulate the ban, so in this way as some good posters suggested here, if the Syrians go, the Iranians go, the Saudis go, the Palestinians go, then Lebanon will become Lebanese again.