Miqati from Tripoli: Our Arab League Stand Stems from Historic Considerations

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati urged on Sunday all political leaderships to cooperate with the repeated calls to resume the contacts, whether through national dialogue or answering the people’s inquiries over the country’s future.

He said: “This government places Lebanon’s interest above all else and it does not seek to take uncalculated risks or exploit the Syrian refugees’ plight.”

He made his statements during a luncheon banquet he threw in President Michel Suleiman’s honor in Tripoli.

Addressing regional developments, he stated: “Lebanon’s position at the Arab League stemmed from historical and geographic considerations that we know our Arab brothers are aware of.”

“We have ignored pressures and set stability and averting strife as our goals,” Miqati continued.

“We have worked on bolstering trust among the Lebanese and we strived to increase governmental work,” the premier stressed.

“We have sought to steer away from political debates and we renew our commitment to the government’s policy statement, which a roadmap for our work,” he added.

“Our hand is still extended to all sides … This government, which has not been judged objectively, has succeeded,” he stressed.

On Saturday, the Arab League suspended Syria until Assad implements an Arab deal to end violence against protesters, and called for sanctions and transition talks with the opposition.

Lebanon however voted against the decision.

18 countries agreed to the decision, while Lebanon, Yemen and Syria voted against it and Iraq abstained.

Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour told al-Manar television, hours after the decision was announced, that the “the resolution taken by the Arab League is dangerous, because it was taken against a member state.”

Syrian refugees have flocked into Lebanon to escape the Syrian regime’s bloody crackdown against anti-regime protests.

The March 14-led opposition has accused the government and security authorities of preventing injured refugees from receiving medical treatment.

It has also accused them of arresting the refugees and handing them over to Syrian authorities.

Comments 11
Default-user-icon Observor (Guest) 13 November 2011, 14:36

...... enjoy..... this is the last time you will be prime minister in "principal".....

Default-user-icon The_People (Guest) 13 November 2011, 16:10

“We have ignored pressures and set stability and averting strife as our goals,”

You and president Sleiman's goal should be to grow a pair.

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (Guest) 13 November 2011, 16:45

Mikati no longer can fool people. His goverment was formed by a crimial regime and a criminal organization and he is effectively a dummy in their hand while Lebanon is slowly being poisoned and will soon lose its democracy, freedom and economic vitality to become a copycat of the oppressive regimes in Tehran and Damascus and a giant dark prison where democracy, liberty and justice never shine.

Default-user-icon kamall (Guest) 13 November 2011, 17:12

...and business considerations..and backstabbing considerations..and no ethics considerations... no wonder why he is nicknamed the LIAR in business circles....he is a great one.

Default-user-icon kamall (Guest) 13 November 2011, 17:12

...and business considerations..and backstabbing considerations..and no ethics considerations... no wonder why he is nicknamed the LIAR in business circles....he is a great one.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 13 November 2011, 18:06

A renegade government backing war criminals and blackmailers ! The countdown has started for Syria, for the Government and for the Hizb mafia!

Missing youssefhaddad 13 November 2011, 19:17

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality” DANTE

Missing youssefhaddad 13 November 2011, 19:19

By the conspiracy of some Lebanese, the gullibility of others and the spilessness of most, Lebanon has returned to being a hostage.
The brave Syrian people will help liberate Lebanon....

Default-user-icon amir (Guest) 13 November 2011, 20:27

You can not sing that song anymore
Your minister of external affairs put Lebanon at same level of another dictator in YEMEN
ONLY LEBANON AND YEMEN objected........embarrassing and shameful

you should have at least Abstained ...turn the blind eye ?????

Default-user-icon HardBoiled (Guest) 13 November 2011, 20:50

I don;t know why but overtime I see PM Mikati I feel like making an omelette.

Thumb shab 14 November 2011, 02:04

His hand is still extended to all sides, even up Bashar's