Aoun Denies Settlement over Security Appointments: We Won't Attend Dialogue if Situation Persists

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun denied on Tuesday claims that a settlement was reached over the contentious security appointments file, demanding that the “rights be restored to those concerned in the matter.”

He said after the Change and Reform bloc's weekly meeting: “We will no longer attend the national dialogue sessions if the situation persists.”

“We have never been the type to accept settlements,” he declared.

“We will not accept consolation prizes,” Aoun stressed.

Furthermore, he denied allegations that he had made a proposal over the promotion of security officials, reiterating again his rejection of a settlement in the affair.

As Safir newspaper had reported on Tuesday that the Mustaqbal Movement had approved a proposal for the government to approve military promotions, which is seen as a step forward to resolve the cabinet crisis over the issue.

The daily said that the movement added a condition on the promotions, calling for the appointment of a new director-general and a new command council for the Internal Security Forces.

“If a new army commander is not approved, then there will be no new ISF director-general. Those who made pledges and false promises should realize that,” remarked Aoun.

Ministers representing Aoun have been boycotting cabinet sessions over their insistence to agree on a working mechanism for the government in the absence of a president and the promotion of army officers.

Their boycott has paralyzed the cabinet, adding to the country's woes, which started with the vacuum at Baabda Palace following the end of President Michel Suleiman's six-year tenure in May 2014.

Parliament has also been paralyzed. The last time it met was when MPs extended their own term in November.

The Change and Reform totally rejects the extension of the terms of top military and security officials, calling for the appointment of new figures instead.

It is also backing the promotion of army officers to keep Commando Regiment chief Chamel Roukoz in the military and make him eligible to become army commander because differences among rival parties are hindering new appointments in the absence of a president.

Roukoz is Aoun's son-in-law.

Comments 8
Thumb gma-bs-artist. 29 September 2015, 18:51

Ladies and gentlemen your attention please, General Aoun is about to give a very important and particularly erratically animated speech:

Missing humble 29 September 2015, 20:22

Definitely SICK followers

Missing humble 29 September 2015, 20:34

Go and listen to the interview of General Abu Jamra...

Thumb ex-fpm 29 September 2015, 20:34

رد وزير المال علي حسن خليل على ما جاء على لسان رئيس تكتل “الإصلاح والتغيير” النائب ميشال عون، قائلا: “أفهم جيداً توتر الجنرال عون ورميه الاتهامات بعدما نقل له نواب تكتله اجواء لجنة الاشغال والطاقة اليوم والتي كشفت بالوثائق المشكلة الحقيقية في ملف تلزيم انتاج الكهرباء واصرار وزارة الطاقة ومن لزم فيها على تجاوز الاصول القانونية ومخالفة قرارات هيئات الرقابة”.وفي بيان له، أوضح خليل أنه “استطراداً لما قاله عن صراخ متعهدي وزارة الطاقة، وبما انه تعود على التحديات الخاسرة، اتحداه ان يعلن ما هي الشبهات التي لم يتكلم عنها ليبنى على الامر مقتضاه باعتبار اننا لم نجد في ما قال ما يستحق التعليق اكثر في الاعلان”، لافتاً الى “أننا لسنا كما غيرنا، كنا دوماً وما زلنا نعمل تحت سقف الاصول البرلمانية في الاجابة عن اي استفسار من الزملاء في التكتل الكريم وغيره”.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 29 September 2015, 22:01

ya southern, the Parliament voted to extend its term in May 2013 by 17 months and then in November 2014 for 2 years. In either case the extended parliament gave a vote of confidence to Salam's cabinet.

Thumb freedomarch 29 September 2015, 23:50

I See a finger. I See no body again. Same school.

Default-user-icon Abu Nuss Lsein (Guest) 30 September 2015, 06:59

I told you southern to stop pretending you know something about nothing. Above is yet another example of how you are unable to read, understand, and articulate facts.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 30 September 2015, 14:46

so when an illegitimate parliament (according to you) gives a vote of confidence in a cabinet, that makes the cabinet legitimate?