Hariri Says Lebanon’s Stance at Arab League ‘Shameful’, Doesn’t Express Will of Lebanese
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri said on Saturday that he is ashamed of the Lebanese government position at the Arab League meeting, noting that the decision taken by the Arab foreign ministers will not affect Lebanon’s security.
“I am ashamed as a Lebanese of the government’s position in the Arab league and I ask the Syrian people not to consider this as the will of the Lebanese,” Hariri said on Twitter fielding questions from his supporters.
The Arab League suspended Syria on Saturday until President Bashar Assad implements an Arab deal to end violence against protesters, and called for sanctions and transition talks with the opposition.
Asked if the decision will affect Lebanon’s security, Hariri said “I hope not and anyone trying to hit the stability will be known by all Lebanese and Arabs immediately.”
Hariri said that “We can and we should thank all the Arab countries, especially the Gulf States,” Hoping that Russia rethinks its position on Syria.
He stressed that he “would’ve voted against Syria if he was the PM and if anyone stood in my face I would have resigned. Because Lebanon cannot be on the sideline on this issue.”
Lebanon voted against the decision taken by the Arab foreign ministers on Syria.
Hariri ruled out any near regional war after the pressure on Syria, saying that “they’re saying that to scare the world.”
Concerning Hizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on Friday, the former PM said that he didn’t say anything new.
“Nothing new in his speech, let’s talk about important developments not warmed up dishes from the past.”

El Haribo: neckties won't do any harm. Only Iranian have trouble seeing them.
Besides, the rosy coloured ones do help normal people forget black shirted crows.
El Haribo from what?Is it from any trial?

As a free lebanese, and a democratic citizen of the world, I agree with Hariri's stance.
PS - ElHariros comment lacks any sense, and is plain stupid. Any attire looks better than a mediaval islamist turban.

God Bless you the savior of our Country. Only the one above knows how to take revenge from your father killers and we are witnessing the pay back.
We can't wait until the farm boys are gone and you return to us safe after the killing machine is dissolved.

This is one of the rare days where I feel ashamed of being Lebanese... My government does not represent me nor my values, they feel they can't do much, why didn't they abstain at least. They know that their fate is tied to that of their masters in Damascus, and both fates are doomed

A rather pointless comment, El Hariro. One would have hoped that you would have tried to add something productive to the debate, rather than resorting to middle school epithets. You can, surely, do better.

I do agree with Harriri on this. But could he tell us when his gangs were in power (Saniora etc) how was he acting by putting all his people in positions of power? I thing Harriri is totalitarian in real life but he appears to ignore this.
He's vindictive and naive.
I hope we all could extricate ourselves from Aoun, Harriri, Huzbullah and build a country based on human values not religious values.